If Super Junior were on Facebook


Super Junior dorks amplified. 'nuff said.


Well, actually, I wrote all these down on random pieces of paper while I was holding my part-time job which involved photocopying ginormous stacks of paper. Boring much. Hence, the following are mostly nonsensical pieces of conversation made up by me, revolving around my favourite (and yours too, of course) boys.

its not as if super junior needs facebook to wreck a havoc. LOL. i mean, look at what they are doing on twitter! 

To be honest, I got my idea from http://coolwhip000.tumblr.com/ and the original version was really hilarious, so i hope i am doing a good enough extension of it.

Don't bash me, and comment please!


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Chapter 13: OMG *dies of laughter*
Wait was the last time you updated this four years ago o.O
Never mind, I'll wait! Just don't abandon it, pleeeease ... U_U and make sure you DO come back to it because I have a feeling this is like, going to be my source of light in the days of darkness and tragedy (aka exam week)
This is really funny though XD Well done! (And how does this only have like four upvotes it should have like 500 @.@)
Authornim hwaiting ~~
Super_JewELFish #2
please do moreeeee. I just started reading this and i freakin love ittt
memories are strong with this one ;__;
Lovingtoomany #4
Chapter 13: I haven't checked AFF since 2011 amd this is the first story I read from all my subscriptions! Love it! Update more!!
Update soon please
Chapter 2: hahaha LOL >,<
Hi I'm new readers and I like your fict...
Keep on.. I'll be waiting ^^
tiqgob99 #7
Chapter 13: upate please~i'm waiting for u ^^
Chapter 13: i had a good laugh~ thanks, please update soon,,,
Chapter 13: waiting for your comeback ^^