So Long

And So We Go (From the Sidelines)

Kyung-mi felt her leg spasm slightly. “Ouch…” I guess I really wasn’t ready to walk yet… She feverishly looked around, looking for gate 12. She sighed when she looked at the airport map – it was on the other side of the airport. Just my luck… she slowly tested her foot, then with a limp began to walk to the gates.

“Hey… need help with that?”

Is that who I think it is?

Kyung-mi turned around, eyes wide. “Why are you here?”

Hana swallowed. “Do you want help with that or not?”

Kyung-mi sighed, defeated. Her leg was giving her needle pain again. It wouldn’t really hurt if she talked to Hana anyway – she was leaving for good. Seoul would just become another memory, stored with the thousands of others in her mind.

“That would be great.” She admitted, reluctant. “Thanks.”

Hana nodded and picked up her luggage, and the two unlikely pair began to walk.

“Why are you really here for, Hana?” Kyung-mi said with her eyes facing straight ahead.

“I’m here because… if you really are leaving, I want it to be on good terms

Kyung-mi paused. “I think your definition of good is different then mine, Hana. Chung-ae told me something about sabotage with her and Eli? I don’t know…” She rubbed her eyes tiredly. “Everything is such a blur…”

“I honestly didn’t know that Eli would reject her. I mean-” she stuttered. “The thought crossed my mind… but… I don’t know! I’m not good at that kind of stuff,” Hana replied meekly.

The girl beside her tried to stifle a laugh and failed miserably. “How can someone be so bad at being-?”

“Good? Yeah, you found that someone,” Hana sighed. “Look… about the cliff thing… I really…”

“Didn’t trip me?” Kyung-mi finished, still unsure if she believed it herself. But she was hundred percent sure that she saw Hana’s outstretched foot.

“I swear to whatever higher being you worship, I didn’t.” She gulped and continued. “But… I am ashamed to say, the thought had occurred to me…”

Kyung-mi’s eyes sharpened.

“But I didn’t. At the last second, I stopped. I guess I froze because you tripped on that rock and everything else you know. Even though I didn’t do anything that time” she stressed, referring to other times in practice – “I think what I could have done scared me more then what would happen if I did. And… I’m sorry.”

Kyung-mi raised her eyes. “And…?”

“And… I’ve been a real b@#$%.”

Kyung-mi grinned. “If there’s one thing that you’ve said to me that isn’t a lie, in which that was it.” But she tapped her cheek thoughtfully. “But why?”

Hana swallowed. “Um…” she bit her lip. “I don’t want to use any excuses for the way I’ve acted...”

“You’ve piqued my interest Hana – too late to turn back now.” They were almost at the gates.

“Let me start off by saying there’s a lot more going on about me then you think.” Hana whispered. “I’m not an only child – I’ve actually got a little brother with terminal cancer.”

Kyung-mi lowered her head. She empathized with Hana’s situation – her grandmother had it too.

“And… you see, I’ve always wanted to be a good role model for him, since our parents are too busy to do so themselves. I wanted to prove to him that you can achieve your goals, no matter what advantage or disadvantage you have.” She gazed off, far into the distance for a split second. “So that’s why I defied my parents wishes and auditioned for NH. They wanted me to be one of those dim-witted, rich housewives who didn’t have to do anything, just be the poster women for their husbands.”

“I refused. It’s not who I am."

It’s hard to imagine Hana being anything of that sort, Kyung-mi mused.

“And… I felt jealous of you. Everything seems so easy for you!” she blurted. “I’ve had to fight to be the person I am today. You had the support of your parents and they paid everything. Mine cut me off. They no longer consider my brother or myself a Choi.”

Kyung-mi’s heart went out to Hana reluctantly.

“Everyone noticed you… admired you…” Hana sighed. “I felt like all my hard work seemed to be at a waste.” Hana laughed sarcastically. “I always wondered what my life would be like if I were in your position. It was amusing for awhile.”

Kyung-mi gently put her hand on Hana’s shoulder. “Now you have your chance.”

“But it didn’t come the way I wanted it to be.”

Good morning everyone. Flight 23, American Airlines, passage to California at Gate 12 is now accepting passengers with young children, seniors, or those traveling alone. First call.

The two girls shuffled awkwardly.

“I guess this is it?” Hana replied. She offered her hand.

Kyung-mi stared at it, but shook it. “I wasn’t meant to be here,” she replied. “Sorry for temporarily messing up your life.”

“Sorry for messing up your life.”

The two girls smiled at each other, not used to having a conversation for so long.

“I’ve got to go…” Kyung-mi picked up her bags. “Maybe we’ll meet each other again in the far future,” she offered.

Hana nodded, and with that, Kyung-mi went to check in. The two ladies waved her in while she plugged in her ear buds. She chose to blast some All-American Rejects.

What was it Dae Ho said to do? Kyung-mi wondered, then remembered.

Ahh. Don’t look back. She then walked, confidently for once, through the class corridor which would take her to the plane.

What she didn’t see was Kevin banging on the glass behind her, yelling her name.

“KYUNG-MI! KYUNG-MI!” Kevin hit the glass, desperate.

She continued to walk, oblivious to the commotion.

“NO!” The airport security hauled wrestled with him, and eventually was able to grab a hold on his arms.

“KYUNG-MI!” he yelled, knowing it was futile. She had already entered the airplane. He slumped and allowed the guards to kick him out.

She’s really gone.

And I never even got to say a proper goodbye.


Kyung-mi stared out of the airplane’s windows, looking to Seoul at the distance.

Good bye Korea.

She then settled into her chair and closed her eyes.


Hey everyone!

Short update today, but I hope this cleared up some confusion.

So Kyung-mi is really leaving :(

And Kevin couldn't do anything about it! (USELESS KEVIN! *WHACK* OH IM SORRY!!)

Keep commenting everyone! I love reading them.

After I've finished this, I'm leaning towards doing a Kiseop fanfic. The ideas I have are still pretty sketchy, but my guess it will be pretty sci-fi/fantasy, the stuff that I'm used to writing.

I'll catch you all later!



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suddenly nineteen subscribers... wow... ily guys! even if im not updating this one


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Chapter 42: Wait im confused about the ending xD
Is Kris Kevin? Because it was Kris all along? (since Kris's real name is Kevin) or like something going on there? XD
Holy im still so confused about the ending omg LOL But it was amazing <3 So much hardships.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 2: Oh! This is interesting!!! I love it >_<
Chapter 43: But really. I can't wait for the sequel. :D
Chapter 43: I want to see how kris and Kyungmi met and make kyungmi and kevin get back together. I feel so heartbroken that kevin throw the ring into the river.:'( hahahaha anyways.. HWAITING~!
@ _KissMe : wrote on your wall ^^
Man i was at the edge of crying. First story that made me cried.:) well done.^_^
@Kevinwoolover1998 im considering it...

@kimhyeah thank you! I'll try to make it the best I can make it so you won't be disappointed! No guarentees on when it'll be released though.

@ikaterina hmmm....
Ikaterina #8
I agree with KevinWoolover1998 xD
KimHyeAh #9
I want to see how kris and kyungmi met? all all.
I want kevin and kyungmi to be together kkk. ^^

I'm so excited to read your sequel... :)
I want divorce so Kevin an KyoungMi can be together!