Sun, Sand and Sea

I'll Never Break Your Heart

We are now at the Beach! It is a sunny and lovely day for many things. We were lucky that we decided to come on the weekdays. There were fewer students around means less noise. I helped D.O and Kris with their stuff and started setting up our ‘base camp’. I only brought my necessary item in a small bag so it was really portable for me. All the rest brought stuff like foldable chairs and what nots. Honestly, I kept myself busy with Kris since he was readily telling me about his school project in University. Besides, I've got to dig more info on what he likes because his birthday is coming up very soon. Thought that I should buy for him something practical.

D.O told me to find a spot with Kris first and try my best to dig more on Kris. 


Me: Okay, so hold on. You are trying to tell me that Uni notes are black and white.. only? Well, I'll really miss textbooks then.


Highlighters. Will definitely buy for him highlighters.


Kris: Yeah. But that's not the worst part. It's not possible for me to understand those thin and small texts. I actually need to squint my eyes.


Okay.. Post-It notes then..


Kris: Sigh.. I guess even that can't beat my worst problem in school. The teacher speaks too softly. I had a hard time listening to her so I had to Voice Record her lessons and amplify it at home using my laptop.


What? Now I need to buy him a Hearing aid? Sigh, it's harder than I thought.


I had no problem getting rid of Kai and Tao. Kai was busy helping D.O making sandwiches with Haneul. They didn't want to do it at the beach itself, scared that the sand might get blown inside. Tao accompanied Jaekyun to the Surfboard Rental nearby. Both of them were really hyped on going surfing throughout the ride. Thank god the beach was only 30 minute trip from our neighbourhood. I can't remember how many times I've heard the words 'wave', 'tides' or 'sharks' between our journeys.


Kris and I have finally settled in a nice shady spot. I called out for Haneul and Jaekyun, indicating that we have found a space for all of us. Kai, walking like a penguin with the foldable chairs hanging by his hands, headed towards me which made D.O and Haneul pack the lunch into the picnic basket. Tao waved at Kris and helped Jaekyun with her Board.


Kai: Argh! Here's all the things. Man, it's tiring.


I came over and kissed him on the cheeks.


Me: Thank you, my dear.


I began massaging him shoulders, making him close his eyes and groan in satisfaction. Kris scoffed.


Kris: Yah Tao! Come here!


Tao: Yes, hyung?


Kris: Massage me.


He scrambled on his and got comfy. Tao was confused at the moment but he would do anything for his hyungs. And so, he did. Kris doubt that he would benefit from the situation. He only did that to show me how I was acting but little did he know, he was enjoying it. As soon at Tao laid his hands on his shoulder, Kris began blushing.


Kris:[Thought] Since when did Tao's hands this soft? Are you kidding me?


Not long after, Kris sounded like a drunkard ert. Seriously. With his eyes closed, he began mumbling words that is absolutely fine if heard in a normal voice but sounds wrong in between moans.


Kris: Harder, Tao. Harder! Oh my god, this is so nice.


After hearing Kris, I immediately stopped. Both Kai and I were giving each other weird stares.


Me: I.. erm.. think I left the Sun Block in the car. I'll go get it.


I make a run for it. It was gross, honestly, to have heard Kris's.. erm.. what do you call that? Moans? Man, of I have met Kris in that situation before meeting Kai, I would have totally dated Kris. Hands down. i mean think about it. Heavenly face, hot voice, those lips.


I was finally reaching the parking lot. I saw the Picnic Basket at the hood but D.O and Haneul was no where to be found. I frowned. Could it be possible that they have forgotten to bring it along? But where could they be? They were not at the beach. I walked closer. Then I realised.


The door on the other side was opened. The both of them were at the back seat, making out. Wait, WHAT?! Making out? WOW! Who would have thought? Oh , I must tell someone! This is great news! .. Hold on, why am I spazzing? Haneul was below while D.O is hovering her. D.O held his head up, looking up at me with my mouth that is widely agape. He hurriedly got off Haneul, making her panic as well.


I came closer and reached my hands to the basket.


Me: We were hungry. I just wanted the basket. Please continue with what you were doing.


I didn't mind being tanned anymore. I know I have forgotten to bring the Lotion from the car but most importantly, I have ruined the moment for the both of them. I jogged back to our spot, placing the basket on the matress.


Kris: YAH! Where's the Lotion?


I was busy blushing that I was not paying attention to Kris at all. Kai bopped his head and looked at me, realising that I was turning crimson. He stood up, grabbed my wrist gently and dragged me towards the sea. I was somewhat relieved. I could see Kris standing up and headed towards the car himself. I was already in the water, held by Kai. Kai brushed aside my hair, tucking the sides behind my ears.


Kai: Princess, what's wrong?


Me: Huh? Ouh, nothing. Nothing.


Kai: You can't possibly think I would fall for that. I know I'm friends with Tao, doesn't make me as blur as him. Come on, tell me Baby.


Me: Kyungsoo and Haneul were making out at the backseat.


Kai's hands s around my waist, making my hands land on his muscular and turgid chest.


Kai: You mean like this?


He pulled me in, making our lips lock perfectly to each other. After some time, I pulled away.


Me: Kai..


I was blushing twice as hard. Just then at the corner of my eyes, I saw Kris coming back, blushing as well. 


Kai: I guess Kris hyung saw it too.


I chuckled.


Kai and I went out of the water and went towards the roars of laughter coming from our Base Camp. Jaekyun was in the middle of telling the rest about Tao when they were on the way to the Rental. D.O and Haneul had finally arrived.


Jaekyun:.. but who knew our Lil Tao was very popular? I felt like I was being lazered by every girl on this beach on the way to the Rental with Tao. When Tao gave out a small smile, the girls began squeeling.


Tao: [He said exactly below \/]



Jaekyun: Oooooohhh.. So, I decided to make the girls furious but clutching onto his arms. I swear, a girl could have killed herself right there!


Tao: Nuna, you're over reacting~


Jaekyun: But all of that changed when the Fire nation attacked. 




Jaekyun: Tao saw a hot girl at the Rental. Made him blush so hard, he hid behind me!


Tao: Nuna! Nuna, stop.


Jaekyun: And he asked her out this Saturday!


Tao: [Whine] Nuna, nunaaaaaaa~


That was how the day went. It was a perfect getaway from everything.


I don't even knw what I should say right now. I-I'm just sorry.
I should have updated. Earlier, I couldn't write a thing in the Chapter boxes.
Seriously sorry.

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Chapter 69: Great story i cried during the part where kai *sobs* pass away *sobs* but its rly a good story didnt regret reading this
SonElfMelody #2
Sweet *.* Kai, fighting !
Chapter 69: Great story !! I nearly cry :'D
Chapter 69: Bravo ** Nice story, i mean .. GREAT STORY
Chapter 62: My Jaw literally dropped at this chapter !! 2 guys with the same heart .. Awesome ^^ A round of applause for you author-nim
Chapter 69: TT_TT ASDFGHJKL; Such a Good Story! TT_TT but now its over! TT_TT wae? I love this story! T_T but muahahah im TOTALLY subscribing to your Baekhyun story! My bias!!
Chapter 69: Yeayyyyh i love it ! I wish i have a boyfriend like channie. sooo perfect. Terima kasih author for making a very awesome story. Looking forward for next fics ! ∩__∩∩__∩
Chapter 68: Gosh so good XDDDDDD hehehe........... I am imagining it and its making me smile non-stop...Gosh.. I am turning into a ... but it was a very good chapter XDDDD Thanks~
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 68: oh my. even short this is so..... well what i can say? sweet and great at the same time. kekeke~