The Kiss

The Nerd is my Princess
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Your POV

It’s been two months already but Ryeowook keeps pulling pranks on me but lesser than before. Maybe he is getting bored because I just put a blank expression every time he pulls his prank. Now the whole school is talking about the ball that will be held this coming Friday. I decided to go since Hyun Byun is insisting on going because we both don’t have a date.

“Let’s go shopping!” Hyun Byun claimed excitingly

“For what?” I asked confused

“For dresses and masks, silly” She giggled at my confusion

“Oh yeah.right. Let’s go” I agreed right away to not spoil her happiness.

We went to the mall and she dragged me to different stores.

She picked her dress  already, but I am still having a hard time in thinking what I will wear. It should be beautiful since I decided to not wear my disguise since it’s a masquerade ball; I just have to not take my mask off so that no one will notice and recognize me.

She really knows what dress looks cute on her. I ask her help because I don’t know what dress will suit me so she’s gonna be my stylist for today. We went to another store. I was trying to pick a dress when she called me

“Abbyy!” She yelled from the other side of the store so I went there seeing her holding lots of dress.

“Try all of this and let me think what will look good on you.” I nodded and walk my way to the dressing room.

I walk out of the dressing room wearing the first dress. She said it looked too revealing.

The next one looks too simple.

The next looks so boyish. I don’t know why she called it boyish though. But I didn’t ask her and just went to change my clothes so we can call the day off but I am so tired already.

I tried three more dresses until…

“Perfect! That is the one” She said happily as she clap her hands

“really?thanks!.... so does that mean, we’re going home already” I ask expecting a yes but

“No. We still have to find a mask that suits your dress” She said as I pay for the dress

“That’s really good. Take it, it suits your dress. Nice taste in shoes” She said while smiling

I decided to buy the shoes then we look for those mask will perfectly suit our dress and went home afterwards.


Few days pass by and today will be the ball. It’s already 3:30 in the afternoon so I decided to take a bath and prepare myself. By the time I was done it’s already quarter to 6 so I went to pick Hyun Byun up. Then we both went to our school together using my car.


Hyun Byun dress and mask 


Your Dress and mask 



When I parked my car in the school’s parking lot, I noticed that it was only Hyun Byun and I in there.

“Byunnie. I think it’s already starting. Let’s go.quick” I told her and we walk to the door. When we open the door…

End of Your POV


Hyun Byun POV

When we entered the hall, I noticed that everyone’s attention is drifted to us, mainly to Abby. She just looks so stunning in her dress.

I can hear murmurs like “Wow. She’s pretty” “Who is she?” “Hot” “Does she study here?”.

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Chapter 32: Super nice storh
Chapter 32: Its very sweet ♡ iloveit^^
wintertmm #3
Chapter 32: omg so sweet yeah happy ending jumping around with joy
gaofushuai #4
Chapter 32: So sweet ♥ ><
gaofushuai #5
Chapter 30: :O finally u updated this story \O/
Please update often ^^
wintertmm #6
Chapter 29: Pls update soon
wintertmm #7
Chapter 29: oh my god she's alive pls update soon
Chapter 29: SHE'S ALIVE OMG O_O but her daughter does not tell her father? Or even hint at it... man she's good o.o I wouldn't be able to hold it in D; can't wait for next update (:
LeeHyeJung12 #9
please update..
theshiningtheory #10
Chapter 29: OH MY GOOOOOOOSH SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!