what is my feelings towards him?

why did i fall in love with the girl i hate

http://soeulmateskoreanaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/fx-1.png  (taemin's clothes )

  We got inside the hospital and went to a desk in the front with a women behind it. 

" oh, annyoung Taemin-ah are you here for you grandmas medican?" the woman said I guess she knows Taemin.

" uh...ne! " Taemin said smiling to her. 

~ i see how it is in front of others he smiles but in front of me he always staers or give me a mean look~

" oh araso, wait over there and i'll bring it to you okay?" The woman said pointing to a row of seats in front of the hospital. 

"ne! kamsahamnida!" Taemin said as he bowed a little. " lets go sit." Taemin also said and took my hand. ~ whoa! now I didn't see that coming~

we walked to the seats and I spoke to him......." uh....Taemin-ah can you let go of my hands?" 

"hmmm....oh ne, miahnae." He said as he blushed alittle and let go gently, then we sat and waited.

~ 2 minutes later ~

 we just looked at the ground the whole time. I felt weird just sitting in silence with him. Then I heard someone speak.....

" oh....Taemin-ah here you go tell your grandma to eat it in the morning and the night so she can have lots of energy." The woman that knows Taemin said and gave a white bag to Taemin. while i just sat on my seat ready to go.

"ne! gomawoa." Taemin said as he bowed again. Then I stood up and we walked to the car again. This time I sat in the front I dont know why but I felt that I wanted to. Taemin didnt say anything he looked like he kind of smiled when I sat with him. That mad me smile alittle too. Then Taemin drove off. 

~ 15 minutes later ~

 It was quiet in the car fo awhile untill I felt the car slowdown.

"oh........Taemin-ah whats wrong with the car?" I said looking serious at him he looked at me and said 

" I dont know whats wrong but I think we have to walk home now because the car stopped." Taemin said trying to make the car go again.

"bwoh! are you sure try again?" I said asking him to make the car start again but it wouldn't start.

" I told you its not working. Lets just walk home its geting really late if your going then I'm going to leave you alone by yourself in the dark dont come running to me when something happens.okay?" Taemin said and opened the door and walked out. I was thinking about what he said and got scared so I ran out the car with the medican in my hand. " Taemin wait for me!" I said as I shout to him. He wouldn't stop so I had to run to him and when I reached him I held on to his arm and bended and gasp for air. " I saiD......TO........WAIT...." 

" I couldn't hear you so I didnt stop." Taemin said looking at me.

"stop lieing you were only a couple feet away from me and plus I have high heels on you know I could have broken my ankle running to you." I said as I finally got enough air and standed up striaght.

" Its not my fault you wore high heels is it?" Taemin said as he looked at my high heels and then squated.

" what are you doing?" I said looking at him in front of me.

" here get on my back." Taemin said. 

" wae? your going to be tried and you should know I eat alot and Im pretty sure im heavy." I said to him.

"  stop arguing and get on or do you want to walk in high heels until we get home. its pretty long until we get back." Taemin said.

" fine then if your back hurts its not my fault okay." I said to Taemin and then smiled as I got on his back.

" Okay lets go." Taemin said and got up. For a skinny man he sure can carry me. I felt warm when as I rested my head on his should. Then I think I fell asleep. 




Hey, readers heres the next chppie what do you guys thinks gonna happen next be sure to comment/ subscribe next chappie will updated soon. 

thank you all readers !!!!

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Chapter 51: Uhhh I don't like her stay to jas!!
readingglass #2

cant wait for the new chaptersto come
iLoveMyUnni #3
Chapter 51: Update soon
iLoveMyUnni #4
Chapter 50: Omona !!!! Too much sweetness can kill !!! Update soon pls:)))
Chapter 50: Sweeetttt~

Update soon!!
@aliyacassieast- hmm I guess he wasn't becuz he agreed to wear that.

Love, Shineelovertae !
oh boy.... Sigh~
Kayluvsshinee #9
It great im loving this story more than the others i have read