Love or Death???



'u-u-ughhhh" i was pushed into a room by the whitecoats, scientists. i spat out a mouthful of blood at them, staining their coats. They came over and slapped me but they didnt realize i had my shield up as soon as they cam in contact with it. They were electricfied and was pretty much useless afterwards.

___________ (you) is one of the girls who is feared by many. ________ is actually very kind at heart but is feared for abnormal powers. Many people in this world are born normal but sometimes during the time being attached to the mother, something has gone wrong and has gained these fearful powers. ______ is now working for SHINee as their bodyguard but she is being followed by the governments all over the world. Apparently they think that they can gain more with _________'s powers. But have they mistaken and brought a deadly weapon apon theirselves.......


____________'s POV

I stared at the praticing target and concentrated .... the target exploded. Yes i am one of those who are feared by most because of my abnormal powers. These people are trained in a special school for these people who have these powers but the truth? .. we are being trained but the people beyond these walls dont know that we being trained for military uses.


" noooooo, i dont want to go please mother, father,...... hyung help me" i yelled to my older brother. He ignores me as if i wasn't there. i stop and let my parents drag me in to the car to drive me to the "special school" which they said cost a fortune and i was a ungrateful . they slapped me acroos the face when i said i didnt want to go adn was beaten and abused everyday because they say that im a monster.. i think they want me out of their house so i dont wake up in the middle of the night and harm their precios son i thought to myself as i looked out the windowed where the rain was slowly falling.


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Schnazzy it caught my eye, but i don't have time to read it right now, but i'll subscribe anyways so then i can find it XD
Great update! Me getting good scores is nothing to be jealous about. Other people are WAAAYYYYY smarter than me. But still, my family is very proud of my acheivements. Getting 90's in school is very good, especially compared to some scores of my classmates -.-' Anyway, keep up the good work!!
@JongKey: damn mother er mad good in school and you manage to keep up with SHINee activites damn wish i was as smart as you... me im not trying very well but passing with 90's and yea i've slacking lke od
Thanks:) Last year the two categories were math and communication arts. I got Advanced on both and earned the highest score anyone can get on the C.A. test. I won two medals this year for the scores I got last year. Oh yeah, my two TerraNova scores were 99, the highest there is :)
@JongKey1221: yur younger, and sounds kinda ish i feel for you good luck on the test scores
WHAT?!?!?!?! No, I'm not in High School. In every school district in Missouri, students take the MAP test. Even Kindergarten children. I've taken it every year. Now, in 7th grade, it'll be a lot harder than I remember.
@JongKey1221: are u in high school already omg!!! im in middle !!! yay
continua!!!!!!!!!!!! ash meu deus<br />
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