Twelve: Confession

You are the only one


Special Chapter 



I can’t believe myself. I can’t believe what I did. I can’t believe I just left her there. I stop walking and try to breath. These last few days have been …. Just hell. After kissing Sam that night I was so embarrassed and confused that I didn’t go to school or work.

I just wanted to calm myself and don’t think about her but that night she appeared in front of my door and hugged me. That hug a most break me down, I was so close to hug her back kiss her and forget everything but I managed to hold myself.

I am so happy that she took care of me while I was sick and I know I was being selfish when I asked her to stay but I wanted to be next to her, for a bit more. That night I couldn’t sleep. I kept remembering the hug and her warm hand on my check.

The next day I saw her with Hyunseong and I felt jealous. She was smiling at him and he smiled back. Since when were they friends? Then on the way to school she kept looking at him, making me even more jealous.

And Minwoo too! Minwoo-ya?? They were close? Did they know each other? I don’t get it. Finally that guy, Jeongmin. Who the hell is that guy? Can he call her name just like that and say that he is her boyfriend?? And what was he doing with her back at the lockers? I wanted to punch him at that instant but I just clench my fists and hold it in.

I don’t have any right to feel mad, confused or jealous. I don’t have any right to love Sam. She is my cousin and we could never be together. “Donghyun!” I hear someone yelling and I turn around to see Sam standing in front of me. She is panting hard. Did she just follow me?

“Donghyun! What you just saw. He..” Why is she trying to explain it? She is only making it harder. “Sam, calm down” I tell her. “No!” she says. “He is not my boyfriend! I don’t even like him” she says. I walk closer to her and say “Sam, it is ok. You don’t have to explain..”.

“No! Listen to me!” she says. “I…I” she takes a deep breath and says “I LIKE YOU”.

I feel my heart stopping at that moment. I have taught about the possibility of this moment coming but I always avoided it. Sam, why did you have to say it? What am I supposed to do now? Why? I approach her and hug her. I hug her like I have always wanted, like I am never going to let her go.

I lean closer and whisper on her ear. “Sam, I …” my voice trembles. I am about to tell her that I also like her, no that I love her that I want to be with her and her words make me so happy but I can’t. It wouldn’t be right. “I am so sorry. I wish I could but…” I gulp.

Is breaking my heart saying these to the person I love but it is for her own good. “I can’t return your feelings” I release her from my hug and say “I am really sorry”. She has her head down and I can’t see her expression, she just starts running away. I open my mouth to shout her name but I close it.

I have no right to do that. I have no right to call her name or chase after her. I clench myself and start hitting on the floor. WHY? I feel so disgusted with myself. WHY DID I HAVE TO SAY THAT AND HURT HER?? I wish I could change the fact that we are cousins. I feel powerless. I can’t do anything for the person I love except to let her go.      





What the hell is wrong with that guy?? How can he reject Sam? And why did he hit the floor after that? Is he crazy? HE MUST BE. I have to find Noona. I run in the direction she left and in no time I see her running in front of me. She keeps running until she stops on a park.

She is just standing there. I get closer and see her legs shaking. She is about to fall down but I hold her by the waist. “Noona?” I ask. She looks up and I see her eyes red. I hug her pushing her close to me and she starts crying. “Sam. Please don’t cry” I say softly while her hair.

She doesn’t respond and just stays there crying on my chest. “Everything is going to be alright” I keep saying. She keeps crying quietly and her legs keep shaking so we sit together on the ground. We stay there for a long time, until she stops crying. I move her hair and see her face red and filled with tears. She is sleeping now.

I HATE THAT GUY. How can he make you cry like this? How can he make you feel like this? I gently clean her tears with my fingers and kiss her check. “Don’t worry Sam. I am going to take care of you and make you smile everyday” I whisper in her ear.

I took my phone out and call Kwangmin I can’t take Sam to her house like this, her parents might get the wrong idea. “Kwangmin-ah” I say. “Hyung! What’s up?” he answers. “Please send the car to the park next to school. Oh, and bring a blanket and a pillow” I say.

“Blanket and a pillow? Hyung! What is going on?” he asks me “Nothing Kwangmin. Just send the car” I hang up and sigh. I don’t get that Donghyun guy, he looked so happy hugging her and yet he rejected her? There is something weird going on. I have to find out.

“Youngmin-ah” I call on the phone. “Hyung! What are the pillow and the blanket for? Are you sleepy?”. Aish!! Kwangmin can’t keep his mouth close!! “Youngmin, can you find out about Sam-noona??” I say. “What do you mean hyung? Find out what?” he answers.

“Like friends, family, you know how their relationships are” I say. “Hyung! Didn’t you say not to do that because you will find out on your own??” he asks. “Youngmin, just do what I told you”. He sighs “Yes, hyung” and he hangs up.

In no time I see the limo arriving and the driver opens the door. I carry Sam and lie her down on the seat. Putting the pillow on my lap and placing her head there, covering her with the blanket. She is still sleeping. Finally we arrive to my house. I step out of the car and carry her.

“Young master. You don’t have to do that. The butlers will help you” the main butler says. “No, I’ll take her” I answer. I keep walking and enter my room. I place her on my bed, take off her shoes and tug her in. “Please let me know as soon as she wakes up” I tell the maid in my room. “Yes young master” she answers.

I start walking to the studio to meet Youngmin and Kwangmin. I open the door and see both of them there. “Hyung! What happened why is noona here?” Kwangmin asks me. “Is she sick or you did something to her?” Youngmin asks. “AISHH. YOU TWO!!” I yell. They chuckle and we all sit down.

“Youngmin, what did you find out?” I ask to the older twin. “Well, Noona was born in Seoul and has always lived at the same house. Father and mother alive, her father is American and her mother Korean. Both work for companies associated to Lee’s conglomerate. She is an only child.

Best friend is Kim Donghyun who is also her neighbor. He only has a mother, her father died when he was six that is when he moved here to Seoul. She had another close friend Choi Leena. Friends since they were 11 years old but she recently moved back to America where she is from” Youngmin finishes.

“Anything else? How about the relationship between Sam and Donghyun? How close are they?” I ask. Youngmin looks at the ground. “Youngmin?” I ask again. “Hyung there is something you won’t like” Kwangmin answers. I raise an eyebrow “What is it?” I ask.

“Donghyun, he seems to have feeling for Noona, but it is not a sure thing. He has had a lot of girlfriends thought. According to our sources he has never said no to any girl that has confessed to him and according to girls he is well, great. He works to help his mom every day after class. He is very responsible, smart, athletic and also caring” Kwangmin finishes.

 “How did you two find out all that and so fast?” I ask them. “Well, you know Yoo He Yi has a thing for us” Youngmin says grinning. “And you know what happens when you give Minwoo ice cream, he just can’t shut up” Kwangmin adds smiling. “Thanks for the good work” I answer smiling. “Hyung! Are you going to tell us what is going on?” Youngmin asks. “Sorry, but later” I answer.

I stand up and walk to my room again. I don’t get that Donghyun guy if he has feelings for her then why did she reject her?? or maybe he doesn’t have any feelings for her?? AISHH!!! EITHER WAY I HATE THAT GUY, KIM DONGHYUN. HOW DARE YOU MAKE SAM CRY. I enter my room and see Sam still sleeping. I sit next to her.

I lean closer and kiss her check softly. I am moving away when I see her opening her eyes.   


Special chapther!!!

Well this is continuation of the story but from the guy's point of view. I just want to make sure you guys understand:

Yes! Sam confessed to Donghyun and got rejected.

Yes! Jeongmin was stalking them and he has a lot of money (Lee conglomerate)


BTW: Have you guys seen the new pic of boyfriend for dearberry it is freaking cute. ( look!!! ):




That is all!!! I will try to update really soon.



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Chapter 21: YESSSS!!!! i thought that i've forgotten whats this fanfic about... but.. NOPE!! i still remember it!!! your fanfics always stay in my heart... and very memorable! (because there are some fanfics that i have to read the last few chapters to remember what happened.. but in yours.. i dont have to.. i always remember it !)
Chapter 7: im finally reading one of ur fanfics again !! WOHOOO!!! and as always ...its so good TT^TT in love with every character! ...chapter 6...omaygaaad WHY WHY WHYYYYYYY
Chapter 7: ahhww it's so cute!!! ;:)
Chapter 21: Hi Tsoul. Glad u keep your promise for updating this story :)
Finally i write my 2nd comment here after the 1st in more than a year ago. :D
Soooooo... dugun dugun dugun~~~ is it DH come home with Leena? Aahh... update soon ^^
tsubasasoul #5
To everyone that has been waiting for this story I am going to update this again, thanks for your patience :)
CutieWay #6
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 20: Dear author.... Did you still writing for this story?? I really LOVE this story, I have waiting for your update. PLEASE update as soon as possible :)
Thank you.