
I'll Never Break Your Heart

I stayed away from Sehun. Hell, I totally did. I felt so depressed and scared more than angry. I can never get angry at Sehun. I can't. I love him so very much. I sometimes wonder why I do. Maybe it was just part and parcel of being in a relationship. 


Kai has been very supporting towards me. He was the one who silently sent me to school the next morning and the mornings after that. There was an awkward silent when we were in the car. Or at least I was. Kai somehow seemed occupied, like there was something in his mind. I was about to ask him when I saw Sehun waiting for me at the usual place we meet before school. Then, both our eyes met. I was too terrified to look at him straight in the eye so I quickly looked down. Kai shifted his gaze to me and saw the whole thing. He grabbed my hands, to ensure that everything was fine.


Sehun is going through a hard time now. At least I think he is. He must be or not why is he acting like this? If he was jealous of me hugging and giving pecks to my friends, that would be silly cause I do that to him more than anyone else now. I would also be silly if he were to be jealous of Kai. Come on, he's my best-friend! And try to talk to me about 'Friend-Zone'. He's more than that.


School started and too bad I had no History lesson today. Actually, I have been avoiding him, too scared to even react but of course I was willing to give him a chance. A week has passed and for History lessons, I was either there ignoring him or he wouldn't come for class. Something tells me that the person who called him the other time had to do with this. Maybe not all of this but a good amount to change my Dear Sehun. What was him name again?      Got it.




Lessons ended with Ms Foo handing our my test results. As always, an A- for a weeks' worth of report. I was heading towards the hallway, to my locker when I saw Sehun talking to a girl. Like I said again, I wouldn't judge people, just not my forte so I let them continued talking. Sehun was leaning on my locker so, I pushed him away and log in my locker number to open my locker. Sehun finally realised my presence so shooed that girl away.


Sehun: Hey, can we talk?


I simply ignored him. I love him, yes but I'm not gonna apologize first. Hell no!


Sehun: Okay, I'll just do all the talking then. Listen, I was not myself then and I.. I was actually jealous of you and that guy that time.


That guy?


KAI?! What the..? If I could, I would really give the boy a high-five, using a steel chair right in his face. Man. Facepalm.


I shut close my locker and faced him with a gentle smile.


Me: Dear, he's just a friend. But you.. You are different. You are my boyfiend and I love you so very much.


Sehun: Really? Really?!


He gave me that cute face that really melted my heart.


Hmm, I'll give him a chance. He deserved it. Well, at least he admitted. But one thing still bothered me.


My phone vibrated.


Hey Princess, how's the hand? Any better? - Kai


Exactly. How come Sehun doesn't remember my injury?


Soon, Sehun asked me out for dinner after school and I agreed. I just erased all the bad thoughts and went on with it.

Weehee~ So, how was your day? Good? How are all my Muslim readers? How's fasting coming along?

To all my Sehun fans, I hope this will help in regaining your trust back to Sehun:)~ BE WARNED!  I hope my story don't make eu hate Sehun or any of the EXO members in real life. They would NEVER do that, okay?;)~

Alright, a mini update only. But 2mrw will be a long update. Not a double-update, just one long one:)~

Heehee, I have 1 more subscriber and another comment! Please comment more and tell me watcha thinking:D!~

So, goodnight guys!~

We are ONE!~


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Chapter 69: Great story i cried during the part where kai *sobs* pass away *sobs* but its rly a good story didnt regret reading this
SonElfMelody #2
Sweet *.* Kai, fighting !
Chapter 69: Great story !! I nearly cry :'D
Chapter 69: Bravo ** Nice story, i mean .. GREAT STORY
Chapter 62: My Jaw literally dropped at this chapter !! 2 guys with the same heart .. Awesome ^^ A round of applause for you author-nim
Chapter 69: TT_TT ASDFGHJKL; Such a Good Story! TT_TT but now its over! TT_TT wae? I love this story! T_T but muahahah im TOTALLY subscribing to your Baekhyun story! My bias!!
Chapter 69: Yeayyyyh i love it ! I wish i have a boyfriend like channie. sooo perfect. Terima kasih author for making a very awesome story. Looking forward for next fics ! ∩__∩∩__∩
Chapter 68: Gosh so good XDDDDDD hehehe........... I am imagining it and its making me smile non-stop...Gosh.. I am turning into a ... but it was a very good chapter XDDDD Thanks~
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 68: oh my. even short this is so..... well what i can say? sweet and great at the same time. kekeke~