Five: Training

Broken Link
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“D.O, you’re a bastard!” you growled as you aimed one last punch at the frustrating other.

He laughed aloud obnoxiously before easily dodging the hit.

Filled with fatigue, you panted heavily before falling to your knees in exhaustion.

“Come on, shorty! Is that all you got?” D.O called out mockingly to you with a loud laugh. A laugh that you seriously wanted to punch to silence.

“‘He’s only going to watch over us’ he said,” you muttered under your breath, referring to what Baekhyun had told you earlier.

“Come on, Princess! Aren’t you going to attack?” D.O hooted, obviously having a great time mocking you.

“D.O,” Baekhyun sighed. “You’re supposed to train her, not mock her.”

“Don’t question my methods, Baekhyun~” D.O called out in a sing song voice. “This is the only way I can pro—woah there!”

You had glanced up to see D.O distracted with Baekhyun’s words, so you immediately took the opportunity to strike. Unfortunately, D.O caught on at the last second, and managed to dodge your attack.

“You’ve already gotten better, Haemi,” Baekhyun smiled proudly. “Not only did you attack your opponent when he was weakest – not paying attention, but you didn’t let your anger and annoyance get a hold of you.”

You grinned proudly back at him, and felt your energy burst in tenfolds. You were lucky that Baekhyun was one of the warriors assigned to you.

“Yah, were you trying to distract me on purpose, Baekhyun?!” D.O exclaimed with a pout that you had to admit was pretty cute. “You’re on her side now, are  -- dammit, Haemi!”

You had struck again when he was talking to Baekhyun. “You have to pay attention to your enemy at all times~” you grinned in response as you stuck out your tongue. You had again, narrowly missed, but you were still happy at the fact that with just a single inch more you could have gotten him.

“Alright, alright, you win,” D.O laughed. He called out to the others who were seriously battling. “Let’s take a break you guys! We’ve been working for quite a while.”

You plopped down where you were with exhaustion, and Tao brought you a water bottle.

“Thanks,” you stated gratefully as you nearly chugged the entire bottle down.

Tao grinned at you before speaking in a lower voice. “Attack his left arm, just below the elbow.”

You looked at him with a surprised expression, and he continued on. “When he strikes you, he seems to take a bit more care when using that arm. Earlier on in the practice, he hit the spot accidently when attempting to charge at you, and winced, so there must be an old injury of some sort that is preventing him from his complete power. Strike him there, and when he’s off guard you’ll be able to get the rest of him.”

“Tao, how did you…?” you asked with a confused expression.

“I’m very observant,” he simply grinned in response.

“Tao, I want a water bottle too!” D.O whined childishly.

“Coming!” Tao called back as he went over to grant him his wish.

“D.O, let’s begin again,” you grinned as you climbed to your feet, wanting to hurriedly try out Tao’s method.

“But we just started to rest!” D.O protested.

“You’re tired already?” you asked with a raised eyebrow. “And Soar actually thinks you’re capable of protecting me?”

He narrowed his eyes at you as he climbed to his feet. “Geez, I finally get a newbie as an opponent, but I still don’t get a break!”

“Come on D.O, you first~” you grinned, gesturing for him to come forward. He sighed, and then began charging at you with full speed. You did the same, but instead of attacking him head on, you steered a little to the left of him, and just as you were about to completely pass him, your arm shot out and struck the area that Tao had instructed you to. His movement faltered for just half a second, but that was all you needed to strike him completely down from behind.

His back hit the floor, and you grinned triumphantly as you stood above him.

“Woah, great job Haemi! You brought down our best fighter!” Sehun exclaimed, pausing his own battle to give you a round of applause.

Even Kai stopped momentarily to give you an impressed look.

“Yah, Nam Haemi! How did you know that specific area was injured?” D.O asked with narrowed eyes. “That’s the only place you would have been able to get me.”

“Secret!” you grinned, exchanging amused looks with Tao. “How did you injure your arm anyways, D.O?”

“I broke that part of my bone a few days again when I was training, so the bone was still delicate,” he explained.

You instantly felt a wash of guilt for striking a place that had been so fragile, and quickly apologized.

“There’s no need,” D.O laughed as he ruffled your hair. “You’ve improved a lot, so we’ll call it quits for today. Let’s go back for a late meal, and then we’ll ask Soar what he was going to give us. Besides, a few days from now and you won’t be able to use that attack method any longer.”

“Alright!” you agreed happily as you jogged over to Baekhyun. He smiled down at you and patted you approvingly on the head. “Good job, Haemi.” You smiled proudly up at him, and felt your heart stutter as you did so.

“You’re not too shabby!” Kai called out to Kris with a grin. He had to admit, Kris was a really good fighter – he had come close to nabbing Kai on multiple occasions.

“I wouldn’t think I would be,” Kris replied with a similar smirk.


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Aish, seriously, when is AFF going t get their crap together. I would update anyways, but I'd have 5 chapters missing.


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Will this ever be updated??
Chapter 29: This story is really interesting!!! I like it so far. I hope you update this again soon. (:
Flower- #3
Chapter 29: Wow. So the first of your stories I read was True Beauty and I loved it so much, I even bought the book and read it over and over again.
But because I desperately need other stories, I started to look up the others you wrote. Though I'm occupied with Ultimate Balance (how can you even come up with all these amazing storylines??), I was waiting for a new chapter so I looked through your other stories and thought I'd start with this one.
And can I just stay that I f***ing love you? Seriously, how can you be so awesome, think about all the plots and create amazing stories? I loved Broken Link ever since I read the first chapter! Hanmis personality is freaking cool and it's nice that you gave the guys a different power, cause it really did become overused with Chanyeol = fire etc.
I also love the bickering between the boys or/and Hanmi, how she met others along the journey and you make me squeal everytime when there's a Kaimi or Baekmi moment because really, how can anyone NOT love these guys?
I'm curious about how the story will go on, which obstacles they all will encounter along the way, what other people they'll meet and how this will end.
I know that you're still kinda on a hiatus but I do hope that someday, you'll be able to continue this story and also continue to lead us on the journey through Exoim.
Take care!
lateilovr #5
Chapter 29: true beauty that one i'll nevr forgot and dis super duper good kai's such a cutie...
Chapter 29: Please continue this... I'm begging you... The suspense is killing me!!
bella2211 #8
Chapter 2: please continue the story. . many of us are very interested in your stories
Mai-chan803 #9
Chapter 29: Wow wow wow! I love it! Keep going with the awesomeness! :D