I'll Wait

I'll Never Break Your Heart

I woke up with th sun shining through my eyes.


Me: [Though] Smart girl, I totally forgotten to close the window.


I went down stairs but no one was there but a note. Hah! Mum and Dad is having fun till now? Nice~ Anyways, I prepared my own breakfast. I first wore my apron and took out 3 eggs from the tray. Before washing my hands, I placed my phone into the huge pocket infront of the apron and got on with work.


I tied my hair and crack the eggs into a bowl. I was busy whisking when suddenly my phone rang. ! my hands are dirty. Sigh, guess I would just have to use my arms. 


I had a hard time answering the call but as soon as I did, I placed my phone on my shoulder, leaning in to talk.


Me: Hello?


Kai: Hey Princess.


He sounds.. different.


Me: Yes, my dear knight? May I help you?


Kai: Ermm, are you free? I gotta tell you something.


What can it be? It sounds very serious.


Me: Yeah, I'm just making breakfast. Wanna come over? No one's home.


There was a momentary silence.


Kai: They're still out?!


HAHAHHAHAH~ Cute boy > <~


Me: Haha, yeah. They must be having fun.


Kai: [Giggle] Okay, I'm coming over. Sigh..


I went over to the tray and took out another 3 eggs. After whisking them, I attended to the cooked eggs. Perfect. Just as I was about to place it in a tray, I set of smooth hands engulfed my tummy. It felt ever so comfortable. He kissed my cheeks and sat at the kitchen table's tall chairs. He ran his hair down my pony tail and twist it around his fingers


Me: Hey!


Kai: Sorry! It looks really cute on you.


I just smiled as I scoop out the sunny side up. I poured the new set of eggs and turned to face Kai.


Me: So, what's up?


My lips quivered. I didn't really want to know but at the same time, I didn't want to burden him.


Kai: Erm.. yeah. About that. JiEun, listen. Remember I told you about my work in the Military School once?


I turned away and attended to the eggs. I didn't wanna reply because I'm scared to know the truth.


Kai: Well, the Academy is calling me back for training.


A tear fell. I was lucky that I was looking away from him. But it was a failed attempt when I suddenly sniffed.


Kai: Baby, are you crying?


He pulled my arm. I was still reluctant to face him and wiped my eyes wif my sleeve.


Me: How long?


Kai sat back down. I was looking at the floor, too coward to explain any further.


Kai: 15 months. More or less.


I shut my eyes tight. I couldn't stop crying to I just pretended to scoop out the egg. I place it on the place and turned off the gas.


Me: I'm gonna go shower first.


I quickly ran up and ran into my bathroom. I slammed the bathroom door shut and leaned my back against it. Now, I was really in a bad state. It seems as though my whole life is falling apart.


Wait, why am I crying? He is just a friend, right? A best-friend, right? It felt so hard to believe it but again, it felt nice to hear it. I slid down, sitting on the bathroom floor and just cried.


Kai ran up to my room calmly. He knocked the door softly. By then, I already took off my clothes and opened the shower to camouflage my sobs.


Kai: Princess, are you crying?


I didn't reply. What was I suppose to say?


Kai: Baby, please don't. You're making this hard on me.


Then, it struck on me. I shouldn't be crying. It would make him cry and lose faith if I do. I've got to be strong. From where I was standing, I could see Kai's silhouette leaning against the door with his shoulderd shaking. He was crying. No. I'm not gonna allow that.


I closed the shower and wore my undergarments. I could hear his soft cries and sobs very distinctly. My heart felt like it could break but I just calmed myself down and opened that door.


That was the first time I saw him in a very dangerous state. It looks as though he was the most fragile thing in the world. I crouched down to him and pulled him up to my bed. I quickly put on some comfortable clothes and attended to him, who was all puffy from crying.


I lied down beside him. He shifted his head on my chest, making me hug his head and comforted him.


Kai: I didn't want to leave you. I really don't but didn't want to leave my dream. And your dream too.


My dream..? Ouh, to become a female policeman.


Just as I was starting my crying, I took a deep breath and his hair.


Me: Kai, I don't mind. I really don't. Just do it, okay?


I really wanted to spend all the time left together. I didn't really care about the world right now.


Kai: JiEun..?


It shocked me for a moment.


Me: Yes?


Kai: I don't want to leave you. I really can't.


He was in a state where his pride didn't matter. He didn't care if I rejected him. All he wanted to do was just admit.


Me: I'll wait. 


Kai looked at me, shocked.


Kai: [Thought] Did she just..?


Me: I'll wait for you.

His eyes shined, brightly. He was now smiling and was looking all cheerful though his puffy red eyes and smollen lips didn't say so. He hugged my waist and snuggled into my tummy. I was sad at the same time, relieved. He may be going but he is going with a smile.


Me: When are you leaving?


Kai: Later in the afternoon.


He muffled while still snuggling my tummy. I can't help but to just smile.




Later on, he went backhome and got ready. It was currently 3 as I step out to my front porch. The same place where both of us became friends. Then, I saw Mr and Mrs Kim hugging Kai who was in full uniform and a huge Camping bag. After hugging and kissing them, Kai approached me, walking calmly.


Kai: Hey Princess.


Me: Hey Knight.


I was really in a depressed mode but just looking at Kai makes me smile. We were both looking down and were feeling awkward, not knowing what to do. But all of that ended when Kai suddenly put down him bag and pulled me near. He bend down to my lips and I swiftly slid my arms around his neck.


We were kissing so badly, it was like a dose of memory. Soon, our tongues were intertwined. It grew passionate. It lasted for a while until I break it off to catch a breath. It felt right, no regrets. 


Our eyes are now connected, smiling for the last time and was ready to give each other our final kisses.


Kai: [Kiss] I love you, Yi JiEun.


Me: [Kiss] I'll wait for you, Kim Jongin.


We let each other go and he walked a few steps. I became childishly-naughty at some point that I ran over and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled and gave me one in return. He got in the car and started the engine. As a last goodbye, I blew him a kiss. He 'caught' it with his hands and rubbed it on his heart. He drove off.


I went back inside, counting down the days.


Okay, now this was a very LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG chapter, wasn't it..? heehee, like I said, this will be the started of Kai's Hiatus:)~ I hope eu loved it:))))))~
Comments and subscribers, pleath:)))) << Sehun just said that~

Ouh yeah! Anyone else Tweeted abt SMTOWN Tokyo? Tokyo Dome, MAN that's a HUGE stage!!!!~

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Chapter 69: Great story i cried during the part where kai *sobs* pass away *sobs* but its rly a good story didnt regret reading this
SonElfMelody #2
Sweet *.* Kai, fighting !
Chapter 69: Great story !! I nearly cry :'D
Chapter 69: Bravo ** Nice story, i mean .. GREAT STORY
Chapter 62: My Jaw literally dropped at this chapter !! 2 guys with the same heart .. Awesome ^^ A round of applause for you author-nim
Chapter 69: TT_TT ASDFGHJKL; Such a Good Story! TT_TT but now its over! TT_TT wae? I love this story! T_T but muahahah im TOTALLY subscribing to your Baekhyun story! My bias!!
Chapter 69: Yeayyyyh i love it ! I wish i have a boyfriend like channie. sooo perfect. Terima kasih author for making a very awesome story. Looking forward for next fics ! ∩__∩∩__∩
Chapter 68: Gosh so good XDDDDDD hehehe........... I am imagining it and its making me smile non-stop...Gosh.. I am turning into a ... but it was a very good chapter XDDDD Thanks~
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 68: oh my. even short this is so..... well what i can say? sweet and great at the same time. kekeke~