(EXO) Acsoland {Hunhan} [ Part 2 ]

(EXO) Acsoland {Hunhan}

Title: Acsoland
Fandom: Exo
Word Count: 3700++
A/N: Did you guys enjoy part 1? Hope that you'll enjoy this too!



‘Flying’ is definitely the scariest but also the most exciting thing Sehun has ever experienced in his life. Luhan is always going fast and going slow suddenly, sometimes he whirls them around randomly, which causes Sehun to feel a bit dizzy but his brothers doesn’t seem to mind.

“Sehun, what’s up?” Luhan asks, as he flies near Sehun.

“Can’t we just fly at a constant speed?” pleads Sehun, “And can you please stop swirling us around? It’s making me dizzy.”

“Fine, fine, I’ll stop.”

‘This is better.’ thinks Sehun, who is now flying steadily. He focuses on how the wind kisses his face and the music it makes when it blows past Sehun’s ears. He closes his eyes to enjoy it. He has never been more calm and peaceful in his life than this moment.

“We’re here.” Sehun opens his eyes. This can’t be. They’re just floating above the ocean. All three eyes turn to Luhan, confused.

“In order to go to Acsoland, we need to go down from here. It’s the only way.” says Luhan, grinning at their confused expression, “I hope you guys can hold your breath underwater.”

“You can’t be serious,” protests Tao, “you want us to dive into the ocean?”

“To the deepest and darkest part of the ocean.” replies Luhan.

“You must be out of your mind.” laughs Chen, “No human has ever been to the bottom of the ocean unless they want to die.”

“The bottom of the ocean does not exist.” explains Luhan, “there’s simply a border connecting my world to yours.”

“But what about sharks? And whales? And other dangerous creatures down there! We’ll be dead before we even make it to the darkest part of the ocean!” shrieks Tao, and Sehun shivers.

“The sea creatures here doesn’t attack you if you ignore them. I’ve even played with some of them before! But I rarely see them nowadays.” laughs Luhan, trying to calm the other three down, before adding “It’s the sea creatures in my world that you have to beware of.”

“What did you just say?” asks Sehun, eyes wide with shock.

“Sea creatures. Sea-serpents, mermaids, sirens and other creatures. They’re extremely dangerous and sneaky. You have to have clear senses when you cross over to my world or you’ll die.” warns Luhan with a slight hint of humour on his face. “I won’t be collecting your corpses if you guys are dead.”

“But aren’t mermaids supposed to be good?” asks Sehun.

“They are good.. Well, just some of them.” Luhan admits, “But stay away from them as far as you can.”

“So are we going to dive in right now?” asks Tao, still unsure. “If we die, I’m going to kill you when I see you in heaven, Sehun.”

“Haha, that won’t be necessary. Take a deep breath guys, I’m going to let go.” laughs Luhan, and the three of them breathe in hurriedly. “Ready, Set…”

The four of them splashes into the ocean. The water is freezing and uncomfortable, but Sehun tries to swim. He can feel that Luhan is helping them swim as he does not need as much strength that he normally uses to swim. He looks around the ocean and finds nothing. He expected the ocean to be full of fishes and colourful corals and seaweeds.

The ocean is endless, and the swim is unbearable. Sehun starts to feel suffocated, he needs oxygen, he tries to struggle to the surface but stops when a hand grabs his wrist. He sees Luhan shaking his head and frowning, but unable to say anything to Sehun. Luhan pulls him closer to him, releasing control of Sehun’s body to focus more on helping his brothers to swim faster because they too have started to struggle. Luhan grabs Sehun’s wrist tightly and has never let go of him during the whole swim after that.

He starts to feel faint, his lungs are screaming for air. He almost passed out but he saw something swimming around them. Sehun squints his eyes, trying to look at the creature carefully. It’s a beautiful girl. The girl nodded at Luhan before taking Sehun’s brothers away, and that’s when Sehun panicked. He tries to swim after them, but Luhan pulls him back. Luhan smiles at him and suddenly, both of them are moving twice as fast as they were before. After a few seconds, Sehun gasps for air as they leap out of the ocean. He never knew that the air felt so sweet and comfortable in his lungs before.

Luhan laughs happily as he pulls Sehun near the beach. His brothers are already lying on the shore, gasping for air when Sehun reached there. They’re all wet and salty. Sehun wrings his clothes to get rid of the water. Luhan tries to shake the water off his hair, but it is still dripping wet.

“Wow, you guys are heavy!” pants Luhan, smiling. “This is the longest journey I’ve ever had. When it’s just me and tiny Yixing, it only took us no more than a minute to travel, but this time, wow,” Luhan continues, still panting heavily, “it took us more than 5 minutes!”

“I don’t see Yixing with us. Where is he?” Sehun asks, looking around.

“He’s okay,” replies Luhan, pulling something out of his pocket, “here he is!”

Sehun looks at the ocean, while Luhan is busy pumping water out of tiny Yixing’s chest with his thumb. He can’t believe they’ve finally arrived. He took a moment to take in the breathtaking scenery. He suddenly realised that someone is watching him, he turns to look, it was the girl he saw under the ocean. The girl is lying on a huge rock, with her hands supporting her face and her fish-tail waving around while she looks at them with curiosity. It’s a mermaid.

“Umm, Luhan?” asks Sehun, slowly moving nearer to Luhan.” There’s someone here.”

“What?” Luhan looks up and looks around, smiling brightly when he spots the girl, and walks to the rock to talk to her. “Oh hi! Don’t worry, they’re my friends. I’ll take good care of them from now on. You better go before you starts to dry up, girl.”

The mermaid waves and smiles at them before jumping into the water, and Luhan waves back.

“Wow.” gasps Chen, “So that’s what mermaids look like.”

“Yep. She’s my friend, and she saved both of you.” says Luhan, pointing to Tao and Chen.

“I thought you said mermaids are evil.” argues Tao.

“They are! I just happen to know a few that are good-natured.” smiles Luhan, going back to pick Yixing up.

“Then what’s her name?” asks Sehun, “We should thank her.”

“I don’t know her name. She never told me. Mermaids don’t talk you know?” replies Luhan, still trying to shake the water off his hair. “Where’s Suho when you need him?”

“They don’t talk?” Sehun asks, surprised. “Why don’t they talk?”

“Because… They’re a kind of fish?” answers Luhan, eyeing Sehun disbelievingly.

“But this is a fantasy world! Everything should know how to talk!” argues Sehun.

“What did they teach you in your world, Sehun?” laughs Luhan, “I don’t know about your world, but in Acsoland, a species can only communicate with its own species. Therefore, we can’t talk to anybody unless they’re human like us.”

“I’ve never thought that a fantasy world would make sense.” says Sehun, still confused.

Luhan begins to argue, but stops because a boy jumped out of nowhere and is now back-hugging Luhan tightly.

“You’re back!!” yells the boy happily, “Did you bring any laptops back this time?”

“Settle down, little bun.” laughs Luhan, “I brought something better.”

“Luhan!! Luhan!” a few more voices yelled, and Sehun turns to look. Three more boys are running towards them, and Sehun hurriedly moves near his brother. Luhan is waving and smiling at those boys.

“Suho! We need you now! Why are you guys late this time?” asks Sehun, while he greets the other boys.

“Sorry Luhan, we were waiting here before but Chanyeol saw a rabbit and wanted us to catch it with him.” answers a pale-faced boy with a huge smile. “I’ll get working now.”

“Help them first,” orders Luhan as he points towards Sehun and his brothers “I’ll go last.”

“Who are they, Luhan?” asks the tallest kid who has big fuzzy hair, who is now looking at them with his big curious eyes.

“Boys, let me introduce you to Sehun, Tao and Chen” smiles Luhan, pointing at each of them slowly and repeating their names for the boys, while the boys ooh-ed and ahh-ed like they’ve seen something shiny. “And guys, these are the lost boys. Introduce yourselves, boys.”

“Me first!” yells the boy, whom Luhan called ‘little bun’ a while ago. “I’m Xiumin. I’m also known as ‘little bun’”

“My name’s Chanyeol.” grins the tallest boy, as he puts out his hand. Sehun shakes it and smile.

“I’m Baekhyun.” says another pale-faced boy, with a shy smile.

Sehun starts to make conversation with the boys when Chen shouts in amazement. “Sehun look! Look at what the boy is doing!”

Sehun looks in surprise as the boy, Suho, does his magic on Tao. Suho is waving his fingers around, water droplets flying off from Tao’s clothes, hands,skin and hair, and seconds later, Suho has a ball of water droplets floating on his palm. Tao is completely dry by now.

“I’m Suho,” smiles the boy. “and I control water. Now, who’s next?”

‘You have super powers?” asks Chen, who is looking at the boy in amazement as Suho begins to remove water droplets from him too.

“All of the lost boys have powers.” answers Luhan with a smile. “Show them.

“Ooh! I’ll go first!” shouts Chanyeol excitedly. “Suho, can you do me a favour?”

“My pleasure.” smiles Suho, as he gathers a ball of water droplets and holds it in front of Chanyeol.

The three of them stares with their eyes wide open with surprise as Chanyeol begins to blow a huge ball of fire over the ball of water droplets Suho is holding. When the fire disappeared, so did the ball of water droplets. Chanyeol’s fire have completely vaporized Suho’s water droplets.

“I’m the fire phoenix.” grins Chanyeol, holding up a peace sign as Luhan smiles with pride.

“I see you’ve practised your power while I was gone. Good work, Chanyeol!” praises Luhan, and Chanyeol smiles with joy.

“I control light.” says Baekhyun shyly. Sehun heard Tao shrieked in fear when the whole world suddenly darkened. Everything happened between one second, it’s like the whole world is run by a switch that controls day and night, and Baekhyun just turned that switch off. Sehun tries to reach out to his brothers, but he can only see darkness and blackness.

Chanyeol lit one of his fingers with fire and complains, “Turn it back on, Baekhyun.” He hears Baekhyun chuckle, and the whole world lights up again.

“And what is your power?” asks Chen, turning to Xiumin.

Xiumin smiles and walks towards the sea. He bends down to grab a handful of seawater. The three of them watches in amazement as Xiumin freezes the water, shaping it beautifully to an ice rod. While they are still staring at the beautiful ice rod, it suddenly burst and little snowflakes fell out of Xiumin’s palm. The sight is magical.

“My power is Frost.” smiles Xiumin happily, as Luhan puts an arm around Xiumin’s shoulders.

“So each and everyone of you have super powers?” Sehun asks, still amazed by their powers. “How come?”

“The Goddess of Fountain gave them to us.” answers Chanyeol. “Hey Luhan, where’s Lay?”

“He’s here. Wake him up.” replies Luhan, taking Yixing out of his left pocket and gives it to Suho. He then turns to look at the three of them, eyes twinkling with excitement. “I should bring you guys to the Goddess of Fountain too! Let’s see what power She’s going to grant you!”

“We get to have powers too? This is great!” jumps Tao in excitement, dragging Chen to jump with him.

‘We should go quickly! Boys, take Yixing home. I’ll meet you guys back in our lair later. Suho, as always, you’re in charge.” orders Luhan., as he turns around and smiles at Sehun. “Let’s go.”



‘Flying’ in Acsoland is different than flying on Earth. The wind somehow tastes sweeter, and the clouds feel softer. Acsoland is very colourful, not at all polluted like on Earth.

“Here we are.” says Luhan cheerfully, as they land on the ground gently. Sehun sees nothing but a huge mountain of rocks, he turns to look at Luhan in for explanation.

Luhan smiles and taps on one of the rocks, “Goddess, it’s Luhan! Open up! There’s three boys here who need powers.”

The mountain starts to crack from the bottom, continuing to crack until it reaches the top, and the mountain finally breaks apart, water bursting out from the cracks of the rocks, forming a huge gorgeous fountain. Chen and Tao step back, wanting to make way for the goddess.

Luhan looks at them and laughs, “There’s no need to make way for Her. She never comes out.”

“Then how do you know if She’s a girl?” asks Sehun.

“I left Her flowers as a sign of appreciation after She gave me my powers,” Luhan answers indifferently, “I went back a week later after that and saw the flowers growing beautifully beside the fountain. I don’t think that a guy would spend their time on things like this.”

“Now, because you came with me, the Goddess knows that you guys are not evil, therefore you guys are spared from being tested by Her.” continues Luhan, “Now all you have to do, is to kneel down and drink the Fountain Waters.”

Sehun, Chen and Tao kneels down and drank gulps of the Fountain Waters. It tastes refreshing and cool, Sehun didn’t realise how thirsty he was after the swim until now.

Luhan smiles and continues after they’ve finished drinking, “Now that the Waters have cleansed your soul, roll on the ground.”

Chen and Tao begin to roll, but Sehun just glares at Luhan. “You’re pranking us, aren’t you?”

“Hey!” Chen and Tao stand up immediately with their faces bright red.

“Oh!” exclaims Luhan, surprised but amused. “You’re not falling for this. Okay, continue.” chuckles Luhan.

“Just reach your hands into the fountain, and when your hand touches the wall of the fountain, you’ll feel tiny marbles all around it. Each marble contains a super power, and the first marble you touch, is the power you’re going to be given by the Goddess.”

“So that’s all we have to do?” asks Tao, suspicious. “Isn’t this too easy?”

“I told you, you guys are excused from taking the Goddess’s test because you came with me. If you want to choose the harder way, you’re always welcomed to do so.” grins Luhan.

“Let’s do it together.” says Chen, and Tao and Sehun nodded in reply. They take a deep breath, trying to ease their nervousness. “1.. 2.. 3!”

The three of them reach their hands into the fountain. The water is colder than Sehun thought it would be, and the water current is definitely stronger than it looks. It feels like the water is trying to tear his skin apart. Sehun quickly grabs the first thing he touches and pulls his hand out. He looks down at his palm to look at the tiny thing he’s just pulled out, it’s a tiny white marble.

“I got a blue-ish violet marble.” says Chen, “I wonder what it is.”

Sehun looks at Tao’s marble, it is a peachy coloured marble with a hint of black in the middle. All three of them look at Luhan, waiting for directions because none of them know what to do with their marbles.

“Swallow it. It’s not as hard as it seems, trust me.” says Luhan. “Don’t swallow them together. You’ll get confused when your powers show up. Chen, you’re the oldest, swallow yours first.”

Chen gulps down his marble quickly, and waits. A flash of lightning appears in the sudden dark sky , and moments later, the sound of thunder can be heard through the clouds,. Sehun is about to complain about the weather when Luhan shouts excitedly.

‘I think you got lightning!” shouts Luhan. “Can you feel it, Chen?”

Chen looks at him in confusion, but nods. “I think you’re right. I can feel the touch of that lightning just now, it feels hard and hot on my fingertips. Let me test it again.”

The flash of lightning appears again, looking larger and more electrifying than the one they saw before, and the sound of thunder this time is a hundred time more deafening than the one they heard just now. Everyone except Chen covered their ears, trying to drown out the sound of thunder with their bare hands.

Chen grins excitedly , “Yup, that’s my power alright.”

“Your turn, Tao.” Luhan turns to Tao, tapping his ears lightly because they hurt from the thunder.

Tao also quickly swallows his marble, he made a face because the marble feels more and more disguting as it travels down his throat. He looks at them and waits for their responds. He waits for them for a longer moment but they are still looking back at him with the same expression and position.

“Guys? Guys! Don’t scare me like that!” Tao panics, and his scream broke the spell. The three of them starts to blink again, but they are still looking at Tao.

“So?” asks Sehun, “Did you feel anything yet?”

“What happened to you guys?!” shrieks Tao, “I just swallowed my marble and all of you went frozen!”

“We froze?’ asks Luhan, confused. “Hmm.. This can’t be. Do it again. Close your eyes and do what you did just now.”

Tao took a deep breath before closing his eyes. He concentrates on the fountain first before expanding his concentration to the whole universe. He lopens his eyes to look at the fountain, concentrating on slowing the movement of the water until it came to a full stop. Tao looks around, as expected, everyone except him is frozen. Not a single sound is heard, not the water, not a chirp, not even his brother’s heartbeat. He smiles and enjoys the moment. It feels like he’s the last man standing in the universe when everything’s frozen. He starts to relax his mind, and the whole world is slowly starting to move again!

“I think I can freeze time.” says Tao, with a smug grin on his face. “This is so cool!”

Sehun smiles happily back at Tao, happy for his brothers. He starts to worry a little before swallowing his marble. ‘Will his power be as cool as her brothers?’ thinks Sehun silently.

“Sehun?” he hears Luhan speaking softly beside him, and looks at him. “It’s time to reveal your power.”

Sehun nods and swallows his marble nervously. It tasted disgusting! More disgusting than mouldy cheese! He shuts his eyes tightly and waits for the marble to move down his throat until he opens his eyes again. All three eyes are on him now, waiting patiently.

A small breeze blows past them, getting stronger slowly, turning into a strong wind, but it doesn’t stop. The wind then turns into a larger storm of wind, almost blowing Luhan and his brothers off their feet, but Sehun isn’t affected at all. Luhan yells at Sehun to stop, but Sehun can’t hear him over the swirling of the wind. Sehun seems hypnotized. Luhan tries to make his way to Sehun, touching Sehun’s face to wake him up. Sehun blinks in confusion and looks around, the wind has stopped.

“Are you alright?” asks Luhan worriedly, “you seemed… lost, lost in another world.”

“I’m sorry,” Sehun apologizes, “I don’t know why but I just… Is this how you should feel when you first taste your power?”

“Maybe it’s because your powers is part of the four most important elements in life. Fire, Water, Air and Earth.” answers Luhan with a gentle smile. “Suho and Chanyeol felt like that too when they first received their power. Just a little practice and you’ll be fine.”

“So Sehun controls the wind?” asks his brothers with amazement, “Wow, Sehun, this is amazing!”

Sehun can only smile. ‘Wow, I control the wind.” Sehun thinks to himself.

“If you control the wind, does it mean that you can ‘fly’ like me too?” shouts Luhan, suddenly excited. ‘This boy gets excited way too easily’, thinks Sehun. “You can lift yourself with winds just like how I lift myself with my mind! Try it, try it!”

Sehun tries to create a ball of wind under his feet, and sure enough, seconds later, he is floating in mid-air. Sehun laughs as he turns himself around in the air, dancing and stepping all over the sky happily. He has never felt so free in his whole life. Luhan joins him in the air and is quietly watching him, smiling.

“Race you to the tree over there and back?” challenges Luhan after waiting for Sehun to calm down for a bit, pointing at the largest and thickest tree Sehun has ever seen.

“Challenge accepted.” answers Sehun with a grin, and he darted towards the tree right away, leaving Luhan surprised behind. He laughs and looks back, and finds that Luhan is catching up to him, he speeds up, yelling “You’ll never catch me!”

Sehun touched the tree and quickly ‘flies’ back, passing Luhan, who is still reaching the tree. Sehun smiles at Luhan, and Luhan laughs and turns back without touching the tree. Sehun is already standing beside his brothers, when Luhan arrives.

“Cheater.” says Sehun with a cheeky smile.

“Impressive,” praises Luhan . “I’ve never thought that first-timers would be this amazing. But I’ll beat you for sure next time.”

“You wish!” Sehun puts out his tongue, and Luhan chases him around again, trying to catch him.

What they didn’t know, is that everything they did was observed by another boy, standing on top of a tree with leaves so thick that they didn’t notice that he was there the whole time. The tanned-skin boy smirks at them before disappearing into thin air.

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Chapter 4's up! :) :) :)


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Thank you for the feedback ^^ I'll continue to work hard
Wuzzup #2
Wow! This is AWESOME!!! I love the idea! I wonder what went wrong between Kris, Kai and Kyungsoo and Luhan that they were banished....

Anyways, really intersting story! Can't wait to read more!!!! :DD
I will, thank you so much! :)
Wow I really really like it :)) I hope you update fast <3