
Finished Before It Started [OS2]

So I'm adding the link to my next installment like I added to my first one shot.


Hopefully you'll all enjoy the next installment in the series! Here's a quick snippet~

As she got closer she really saw how cute he was and felt her heart skip a beat. She knelt down in front of his couch and stared at his face before sticking her tongue out at him. When he did nothing she giggled and then poked his cheek.

He groaned and moved his head but didn’t wake up and she burst into a louder fit of giggles. So she leaned in close to his face and softly blew at his nose. He wiggled his nose and she continued until he opened his eyes and clamped one of his hands over . Her eyes widened momentarily as did Daniel’s and then he took his hand away and stood up, stalking past Beki.

Anyway I hope you go to check out the third one and comment! No one's been checking out the third one, which upsets me a bit, so please, go read it! =)

Here's the link again!



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ANOTHER ONE SHOT?! There better be, because I would die crying if there wasn't T-T<br />
Anyways, this was amazing. But dang it Dalmation! You just interfered. SeungYeon too -.- GOSH. LOL<br />
Anyways, I can't wait for the next one.
Awesome. I'll be waiting =D
kebinkisshi #3
@Rubyfur I'll explain about the cab in the next segment of the series because, NO, I will not leave it hanging there. I have another one-shot planned out already. ;)
WHAT. You can't end it like that! Even though Daniel is my favourite member in Dalmatian, it doesn't feel like Beki belongs with him ._. I hope you aren't going to leave it hanging there >=|<br />
The taxi part is kinda confusing...why did Daniel stay in the taxi when Beki alighted if he lived so close to her?