Kai: Part 1

I'll Never Break Your Heart

My mind was blank. I couldn't react as I saw Kai flew back with blood spurting out the side of his skull. The gun slowly slid off of his slender fingers, flying in the air. It felt as though time was moving ever so slowly. I went back to reality when I heard a vehicle speeding towards me. I was then let go, out of the imprisonment of the kidnapper. But one of the man's hands were stuck in my jacket pocket but he quickly removed it and ran towards the vehicle.


A black van took the man that made me a hostage and fled the scene. I didn't have anyone else in my mind besides Kai. The sun shone on my face as I looked at Kai. I scurrily ran towards him and my mind is focused on him and only him. My Kai. My prince. My baby.


Officer: Ms JiEun, get down!


I was too busy with Kai that I didn't realise the whole squad was exchanging fires with the back van. I finally reached Kai and he was still concious. He touched my face and smiled.


Me: Kai, KAI! Please, don't give up. I need you.


He placed his hand upon his chest and back to him.


Kai: My heart will always be yours. Remember that.


Slowly, his hand slip down from my chest, slumping his whole body down unconcious.


Remember that. 


Remember that.


Kai. KAI!


Me: I love you, Kai. Kai, wake up!


My tummy begun to swirl again. It felt very much uncomfortable to look at Kai like this that I was at the verge of puking. Kai is now slumped on my lap as I began to make him stay concious. Not long after, aid came running in, placing Kai on a stretcher. I didn't know what to do but one thing is for sure, I am not going home without knowing Kai's condition. As long as he is not stable, I will be there to take care of him. 


I was in the ambulance, being swayed by the way the ambulance is being driven. Kai was mumbling but I was able to catch some words. Words like 'Princess' or 'Baby'. He was talking about me, which made my tummy further cringe. Once we reached the hospital, several doctors were rushing to him as the squad starts yelling for assistance even though the doctors are all ready there.


A lot of them were surrounding the stretcher as it was being put on a bed. I hardly had any space for myself as the SWAT Team were screaming at Kai to wake up but nevertheless, I still had a grip on the hospital bed. We were going through a maze until it finally stopped and entered the Operation Theatre. Everyone backed off until I was the last one to do so. I bend forward towards his ears and slowly whisper.


Me: Baby, I need you back.


I turned around, about to go away when my arm was grabbed and pulled forward.


Kai: I can't promise you that. [Pant] But I will always love you, baby. Always. Because my heart is always yours. 


His bed was finally pushed into the theatre. As was left there, all alone with blood staining my clothes.


It wasn't long till both our parents came rushing over. I was quickly draped with towels and hugs but my emotions were not properly sorted that I cried on my mum's shoulder as she hug me. I knew she was close to crying also but she kept a straight face just like Dad to not further the situation. Mr and Mrs Kim knew abt the incident. I didn't dare face them, even more to look into their eyes; they realised that I was avoiding them so they came over and approached me.


We were at the canteen when they came over to me. I was eating god knows what just to fill in my empty stomach. Mrs Kim came and place her hand on my shoulders. Mr Kim came soon after and both of them greeted my parents before sitting beside me. They asked me what happened so I just followed their command.

Mrs Kim: It's not your fault, my dear. Fate has led us to this.


Mr Kim: Yeah, even if Jongin is not gonna survive, at least I know that the girl he loves and protects in the first place is safe.


Both of them gave me a tight hug before leaving and waiting for Kai. I really love him. But if he were to die for me, I would hate him. Real bad.


Sigh.. sorry fer not updating. I've been really busy wif da very first SMTOWN in Singapore. I had 2 presentation on it and even went to the concert. Heehee~

Anyway, please enjoy. I'll update ASAP, PROMISE!~

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Chapter 69: Great story i cried during the part where kai *sobs* pass away *sobs* but its rly a good story didnt regret reading this
SonElfMelody #2
Sweet *.* Kai, fighting !
Chapter 69: Great story !! I nearly cry :'D
Chapter 69: Bravo ** Nice story, i mean .. GREAT STORY
Chapter 62: My Jaw literally dropped at this chapter !! 2 guys with the same heart .. Awesome ^^ A round of applause for you author-nim
Chapter 69: TT_TT ASDFGHJKL; Such a Good Story! TT_TT but now its over! TT_TT wae? I love this story! T_T but muahahah im TOTALLY subscribing to your Baekhyun story! My bias!!
Chapter 69: Yeayyyyh i love it ! I wish i have a boyfriend like channie. sooo perfect. Terima kasih author for making a very awesome story. Looking forward for next fics ! ∩__∩∩__∩
Chapter 68: Gosh so good XDDDDDD hehehe........... I am imagining it and its making me smile non-stop...Gosh.. I am turning into a ... but it was a very good chapter XDDDD Thanks~
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 68: oh my. even short this is so..... well what i can say? sweet and great at the same time. kekeke~