☆ A Snarly faced Stranger ☆

EXO ☆ Cupcake Café
"Nice cupcakes."

"Thanks," Xiumin replied, still bent over as he stuck a toothpick in to one of the cupcakes in the pan. "They actually turned out pretty good."

"I wasn't talking about those cupcakes."

Pulling the tray of cupcakes out of the oven, Xiumin spun around to see who it was that was speaking to him. It was Tao, his baking assistant, who still had a steady stare on his 'cupcakes' as he made his way to the counter to set the tray down. 

Xiumin smirked. "You know, if you can make a better cupcake then me, I might let you touch 'em." He wiggled his a little bit, just to be a tease. 

Tao couldn't help but his lips before realizing what Xiumin had just said. "But, you're one of the best bakers in the city."

"I know."

Tao pouted his lip. "I'm never going to be able to touch your cupcakes."

Just then, the door to the kitchen opened and in walked Chen. He's Suho's business advisor, in charge of taking care of all of the café's finances. 

"Hey guys," Chen looked over at Tao and noticed that he was pouting. "What's wrong?"

"He's a sad panda." Xiumin said, not able to hold back a light chuckle. 

"Xiumin hyung won't let me touch his 'cupcakes' unless I can make better cupcakes then his cupcakes." Tao whined. 

Chen blinked a couple of times. "...okay, I'm confused."

"He's talking about these 'cupcakes'." Xiumin said, patting his . 

"Oh," Chen nodded. He walked over to Tao and gave him a pat on the back before heading over to the counter where Xiumin was at. "Good luck with that." 

Tao just lowered his head. It wasn't his fault he hadn't gotten laid in weeks and his baking mentor has an extremely adorable bubble .

Xiumin looked at Chen as the younger boy walked towards him. "What're you doing in the kitchen anyway? You never come in here." 

"I'm actually looking for Suho. Have you seen him?"

"I think he said something about going out to breakfast this morning."

Suddenly the kitchen door swings open and in walks Kyungsoo. "Guys, Suho just came in to the café..." He says in a loud whisper as if he was telling them some big secret. 

"So?" Chen raised an eyebrow, wondering what the big deal was. This was Suho's café afterall. 

"With a guy..." Kyungsoo continued, still talking somewhat quietly.

"So?" Chen still wasn't understanding why Kyungsoo was acting the way he was. 

"A really tall, really hot guy."

All at once, all four guys in the kitchen rushed over to the door, cracking it slightly so they could see in to the dining room of the café. They could see Suho and whoever it was that came in with him, sitting down at one of the tables, with Suho's back facing them. They had a clear look at the face of the guy he was with though. 

"He looks pissed off." Xiumin said.

  Chen nodded. "Yeah, but Kyungsoo is right. He is hot." 

"I just saw him in passing," Kyungsoo scoffed. "He's alright, if you're in to seven-foot-tall-faced-snarly looking guys." The other three boys looked at Kyungsoo with raised eyebrows and he looked back at them the same way. "What?"

"You're jealous~" Xiumin had to use his best sing-song voice because he knew it would get on Kyungsoo's nerves. 

Kyungsoo's eyes grew bigger then usual. "W-what are you talking about? I'm not jealous."

"You're totally jelly," Xiumin continued teasing. "Just admit it."

"I told you, I'm not jealous." Kyungsoo tried his best to sound convincing but knew he was failing at it. 


"Shut up!" 

"Kyungsoo and Suho sitting in a tree~ F-U-C-" 

Xiumin then felt a nudge on his arm from Tao, stopping him from singing his childish song. "Hey guys, look at Chen." 

Kyungsoo and Xiumin looked over at Chen and saw him staring out the crack in the door and right at Suho's unknown guest, his mouth hanging open. Chen could feel the three pairs of eyes looking at him so he turned his head and looked at them. "What?" 

"You're drooling."  

Chen quickly wiped his mouth. "No I'm not."

The three boys giggled before peeking out the kitchen door again. To there surprise though, Suho and his mystery man were gone. 

"Where'd they go?" Kyungsoo said, thinking out loud. 

As soon as he finished his sentence, the door swung open, knocking some of the boys in the forehead. As they rubbed their heads, they looked up to see the two that were previously in the dining room looking down at them with confused looks on their faces. Well, Suho looked confused. The other guy had a serious case of stinkface. 

"What are you three doing?" Suho asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Oh nothing," Xiumin replied. "Wait, wasn't there four of us?"

They all looked around and noticed that Tao was missing from the group. 

"JEEZ HE REALLY IS A NINJA!" Xiumin exclaimed. 

"Okay..." Suho knew trying to rationalize his staffs behavior was completely useless. They were always like this. "Well since you guys are here, I might as well introduce you to someone." He motioned for the tall boy next to him to step forward. "This is Kris." 

The three bowed and waved to him. Chen could feel his cheeks reddening out of shyness and Kyungsoo prepared himself for Suho's added introduction of 'this is my secret boyfriend'. 

"He's a new employee here," Suho added. 

Kyungsoo breathed a sigh of relief, which Suho noticed. 

"He's actually going to be training to be the new manager of our store in China." Suho stopped and motioned for Chen to come closer. "Kris, this is Chen. Chen's going to show you some of the financial aspects of the bakery."

Kris took Chen's hand in his and shook it. "I'm looking forward to learning from you."

The taller males firm handshake and deep voice sent serious shivers throughout Chen's body. His knees began to wiggle and he felt his body heat up. He knew this attraction towards the new boy was going to mean big trouble for him. 

Releasing from the handshake, Suho then spoke up. "Actually Chen, why don't you bring Kris over to the office. I'll be right there."

Chen just nodded, not wanting to open his mouth in fear that "you're smexy" or "sleep with me NOW" would fly out of his mouth. 

As the two of them walked towards the office, Suho stepped towards Kyungsoo and whispered in his ear, "Happy?"

Kyungsoo narrowed his gaze at Suho, pretending he didn't know what his best friend was saying even though he knew exactly what he meant. His hot breath against his ear still turned Kyungsoo in to complete mush. 

He watched as Suho walked away and towards the office. Suddenly Tao popped out of nowhere and started using the same sing-song voice that Xiumin used. "JELLY~"

"AHHH!" Kyungsoo was shocked by Tao's sudden reappearance and clutched on to his chest as he tried to catch his breath. 

"He really is one y kung fu panda ninja..." Xiumin said to no one in particular as he checked one of his trays of cupcakes.  


I'm gonna write a much longer A/N for 99 Black Balloons when I update that later but for now, this will have to do since I'm updating from school. Kekeke I know, I'm naughty (~_~;)

Anyways, it's not my best work but it'll get better. I wrote this 3 months ago and never got to finishing the chapter and I forgot where I was going with it. So I finished it quickly and now I'm starting fresh with a new chapter. 

But now that I'm adjusting to school again, I will be back very soon!

Love ya'll!!!

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Thanks to Shaza_Bigbang_ @ jokers paradise for the amazing poster


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Chapter 2: i want to a ninja boyfriend like tao
-neverwinter #2
Chapter 1: aksdhkjahdjak sekai <3 ;u;
Chapter 3: kyaaaaaaaa can't wait for the sekai! *A*
Chapter 1: EXO rule #11 is scaryyyyyyyy xDDDD OTL
mikazuki_angel #5
Chapter 3: Oh!! Now the KrisChen feels are erupting...!!

I totally know what you mean. School really gets in the way...but hopefully it pays off lol!! I'm going through the same dilemma

Anyways!! Love the update! Yeah! Kris be wanting some of that!!

Alright, hoping for a few more updates! ^^ maybe one on the walk-in cooler of Kris and Chen >///< (nah lol! you don't have to...if you want ^^)
Chapter 1: Hahahahhaa!!! Love this fic! And it all contains all of my OTPs! The in there was soo thick LOL
Can't wait for more!
Chapter 3: Buwahahaha, Omo!!!! Can't believe this but still awesome
Chapter 3: Poor chenchen xD hahaha
Chapter 3: kaihun snippet is making a very grand appearance