Off and Away

To the Beach

The sky was clear and blue, the dazzling light from the sun as it started to rise could be seen glinting off of car windows and penetrating through cracks in drawn curtains.

Seungri is the first to wake up, which is unusual but not entirely out of the ordinary. He grumbles sleepily to himself as he moves his legs off of his bed and forces himself into a sitting position, his hand raking through his too short hair. He sighs deeply and pushes himself up and off of the bed, hoping that one of the other members had woken up before him and decided to make breakfast. He slips his feet into his slippers and pads his way out of his room and down the hall to the kitchen. He couldn’t smell anything, and he couldn’t hear anybody. Peeking around the corner into the kitchen he was forced to conclude that he was definitely the first one up.

“Stupid curtains don’t fit my stupid window” He mutters darkly as he moves toward the counter where a bowl of fruit with a note that read ‘EAT ME’ is waiting for him. “Stupid Youngbae and his stupid food restrictions” He mutters, his dark mood turning whiney as he reaches forward and grabs the last banana and peach and sits at the table. “Ha, now he can’t have them.”

Seungri’s vindictive mood is happily short-lived as he remembers the sun streaming in through the gaps left by his too-small curtains. Finishing the banana and starting on the peach, he gets up and heads into the living room to check the news for the weather. It’s as he turns the TV on and flops down onto the couch that he hears movement from the direction of the bedrooms. “Of course they wake up now! I’ve already eaten” He complains bitterly to himself as he flips through the channels looking for the correct station.

In the hallway Daesung and Youngbae almost collide as they both back quickly out of their rooms, pulling their doors closed. Luckily Daesung turned around in time to notice Youngbae moving toward him and was able to deftly slide out of the way.

“Good morning!” Daesung says brightly, a smile gracing his face, taking the focus away from his disheveled hair.

Youngbae jumps only slightly before turning away from his door and smiling, “morning!” he replies as they fall into step with one another on their way toward the kitchen.

“Sounds like the TV is on, who could be up?” Daesung asks, a puzzled frown taking the place of his smile as he tiptoes toward the edge of the living room to take a peek.

“Morning, hyung.” Seungri says flatly, keeping his eyes trained on the TV screen as the weatherman gives his report on the day’s highs and lows.

“Wait, is that Seungri?” Youngbae says from the kitchen, then “Hey! Who ate the last peach and banana!?”

Seungri smiles to himself as he places the peach pit on a napkin on the coffee table. “Looks like it’s going to be really nice today!” His chipper voice makes Youngbae squint his eyes in suspicion and wander out into the living room.

“Huh, yeah, so it is.” He says, eyes glancing briefly at the TV before landing on the coffee table. He frowns lightly as he takes in the sight of the peach pit in the napkin, “Hey! You don’t even like peaches!”

“Of course I do, don’t be silly.” Seungri says, looking away from Youngbae and trying to seem interested in the news report.

Daesung moves into the room and sits down next to Seungri, holding a small bowl of rice that he had managed to procure while the two were distracted with each other. “Hmm, we have the day off, I wonder what everyone is going to do.”

A small commotion in the hallway causes the three men to turn toward the entrance to the living room, distracted from answering Daesung’s ponderings. Suddenly, Jiyong comes streaking into view, skidding past the doorway and crashing into the counter in the kitchen. He backtracks and peeks around the doorframe.

“We are going to the beach!!” Jiyong shouts, giddy anticipation flowing off of him in waves.

Taeyang and Seungri groan in unison, while Daesung bounces off of the couch and skips toward Jiyong. “YAY! I love the beach. When are we leaving, I’m going to get ready!” He rushes off toward his room, leaving his half-eaten bowl of rice on the couch with Seungri.

“What are you two doing sitting there? Get ready! We have to go!” Jiyong snaps, making Youngbae roll his eyes and wander out into the kitchen and out of Jiyong’s direct line of vision. “And YOU” Jiyong says, pointing a finger at Seungri, who was still sitting on the couch grasping Daesung’s abandoned bowl of rice, “are going to wake Seuenghyun-hyung up.” With that order given, and without waiting for Seungri’s reply, Jiyong turns around, grabs the granola bar that Youngbae was just about to eat, and heads back into his room.

“No! Ji! That was my breakfast!” Youngbae starts whining, his voice trailing off until he is just muttering as he follows after Jiyong. He looks sadly at the shut door before moving to his own room and closing the door behind him.

This left Seungri alone in the living room, once again, but with two rather large problems: Daesung left his half-eaten bowl of rice on the couch, and Ji had asked him to wake up Seunghyun-hyung. He had no problem bring the bowl back into the kitchen; he did have a problem waking up Seunghyun-hyung. Seungri sighs heavily, face falling into a pout as he stands up and takes the bowl of rice into the kitchen. He hesitates for a couple of moments, his hand still on the rim of the bowl as it sits on the counter, before he lets go and heads down the hall toward Seunghyun’s room.

Standing silently at the door Seungri his lips and stares at the door, almost as if with that action he expected it to just pop open. Eyes blinking rapidly he reaches for the handle and slowly turns it, opening the door as slowly and soundlessly as possible. Seunghyun’s room was almost pitch-black, and this realization caused Seungri to snort—of course his  curtains cover his windows—before moving more fully into the room as his eyes adjusted.

Seungri could just barely make out Seunghyun lying in a heap on his bed in the dark, so he moved cautiously toward it. “Hyung…It’s time to wake up…we’re going to the beach…” He was whispering, and his voice was shaking slightly, but he really didn’t want Seunghyun to yell at him.

He was finally close enough to fully make out Seunghyun’s form on the bed, when he paused. He couldn’t make himself speak or reach out or move further. He was suddenly terrified; Seunghyun looked so very asleep, and so very menacing. Shaking his head, Seungri decides to push forward through it, and reaches a hand out to tap his Hyung lightly on the shoulder.

“Hyung…You’ve gotta get up. Jiyong is going to have a fit if you aren’t ready to go to the beach.” Seungri whispers, managing to stop himself from stuttering through his words. He’s taken by surprise but manages to jump back in time to avoid one of Seunghyun’s arms as it flails out toward him.

“Oh goshgjuh…Quiet” Seunghyun mumbles out, turning toward Seungri with his eyes still shut and looking like he was still asleep.

Seungri ventures forward, “Hyung, you should really get up, we’re going to the beach and Jiyong—“ He was cut off as Seunghyun reached out and grabbed him by the wrist.

“Nooo, sleepy.” Seunghyun mutters, pulling Seungri closer to the bed. “Tell Ji I don’t wanna.”

His eyes were still closed, and Seungri couldn’t help but be amused by Seunghyun’s childish whining. Unfortunately, no matter how amused Seungri was, he couldn’t allow Seunghyun to keep sleeping; he still needed to get ready to leave, and if he didn’t get Seunghyun up he would be in a lot of trouble.

“I can’t, he won’t listen. Come on!!” Seungri says, pulling at Seunghyun’s hand, trying to get it off of his wrist, “Let go!”

“No, you’ll hit me or something” Seunghyun says, hand gripping tighter as he squeezes his eyes even more tightly shut.

This pronouncement gave Seungri and idea, and so with one mighty heave (and the help of leverage) Seungri dragged Seunghyun off the bed. Seunghyun hit the floor with a dull ‘thud!’ making Seungri back up even further as his wrist was let go.

“OW!” Seunghyun says, not bothering to get to his feet before reaching forward and knocking Seungri to the ground with him.

“Hey! What’d you do that for!?” Seungri whines as he rubs the spot on his leg that he landed on.

Seunghyun pouts, “You dragged me onto the floor first, it’s only fair, I’m older.”

Even though he wasn’t certain about the logic behind Seunghyun’s statement, Seungri decided that it was best not to argue. He rolls his eyes instead, and stands up, offering a hand to help Seunghyun up. Just as Seunghyun reaches up to take his hand, Daesung pops his head through the door.

“Hey, Ji wanted me to tell you that we’re leaving in two minutes whether you’re ready or not” He looks at Seunghyun in a heap on the floor, and then up to Seungri standing there with his hand out, “Sorry hyung, Seungri, he’s being unreasonable” Daesung says, lowering his voice and frowning at them apologetically before he pulls his head back from the doorway and leaves them there.

Both men were left staring at the door for a few moments before Seunghyun’s mouth curves up into a mischievous smile. Turning back toward Seungri, who seemed to be torn between running out to get ready and staying so that he wouldn’t get in trouble, Seunghyun reaches his hand back out and grabs Seungri’s still-outstretched one. Catching the man off-guard, Seunghyun used this to his advantage as he pulled Seungri back down to the floor; this time Seungri fell awkwardly forward, one arm waving in front of him as he tried to catch himself before falling half on the floor and half on Seunghyun.

“Aish! Hyuuuung! Why’d you do that?” Seungri whines, trying to sit up and hide his red, embarrassed face.

“You looked stupid, staring at the door like that!” Seunghyun responds, laughing and ruffling Seungri’s hair. Seungri pouts deeply in response, bringing his hands up to fix his hair immediately.

“Oy! We’re leaving now!” Jiyong yells, his voice echoing down the hallway and causing Seungri to jump and look, wide-eyed, at the door.

“Oh no!” He says, trying to jump to his feet in order to run out the door. He can’t get up though because he had somehow managed to tangle himself in the blankets spilling off of Seunghyun’s bed. Because of the struggling, Seungri managed to miss the sound of the front door closing; once he managed to break free of the sheets he rushed out of Seunghyun’s room and up the hallway toward the kitchen and the front door.

Seunghyun watches in amusement as Seungri realizes that the other three have, indeed, left; a smirk playing across his face. “I guess it’s you and me today, huh kid?” he says, enjoying the glare thrown at him.

“You did it on purpose!” Seungri says, a pout forming on his face as he moves back into the kitchen and toward Seunghyun.

“Did what?” Seunghyun says, turning back toward the hallway and his room, “go get dressed, let’s watch a movie.”

Seungri was going to pout, but realized that Seunghyun had already turned away from him. He shrugs and wanders into his room, “Guess I’m watching movies today…inside.” He’s secretly alright with that.

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awww haha