
I'll Never Break Your Heart

I was up and ready for school when my phone buzzed again. Since this morning, Kai hadn't stop texting me. He send me text messages like:


Morning, Princess.. - Kai


Baby, are you up? You're gonna be late for school? - Kai


Dear, why aren't you replying? T-T~ Reply meee~ - Kai


I got really irritated but deep inside, I couldn't stop smiling like a fool. Firstly because he had multiple names for me and second was because he texted me as early as 6.30 in the morning. I guess he got paranoid when I didn't reply at all. I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at the notification.


Babe, do you want me to send you to school? - Kai


No way. It's gonna be too awkward to face him after what happened yesterday. I am now at the dining table downstairs but I didn't want to seat because I am about to leave any moment so I when in the kitchen to take my bread knife when I passed mum at the kitchen sink.


Mum: Well, you look cheerful today!


I just smiled at her. After taking the knife, I kissed her cheek before making my way back to the table outside. I skipped out happily, whistling to a familiar tune. Then, I saw Dad. It felt very normal. I bend over to kiss him on his cheek as well, making his eyes dilate and put his newspaper down. I kinda realised that too but since it has been a rather long time since I've interacted with Dad, I thought: Why not start today, right?


And so, after wiping Nutella to my bread, I slung over my bag, stuff the bread in my mouth to hold it on for a while, wore my shoes and head out. I was altering my blouse when I saw a familiar figure at the corner of my eyes.


Kai. Surprise surprise.


I just walked pass him.


Kai: Princess, wanna take the car with me?


He asked while leaning against his car with his hands crossed. I ignored it and happily enjoyed my bread. He didn't give up, he got in the car and followed me nearby. As soon as he was driving beside me, he lowered the window down.


Kai: Princess, are you really gonna make me suffer like this?


Again, no response from me. Simply didn't bother at all. Actually, I just wanted to but it got the better of me. I went through the school gate far enough to see Kai still in his car, looking at me from inside just by the gates.


Lessons were as usual. Boring. Plain. Dry. It was really dreading for my until around the last period, mum texted me, asking me to buy for her some mangoes for our Fruit Night. As soon as the bell goes, I took out my wallet to see if there's enough money and then went to my locker.


As usual, Siwon and Kyuhyun were there so, I came over and hugged both from the back, one by one slowly and then opened my locker. Both of them were dumbstruck!


'What the hell?!..' they both thought and looked over at each other. I was smiling like a little pre-schooler and started getting busy packing my bag. It didn't take long for me to fully rearrange my items inside. Just then, Siwon kissed my on the cheek and sniffed my neck. Kyuhyun kissed my temple and whispered,


Kyuhyun: Glad to see you back, Ji Eun.


There were out of sight by the time I finished so I left the hall. Now, I'm walking out of the gates, being aware of my surroundings.


Me: [Thought] Well, at least I can't see Kai's car. That's good, I guess. 


Deep in my heart, I was disappointed. Not surprising, was it? I was turning to the right when I saw a bowed silhouette holding he's own knee. He was supporting himself then saw me and smile. I just stood there for a moment. I was stuck frozen there, staring at his lips. He began approaching thus making me got off the trance. I walked pass him, brushing his shoulder. Kai chased after me.


Kai: Princess, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Baby~


He was playing with me which ends up making me smile anyway. I didn't reply him though but he was satisfied with the smile itself. After a few session of laughs, the atmosphere began silent again. While I was still smiling, he asked me something in a serious tone.


Kai: Baby, what happened to your arm?


I abruptly stopped. Kai stopped as well, tears began appearing the ring of my eyes. It got collected on the bottom, making me walk almost as fast as sprinting. Kai got hold of my arm and pulled me into one of the alleys. He pushed me against wall with his body blocking any paths I have of escaping. I looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes. But it soon failed when he himself tilted my chin up very carefully, making me look at him. It was a very intense moment.


Kai: Baby, sigh, who dare do this to you?


He asked while rubbed his thumb across the bruise on my arm. I stood silent, not wanting to tell him anything.


Kai: Baby, please..


I had no choice.


Me: Sehun.


I could feel his arms and body tense upon hearing his name. He was furious, he was mad. Then, I placed my head down and placed my hand on his chest. I shook my head to tell him to stop while tears keep flowing down. He soften down to see me. He crouched down and pulled my face to look into his eyes.


Kai: Don't cry, please baby. Don't cry.


He got closer and closer, now only with his arm beside my face, against the wall behind me. He closed the gaps as our lips rubbed against each other. Damn, butterflies. I could feel his breath by my lips. Then, both our plump lips were together, fitting in perfectly. It became passionate but Kai was still being considerate and took it slow. God knows how long I've waited to taste his lips again so I grabbed his shirt by his chest, pulling in closer. I fingers brush through his hair, making him slightly moan. Our eyes were now closer, savouring the moment. It was a great way to end the night.


Hey hey hey! I have 2 new subscribers! YAY! Okokay.. So, BAP's Repackaged is just out and I've already purchased it^^~ 
When is my EXO babies coming back..?:(~
Hmpf.. Heeheehee~

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Chapter 69: Great story i cried during the part where kai *sobs* pass away *sobs* but its rly a good story didnt regret reading this
SonElfMelody #2
Sweet *.* Kai, fighting !
Chapter 69: Great story !! I nearly cry :'D
Chapter 69: Bravo ** Nice story, i mean .. GREAT STORY
Chapter 62: My Jaw literally dropped at this chapter !! 2 guys with the same heart .. Awesome ^^ A round of applause for you author-nim
Chapter 69: TT_TT ASDFGHJKL; Such a Good Story! TT_TT but now its over! TT_TT wae? I love this story! T_T but muahahah im TOTALLY subscribing to your Baekhyun story! My bias!!
Chapter 69: Yeayyyyh i love it ! I wish i have a boyfriend like channie. sooo perfect. Terima kasih author for making a very awesome story. Looking forward for next fics ! ∩__∩∩__∩
Chapter 68: Gosh so good XDDDDDD hehehe........... I am imagining it and its making me smile non-stop...Gosh.. I am turning into a ... but it was a very good chapter XDDDD Thanks~
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 68: oh my. even short this is so..... well what i can say? sweet and great at the same time. kekeke~