The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows


It's the important things that are always the hardest to say.


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Chapter 1: Aish. Wookie should have just confessed. Kyu too. These two are pabos. *facepalm* I hope this has a sequel :'D
SenpaiJecho #2
Awww wonderful!! *claps* but... You sure you didn't write about my life?? Hahahhaha x33
Wookie pabooooo!!!!! You should have just confessed!!!!! TT.TT *is sad*
I think my heart broke at the end, around the same time their's did. I love how you wrote this, not everything can be a perfect fairytale romance; this is much more real. And the way you wrote it so simply is lovely :]
Hey if you don't mind give this story a sequel oke, coz this story so interesting
Aah is wonderful T.T so cute and sad at the same time I hate friendly relationships they are heartbreaking u.u anyway this is an awesome job :)
Oh poor Wookie :((
I think that Kyu wanted to say 'I love you' but he didn't say it for the same reason as Wookie 'because they are friends'.
I hope that you will make a sequel. :D