A Heart Can't Be Fooled

A Heart Can't Be Fooled

We were at the senior graduation party at one of his friend's dad's house. I didn't want to be there, but I had to be there because EVERYONE else was. Everyone had thought we were still together, but it wasn't true at all. And that fact alone broke my heart into even smaller pieces.


He had ended our relationship four months ago, but decided that I should help him hide this from everyone. He was ashamed. Ashamed to be with me, but also ashamed to be seen without me. And of course, I went along with everything because I still loved him. He had been such a large part of my life; I couldn't let him go just like that.


I was in the other room, filled with alcohol-drinking classmates, bored out of my mind. I didn't touch any beers, purely because I wasn't a drinker, but carried a plastic cup in my hand just to pull it off like I did. I walked into the main room where all the others, the more popular kids, were pooled. They were gossiping about the most rumored-about students from the past school year. I wasn't interested until I heard my own name.


Pretending to stumble, I sat at the end of the circle, nearly five bodies away from my supposed boyfriend. I placed my cup down behind me and continued to listen to one of his jerk-friends talk.


"Seriously, she was, like, so hideous! Sorry, Kai," he said as I turned my head to see Kai play it off. He just merely shook his head, not bothering to defend me against his pal. "So, I got this picture," he held up a frame, showing it to everyone, "from her house when Kai and I visited last month. She's, like, a kid, then, but damn! She was freaking ugly!"


I sighed out, knowing which picture he was talking about. I was seven years old in that picture, missing some of my front baby teeth, and holding onto the hand of a familiar boy. Kai knew the boy in the photo with me all too well, but from what I could tell, he didn't even react an inch. He just smiled.


That boy was him. He was the one who promised to be my best friend in elementary school, and the same teen-aged boy to confess his love for me years later. He had once promised to protect me from all harm, but here he sat in the same room as me, as all of our peers, watching, listening unresponsively to his friend's critical remarks about me.


Weren't we still supposed to be 'going out'? Why wasn't he standing up for me?


In all honesty, I was hurt. I was devastated. But I didn't show my weakness. That wasn't Kai's girlfriend that everybody knew, though Kai seriously knew me differently.


Stepping up to the center of the circle, I called out his friend's attention. "I've got something better," I said, reaching into my back pocket, pulling out my small wallet. "I can show you one of my boyfriend's secret pictures, if you give me that one back." I tried to bargain.


"Whoa-ho-ho!" he chuckled, announcing his interest. Even if he was Kai's friend, he'd take any opportunity to embarrass him. "Alright, give it to me!"


He tossed the framed photo at my feet, managing not to crack its glass, and I picked it up. I tucked it safely under my arm and did a little dance while pulling out the other picture from its place. Everyone was on high alert, curious as to what kind of scandalous photo of Kai I would keep so close as to hide it in my own wallet. Pinching the picture between my fingers, I didn't even have a chance to hand it over when Kai stood up and cut across me. He didn't brush past me without a reason, though.


He was showing off that he was holding another girl's hand.


When he was a good two feet away, I stopped him in his tracks by slamming the wooden picture frame into his back. He turned his head to glance at me, only to witness me throw the other picture onto the ground between our feet.


It was the one of him drawing his first handmade Valentine's card for me, a picture his mother had sneakily taken.


I looked at his eyes, his face blurring because of my threatening tears, and scoffed. If this was his second attempt to 'break it off' with me, then I would make sure his heart wouldn't heal, as well.


In response to his blank look, I marched off and into the other room. It was still filled with the drunken students I had left behind earlier, but I didn't care. They didn't care for me as well. No one at this party did. Not even Kai, who at this moment, I could hear tell everyone, "What? No, why would I follow her? I don't care about her anymore."


Standing on one of the room's couches, I slid open the large window that encased the scenic view of the outside. My strange actions caught someone's attention, and suddenly people were talking about me.


"Isn't that Kai's girlfriend?"

"What is she doing?"

"I think she's drunk."

"Hey, Kai!" a guy shouted.


I looked down below at the dropping hillside. If I fell, I would actually die. I quietly thanked Kai's friend's dad for having such a conveniently placed home and then sat on the sill. I faced the inside of the room and when I saw Kai walking towards me, mid-way through the hall, I locked eyes with him and mouthed the words I knew a part of him didn't want to hear.




Leaning back, I let my body fall. A constant breeze pushed my hair into my face as I continued to drop, until suddenly, I was still.


"YOU STUPID- DON'T YOU EVER DARE DO THAT TO ME, EVER AGAIN!" Kai held me close, not leaving any space between our shaking bodies. We were now standing in a nook beneath the overhanging house. He buried his face into my neck, crying as I clung onto the back of his shoulders for dear life. We both soaked up each other's tears with our clothes, hair, and skin, letting all of our emotions take their course. It wasn't until I could breathe properly that I spoke.




Kai's true feelings finally appeared and he let slip a slight, understanding smirk before kissing me as if his very being depended on it.



"What just happened?!"

"Did she just jump out?!"

"Is she dead?!"

"Did...did she just commit suicide?!" the voices of our classmates continued.


No. I didn't.


I just did what I knew I had to do to get my lover back.


And it got him to teleport me back into safety, into his arms.


"I love you, Kai."


"And I still love you, babe. I always have. I always will. I've been so stupid. I'm sorry."


"It's okay. I knew you'd come back to me," I whispered, sliding my arms around his neck. Holding him, again, made all my sufferings go away. I no longer cared for all the pain he’d caused me.


"Where else would I go? To that chick?”


I narrowed my eyes at him and he winced. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You could’ve fooled me.”


Kai leaned in and kissed me, again, giving me that something I'd longed for during the last four excruciatingly lonely months. “But, yeah…. Don’t you ever do something stupid like jumping off a cliff, ever again!” he lectured after breaking apart from me.


“What? Why not? Then what else is that power of yours useful for?” I smiled, pecking his lush lips.

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Chapter 1: Honestly, I confuse ~really am...
haesicarocks #2
Chapter 1: So he has powers ok ... Btw great story :)
Chapter 1: Ahahaha! He has powers...so they all have powers? Anyways, that was so cute!
Loushin #4
Chapter 1: oh-My-GOD XD *my Kai Feelings xDD
WisdomJade #5
Chapter 1: I liked the unexpectedness! ^ ^ Just read it again for the second time :)
cute!! but romantic!! =)
Thanks so much, everyone, for your wonderful comments! You guys don’t know how happy each comment I receive makes me – I literally jump around the room! :) I’m such a dork….

@asami—chan: Thank you! *blushes* There’s no real reason I can think of. It just happened…? Love is complicated. P.S. Ramble on, my friend.

@WisdomJade: Thanks! Sorry if the superpower reference was unexpected…. I know that some people think that it is ‘over-used’ in EXO stories....

THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE, EVERYONE!!! <3 Please keep supporting me! And if you can, please spread the word about my story! *shameless*
WisdomJade #8
OwO soo good.
I was thinking the whole photo showing scene was unique when it turned out the story was linked to his superpower. OnO
this oneshot is like the best oneshot I've read out of the hundreds I've read. <3 Thank you for this *0*