
My First Love

Chapter 25


"Wow..." Baekho whispered in disappointment ,"What are we going to do?"

"Why not stay here and sleep?" Ren took a biscuit from the jar and muched it, scrolling something suspicious on his iPhone. Baekho peered over and kissed the ground a moment later. Dang that guy. After a while, Aron came into the tent.

"Yo, guys." He greeted, drenched in water.

"Yah, hyung! That's my bed!!" Minhyun snatched his bed away from the water. "What have you been doing out there? In the rain?" He asked. "Rain will not interrupt our activity. Get your butts off the ground and let's head out." He sighed and led them out. 

"Minyoung? Are you-- Wow, she's still asleep." Baekho blurted out. "Hey! Give her some privacy, Baekho! God." Aron facepalmed himself, hitting his nose too hard on the process. "But without her, you can't be as happy." Baekho frowned and Ren snickered from behind. "EH?! No! What are you talking about you toot!?"

"Can't deny the truth, can you hyung?" Minhyun smirked ,"Wait, where's Yuri? And... JR?"

You woke up at that and looked around. You drooled a lot and it was still on your face. Realizing the boys were already up, possibly standing on the entrance of your door, you panicked. You cleaned your face and avoid changing your clothes for too long. How can you sleep so deeply with such a bad weather? And moreover where's Yuri?!

"H-Hey guys." You popped your head beneath the two folds of the entrance. "Hey! Careful!" Aron ran to you, hovering the umbrella above you. Now your morning face is displayed publicly to him as the ugliest form of face ever. Behind Aron, you could see some of the boys giggling and throwing some suspicious laugh to each other. Wait, something's up. Again.

All of you walked to the field, in the rain. You suffered from dipping your shoes into the mud. Did you mention that there were some creepy insects climbing along your leg too? It was itching so bad that you have to lower down to squash those insects.

"Minyoung! Sorry, i have to leave you. I'm doing some part on the presentation." Yuri came to you and you nodded sleepily. "JR is not with you? Where's he?"

"I don't know. Let's just wait for him, he'll show up eventually anyway." Aron shrugged. "Minyoung, have you eaten?"

The boys continued laughing at each other that their faces turned red. Yuri joined them soon. Hmm, Aron must be setting up a weird trap to embarass me.

JR came jogging up to the crowd, panting, with a faint smile on his lips. "Hey! Where have you been, you sneaky bastard!" Ren hit his back. "Phonecall," He grinned uncontrollably. Probably his parents. "It's true." He continued after receiving many glances.

"Silence, guys." Some teacher spoke in the microphone. "We will continue this game and the rain will not be a problem. Our next game is..." The microphone died suddenly and the teacher had to bring another one. "Photo searching in the rain!"

With that, almost a part of the boys cheered. The girls gaped, with their eyes and mouth open wide.

"My brand new Nike.." Baekho sniffled.

"There are many photos of random person scattered around the woods. You will have to bring back at least ten per student. Name and describe the person on the picture. Not so hard, isn't it?" The teacher chucled after receiving groans from the students. "Let the games.. BEGIN!"

With or without rain, all of the students ran to the direction of the wood. You even see Jaejoong pushed a guy from the back and both of them fell. Such a failure.

Your shoes locked with the twig and you fell down to some random guys' back, earning a complain. Aron came and defended you ,"It's not her fault. You can't just blame her like that."

Mega facepalm. You're more than embarassed, seeing Aron like this. Your heart started beating fast that it was the only thing that filled your ears. "I'm.. I'm going to go there. Good.. Good luck!" You ran and Aron followed.

"Why are you following me?" You asked. "Am i that annoying?" Aron pointed to himself and you shaked your head ,"No! Ofcourse not! I'm just asking you a question."

"Well, maybe to keep you away from harm. I'll be your bodyguard for now. Okay?" He winked and ran off. Definitely not a body guard.

You arrived and you held your umbrella between your neck and shoulder, picking up some blank paper which seems to be a picture, face-down. You picked it up and saw a random face of a girl you don't actually know.

You continued on the trail and picked up a photo which fell from someone's grip. Another random person. You sat on a weird stone, a star shaped stone. You took something that was blocking the contact off your to the stone. A picture.. again. Probably some random guy you have never seen. You turned the picture and suddenly, the sound of the rain touching the ground fainted.

JR. A picture of JR.

You can't believe your eyes. He was probably the only one you knew from the picture aside from the other seven. His face was blank, as always, and his eyes were staring deeply into the camera. You wiped the residue of the rain and soil and tucked it into your jacket, unlike the others which were located in the cheap plastic bag.

After a few hours, you felt you were the only one left alone in the woods. Even though the path were already marked, you suddenly lost your sense of direction. You flicked your phone on. No signal. Of course. How simple.

You ran, and ran until you spotted someone in front of you. You were about to call that person but you realize that guy was making a phonecall. You listened closely and you heard JR's voice. Your eyes suddenly softened, his voice is very beautiful. Everything about him is so perfect that noone can be compared to him.

"Hey, becareful. I know it's also raining there." He said, with warning. You stopped. He's not talking to his parents. The other line was someone else. Curiousity brought you closer to his tracks.

"Have you had your lunch? Don't go on a diet again, remember that."

A girl. Definitely a girl.

"Okay, Yuja. Yes, i will have my lunch later. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself." He laughed. His laugh was really something.

After all this time, he was talking to Yuja. Your felt very uneasy and uncomfortable.. sort of.. jealous. You closed your eyes and ran, passing him on the way. You're sure that he won't even recognize your back. That's sad news for you.



"Min..Minyoung?" Her name rolled off automatically from my tongue and it feels weird and somehow familiar in some way. I saw her running so fast that something white went floating in the air, to the ground. I gaped for a while, before realizing about it. 

Curious, i ran over to that object. There were watermark of our school logo, which only means one thing. This is a picture. I scoffed, seeing Aron's face on it won't be a problem. But, i wasn't that sure so i flipped the picture and my heart nearly stopped.

It was a picture of me. My expression was the worst on that picture. I can't believe Minyoung had my picture, i mean, found. What scares me the most is about her listening to my conversation. I hope she won't get me wrong. I scoffed, with a smile, and pulled out her photo from the pocket of my jacket, careful not to let it go beyond the protection of the umbrella.

I went over to a weirdly shaped stone, shaped like a star and sat on it. Someone must've sat on this rock, it's warm. I took out Minyoung and my photo, bringing them closer that they touched each other.

I squinted my eyes and stopped what i was doing. This is weird. I was suddenly dizzy. I shut my eyes as i saw some memories of the past. I saw someone, a girl, to be particular.

Yuja, i think that's her. The flashbacks didn't stopped, though. I suddenly saw a younger version of my mom, which means the time went further to the past.

I saw a girl twirling a flower in her hand, laughing and smiling to me. She called my name, and i find my self approaching to her. She went closer to me and kissed my cheek. And that was the last thing i could remember, before everything went black.


Hey, guys. I'm sorry, i took a very long time to update. I was told to do a presentation for my teachers and interview an old man about engineering. True story, not an excuse. :|

I hope you guys know what JR is telling you in this story ;) 

Please do comment and subscribe. AND GET ME OUT OF UNIVERSITY SOON. 

 Have a good day, guys!


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Kpop7YDJ #1
Chapter 25: Author-nim pleaseee update this fanfic!!!!
LoveCuteFanFics #2
I miss this fanfic! Please update! :)
Chapter 25: Huhuhuhu !!!! Author-nim , please update soon !!!
Chapter 19: Hmmm ,, i like Minyoung end up with Jr more!! ><
Chapter 18: Hahaha .. You soo funny .. I like it .. I enjoy your story very much :D
Steph_Dancing_Panda #6
Chapter 25: ahhhhhhhh please updateeeeeeeeeee i love ittt
Jemina #7
Chapter 25: I love this fanfic ! ♥
Update soon please? :3
Nerdygirl123 #8
Chapter 25: Hello! Thanks for finally updating this story!! :D ‎​​finally jr atleast have a memory of the girl --'
Chapter 25: AWAHHH
miss_hana #10
Chapter 25: your story made my day<3