Who Am I Really?

And So We Go (From the Sidelines)

Hana smiled. “Jung-su! I’m here!” she chirped, holding some cake and a transformers toy.

The nurses wheeled over her little brother. The sickness that threatened to take over his body had once not been able to take over his young smile, but he had gotten worse, the nurses had said.

“Noona…” His eyes widened at the cake and present. “You remembered!”

Hana patted her little brother’s head gently and passed him the toy. He tried to open it with his weak hands and failed but the nurse helped him out.

“How could I forget your birthday Jung-su? You’re my brother after all.”

She pushed his wheelchair outside to the hospice patio. Then Hana began to cut a small piece of cake for Jung-su.

Not too much, the nurses had warned.

Screw that, she replied, piling on more cake. A kid’s a kid.

“Noona, thank you so much!” Jung-su smiled. “You’re the best noona ever.” He began to drive the toy car on the table.

Hana stared at the surrounding scenery, not truly looking. How many more times would she be able to visit her brother like this? The time she had was minimal.


“Dad! How can you say that?!” Hana yelled, enraged.

“That boy is a nuisance. A shame to the Choi family name. Why you waste your time with that failure, the reason escapes me.”

Hana fumed. “He’s your own flesh and blood!” she looked to her mom. “Please mama, if… here, I’ll make a deal with you. Keep paying for Jung-su’s care… and I’ll give you the thing that I hold most dear.”

Her mother’s eyes widened. She spread her arms and looked around, taking in the rich tapestries and modern furniture. “What could you have that we could possibly want?”

Hana swallowed. “My freedom.”


In a month, she’d be married to Il Sung Lee, one of the richest men in Korea. Too bad he was forty and an alcoholic.

It’s for him. She glanced at this young boy. Her brother. The one who she sacrificed everything for him to have a small chance at life.

Hana often looked back at the promise she made to Jung-su when they were younger. She promised she’d show him that you could do whatever you wanted, regardless of any disadvantage. Hana wasn’t a quitter, and she wasn’t going to back out now.

But it seems like all her attempts of changing her personality had resulted in failure. Chung-ae hated her and Kyung-mi was… she didn’t even know. She had hoped that talking with her had resolved everything, but Hana was kidding herself. She saw Kyung-mi take her apology and burry it. Kyung-mi wanted to forget and not forgive. The feeling of hatred was still there, even if Kyung-mi decided to ignore it.

“Noona?” Jung-su whispered, feebly waving his hand in front of her eyes. “Why are you crying?”  

Hana rubbed her eyes to find that they were damp. She tried to force a smile but failed miserably. “It’s because… your noona is terrible at being a good person!” she exclaimed, tears streaming.

“Why can’t I do anything right?! Mother and Father hate me. The people at work would much rather exchange me for someone else. Why do I even try?” she asked, daring the world to give her an answer. But all she heard was the gentle breeze running through the trees.

The nurses looked at the commotion and decided that this visit was over. “It’s time for Jung-su to have the procedure, Hana. Come again tomorrow, alright? No visitors allowed in the ER.”


Later that night, Kevin stared at the ceiling in his bedroom like he had been doing for the past three weeks that Kyung-mi had left.


Kyung-mi quietly began to cry. “Look… Kevin… I’m leaving! Please… don’t make this more complicated…”

Kevin abruptly turned his head. “No, you’re not going. I’m not going to let you.”

Kyung-mi crossed her arms, the moment they shared gone. She grabbed her crutches and stood up.

“Kyung-mi…” Kevin looked pained, but then turned annoyed. “So that’s it?”

Kyung-mi nodded. “We’re over.”

“How can you give up like that?!”


“No! You just used me!” Kevin said hotly. “Your attitude against Hana was also uncalled for! What do you have to say about that? I want the old Kyung-”

“I don’t want to fi- OLD KYUNG-MI?” Kyung-mi turned around, enraged. “Kevin, if you can’t handle me at my worst, you definitely don’t deserve me at my best!”

“Fine! Just go to the States then! Find someone else! Why should I try when you’ve given up on me?”


I can’t believe I said that! Kevin placed his hands behind his head and sighed. It’s my fault she’s gone. And I can’t even follow her. He recalled the words that Dae Ho had said:

“I know we all miss Kyung-mi. But I don’t want any funny business, alright?” His eyes shifted to Kevin for a moment, then back to the trainees. “We’ve got U-KISS’s comeback performances, concerts, and shows to prepare for. It’ll be very busy for the next month and a bit. She wouldn’t want us to shirk our duties as NH, right?”

“Yes sir!” a few people managed to mutter weakly.

Kevin shifted his pillow, wishing that he could dream all his problems away. He sighed and got out of bed. Another sleepless night for me. Dae Ho is going to be pissed.

Kevin walked to the fridge, where he got a bottle of water and sat down.

What he didn’t see was Eli sprawled on the couch in front of him.

“Can’t sleep either?”

Kevin didn’t answer the rhetorical question.

Eli continued to stare at nothing. “I don’t think she’s realized the impact she’s had on our lives.” He looked at Kevin, anguished. “Why couldn’t she pick me?”

He remained silent and took a sip of his water as he massaged his neck.

Eli ran his hand through his hair. “It’s not going to be the same without her, you know what I mean?”

He is in a rare talkative mood, Kevin observed.

The muscular boy scoffed. “Not going to answer me? That’s fine. But you know what, I’ve been thinking about stuff lately, and I’ve come across a revelation.”

Kevin perked up. “Now I’m interested.”

Eli rolled his eyes. “Did it ever occur to you that…I don’t know, she never wanted to talk about it unless we said something first?”

Kevin nodded.

“I think she did that because she was too afraid to face it,” Eli remarked. “She thinks by running away to the States and leaving us here is going to solve everything. Kyung-mi, no Erin, may be starting anew, but… it must be hard for Kyung-mi to deal with it. Erin is just a personality she’s put up for show so she can try to forget about us.”

“I didn’t know you could think so much,” Kevin said sarcastically.

Eli gave him a hard stare. “She’s running, that’s what she’s doing. And it’s not solving anything.”

“So what do you want to do about it?” Kevin asked tiredly. “She’s made her choice. She’d rather be there then here; she’s made it perfectly clear.”

“Look man, I’m just the philosopher.” Eli pursed his lips together. “And I’m doing this for you man. You gotta get her back.”

“Why are you trying to help me? I thought you loved her too,” Kevin muttered suspiciously.

Eli turned around, not letting Kevin see the emotions running through his face. I do.

“I… I don’t know if I can measure up to you,” Eli said truthfully. “She sees a future, here, with you – I know it. It killed her to leave Seoul.”

“That didn’t stop her from leaving.” Kevin whispered bitterly.

“Stop kidding yourself Kevin!” Eli whispered forcefully, not wanting to wake up the other members of U-KISS. “She was torn and you know it! Hell man, she loves you!”

Kevin felt a surge of frustration. “What am I supposed to do about it though?! You heard Dae Ho and our manager. We’ve got a comeback! And-”

Eli just stared at him hard, and then turned to go back to his room.

“If… if she was my girl…” he swallowed. “And if I really loved her…”

Kevin furrowed his brow.

“I wouldn’t give a about the comeback.”


(A/N: I dislike swearing, but I think it has more impact then bleeping it out. So those with innocent ears (eyes?) please forgive me D:)

“Oh I’m curious yeah~ sajin sok nega sungan misojieo wae~ oh I’m so curious yeah, I’m so curious yeah~”

“Mmm…” Hana stretched and looked for her phone.

Her heart leapt when she saw the caller ID. It was Jung-su’s hospice.


She could hear crying from the other end of the line. “The… the surgery… i-it didn’t work!” The nurse wailed. “Come quickly!”

She didn’t need to be told twice. Hana stumbled around the room, throwing on whatever clothes she could find. Then she grabbed her car keys and ran out.


“She’s here! Make way! Make way!” The nurse said, pushing past the other hospice volunteers.

Hana threw her arms around Jung-su, who’s breathing was slight. “Jung-su…”

Jung-su slowly turned his head so he could see the nurses. “L-leave us,” he managed to croak.

“Noona… I-I want t-to go s-see the s-stars…” he whispered.

Hana nodded and with the help of a few volunteers, maneuvered the hospital bed so that the bed was on the balcony. They also helped scoot Jung-su over so Hana could lie down on the bed with him.

He’s in luck, there are no clouds in the sky tonight. Hana smiled sadly. Luck was on her side for a moment.

Jung-su’s glassy eyes scanned the horizon. “N-noona…”

Hana shook her head. “Save your breath Jung-su, just rel-”

But he refused and continued to talk. “Noona… you’re n-not the t-terrible p-person you t-thing you are,” he managed to croak.

Hana turned around, confused.

“Promise me… after I’m g-gone…”

His older sister refused to budge. “That’s crazy talk Jung-su! Let’s just enjoy the sta-”

“A-after I’m gone… y-you’ll l-let other… people… see t-this side of you. And… d-don’t m-miss me n-noona.”

Hana nodded, not trusting her voice. She placed her hand over her little brother’s tired face. “Rest.”

The two stayed like that until the next morning.

Hana rubbed her hands and looked over to her brother’s unnaturally still figure.


On his face was a small smile, showing a sense of complete ease.

“NO!” she screamed, shaking Jung-su’s fragile shoulders. Not like this.

The nurses came in to restrain her, but Hana kept clawing her way back to her little brother, as if she could magically bring him back.

“No…” Hana sobbed as she was locked out.

Strangely, in the midst of her distress, her brother’s last words to her rang through her dizzy head.

“A-after I’m gone… y-you’ll l-let other… people… see t-this side of you.”

Hana bit her lip and then wiped away her tears. Her brother would want her to be happy, regardless of his death. If he wanted her to be strong, she would be strong.

The nurses walked out and offered a hand to Hana, who had been sitting silently on the floor.

“We called your parents,” one said, wincing.

Hana scoffed, back to her usual self. “What would you expect?”

The other sighed. “I t-thought I’d hear r-remorse… crying… from your dad… but all I-I got was ‘bury him for us. We’ll pay you.’”

“Here,” Hana fished through her wallet and found her credit card. “I can’t believe they even offered to bury him.”

“Well, this establishment will cover the costs of the funeral and everything else.” The nurse swallowed as fresh tears flowed from her face. “It’s t-the l-least we can do… Jung-su…”

The other nurse took her hand and gave her a tissue. A little more strongly, she finished: “…was very friendly towards everyone. He’d play with the other kids who were left behind like him. …It’s going to be so different without him.” And she led the other nurse away.


So am I still marrying Il Sung? I’m backing out of our deal if I can… Hana wondered. She dialed her parent’s number and raised the phone to her ear.

It took three rings before someone would pick up. “Choi Companies-”

“Mom, spare it.” Hana said sharply.

“Hana?” she heard sniffles.

“… Mom?” Hana asked suspiciously. She thought her mom didn’t care, like her father.

“Hana… look… about Jung-su…”

Not… not now mom… Hana held back her tears futilely. I miss him too.

“… I… who do you think has been paying for J-jung-su’s care?”

“D-dad? It’s his company, after al-”

“Wrong,” her mother replied, anguished. “It was me. I kept it a secret from your father. I had to act secretly, or else he’d find me and... Disown you… he considers you just as u-useless. I convinced him not to. You’re now our only child!” she wailed.

“Pay very close- to what I- to say Hana-” the line was breaking up.

“Mom? MOM?” Hana yelled into the phone. “I can’t hear you mom!”

“Father-divorce-” and the line disconnected. “Please call again later.

But before the line ended, she could have sworn she heard…

… A blood-curling scream through the receiver.    

What the hell is going on there? My father runs an electronics business. There’s no way the phone could be faulty.

There was only one reason.

I’m coming mom. Hang on.


“Where did you find this restaurant?!” Erin laughed, eating some of the cheesecake in front of her appreciatively. “Mm…”

Leo chuckled as he grabbed a fork and took a bite for himself. “Sweet…” he flashed a small grin. “…like you.”

Erin blushed. Is he flirting with me?! “Um… thanks?”

“Don’t worry, it’s a complement!” he replied, checking his watch. “We should get back.”

“Oh! Of course!” Erin grabbed her purse.

“It’s on me, remember?” Leo winked.

“But you’re my boss…”


Erin still looked hesitant. “Are you sure…?”

Leo rolled his eyes. “What kind of man would I be if I let you?”

Erin froze. She remembered that line.


"Two nengmyun please," Kevin said. The chef complied and gave them two trays of the cold noodles. Kevin thanked the chef, and picked up the trays.

"Oh Kevin, let me take care of my own tray... I'm not that weak."

"What kind of man would I be if I let you?" Kevin laughed, and walked over to the lunch table. Kyung-mi hurried by his side. He placed the two trays side by side and pulled out a seat for Kyung-mi, ignoring the stares from his group-mates.

Kyung-mi blushed, and sat down, not before pulling Kevin's seat for him. "What kind of woman would I be if I didn't pull out your chair for you?


“He-llooo~?” Leo waved his hands in front of Erin. Jeez, she can be such an airhead, he thought mentally. It’s kind of cute.

Erin snapped back to reality. “Ack! Sorry!”

Leo ruffled her hair just like Eli used to do. “Come on, let’s go back.”

Erin nodded absentmindedly.

On the outside, Erin appeared to be a girl who was very in control of her life and memories… and her past.

But inside, Kyung-mi was rattled. She missed Kevin with a fierce longing – to hear his voice for one moment… she would do anything.

Let him go, Erin thought, taking control and smiling.

But I can’t, Kyung-mi whispered back.


Dayturnstonight here again!

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it!

I love the name Leo :DD

cya guys soon~


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suddenly nineteen subscribers... wow... ily guys! even if im not updating this one


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Chapter 42: Wait im confused about the ending xD
Is Kris Kevin? Because it was Kris all along? (since Kris's real name is Kevin) or like something going on there? XD
Holy im still so confused about the ending omg LOL But it was amazing <3 So much hardships.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 2: Oh! This is interesting!!! I love it >_<
Chapter 43: But really. I can't wait for the sequel. :D
Chapter 43: I want to see how kris and Kyungmi met and make kyungmi and kevin get back together. I feel so heartbroken that kevin throw the ring into the river.:'( hahahaha anyways.. HWAITING~!
@ _KissMe : wrote on your wall ^^
Man i was at the edge of crying. First story that made me cried.:) well done.^_^
@Kevinwoolover1998 im considering it...

@kimhyeah thank you! I'll try to make it the best I can make it so you won't be disappointed! No guarentees on when it'll be released though.

@ikaterina hmmm....
Ikaterina #8
I agree with KevinWoolover1998 xD
KimHyeAh #9
I want to see how kris and kyungmi met? all all.
I want kevin and kyungmi to be together kkk. ^^

I'm so excited to read your sequel... :)
I want divorce so Kevin an KyoungMi can be together!