[One-shot] I love my kids

[One-shot] I love my kids

Siwon let his eyes wander, his signature gentleman’s grin adorning his face, his dimples deep enough to be an ashtray.

All around him are fathers with their children; some holding sleeping toddlers to their chests, some ignoring their children who are running around yelling at the top of their lungs, and a couple looking on helplessly as their wives fed their ravenous offsprings.

Siwon couldn’t help scoffing at those helpless wimps; afterall he is well trained in the art of baby care, an expert in changing nappies and a champion of milk feeds.

“Da-da! Da-da…da!” Siwon beamed at the tot in his own arms. The baby is kicking his short stubby legs and wriggling his chubby arms. The proud father had to tighten his hold around the rotund infant belly. “Da-da!” The baby gurgles happily.

“Yes, Baby Donghae, I’m daddy.” Siwon speaks gently.

“Da-da!” Baby Donghae repeats bouncing himself about excitedly.

When Siwon fell in love with his lovely Kyuhyun, he wasn’t exactly thinking too far into their future except maybe marrying the beautiful youth someday. After a particularly smooth courtship, Siwon proposed union to the man he is crazy in love with and they were successfully married with the blessings from their families and close friends. After the wedding ceremony, Siwon and Kyuhyun settled down to blissful matrimony.

“Da-daaaaaaaaaaa…….” Siwon’s casual reverie was severely interrupted by a loud cry. At the same time the tot in his arms began thrashing around.

Baby Donghae is throwing a tantrum.

“Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” He screamed with tears in his eyes. His lips are upturned and he is a picture of infantile irritation.

Siwon his tiny back as he coos sweetly at the angry baby. “What’s wrong, little man?”

Baby Donghae reached out with his little fingers and poke Siwon in the eye. “Ow!” Siwon exclaimed more in surprise than pain. Seeing his appa grimaced, the boisterous toddler giggled and clapped gleefully.

Siwon and Kyuhyun’s idyllic world of two was pretty soon invaded with the pitter-patter of little feet. The gruelling nine months’ wait for this pair of new parents was finally over with the birth of their eldest born, Hyukjae. A scrawny little thing but equipped with a pair of powerhouse lungs.

Frequently seen as frail, Baby Hyukjae never once fell ill and was on his feet and running about at the tender age of 18 months. That sent his parents into a whirl of panic as they rushed to baby-proof the house; a task they thought they would only need to do a few more months down the road.

If Baby Hyukjae can be described as a ball of energy, his younger brother whom came along two years later would surpass him easily at 15 months. Siwon is particularly proud of his younger son whom resembles him more; stocky, tough and darker skinned. In this father’s opinion, his eldest born resembles his wifu while the younger one resembles him.

“Perfect!” He once exclaimed to his surprised spouse. “Our sons each resemble one of us more than the other. We are a perfect family!”

“Yes, Hyukkie has your giggly nature ~” Kyuhyun agrees.

“And Donghae is as sullen as you!” Siwon interrupts rather cheerfully. The poor man has no idea his remark is about to get him into trouble until his pissed off mate gave him a death glare that made him shiver in his boots.

“Your umma is scary.” Siwon told Baby Donghae.The surly look his son bestowed upon him now suddenly reminds him of his beloved wifu and he shuddered.

So there he was, the responsible father, sitting holding his son and looking around in boredom when another series of frustrated wails emitted from Baby Donghae. He may not have power lungs like his elder brother but he sure is shrill.

“What is it, son?” Siwon asks. “You’re bored too huh?”

Suddenly hitting on a brilliant idea, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and turn on the first video on his video list. A children’s song came piping out of the tinny speakers as the screen burst into an array of bright colors and cute animations. Baby Donghae turned immediately, his eyes glued to the tiny screen. Soon he is giggling and clapping along with the song.

Siwon pat himself on the back mentally. He began bouncing his son on his knee as he taps along with the music, humming under his breath. God forbid that he breaks into a tune along the lines of cutesy kids’ songs in public but he does pride himself for knowing almost every song and program out there made for kids.

Oh wait...Siwon is often made painfully aware of how ignorant he is when it comes to the latest trend in music or movies or tv programmes made for adults when he lunched with colleagues and they start a conversation of entertainment gossips.

That’s what it is about being a father with young children……you know more about Barney than that largest pop group….now what’s the group’s name….hmmm……

The video came to an end and Baby Donghae was cheering with his arms up over his head, giggling happily. Siwon smiled and plant a loud kiss on his cheek, inhaling the smell of baby soap and milk. Aaah….he is completely addicted to the smell of babies!

Turning off his phone, he was about to stuff it back into his pocket when Baby Donghae whined loudly in protest, thrashing about again.

“You wanna see another video?” Siwon asks in surprise as he turned the phone on again and starts another video for his son.

Baby Donghae is once again mesmerized by the moving graphics and cheerful tune while his appa sang along. He puts out a fat little finger and pokes the screen a few times before turning to his appa for approval. Siwon smiled and his son giggled.

“Appa! Appa!”

Siwon raised his head at the familiar voice calling him. Baby Donghae abandoned his video to look; recognising the voice too.

Four year old Hyukjae is running towards him. Tied to his thin wrist is a balloon and it is waving crazily in the wind, trailing after the excited boy.

“Hyukkie, be careful!” Kyuhyun’s soft husky voice can be heard calling out to him. But the boy ignores in his haste to reach his appa’s side.

Siwon opens his arms expectantly as his son collides into him and promptly burst into endless giggles, his lips curling up to display healthy pink gums and perfectly shaped tiny milk teeth.

Kyuhyun came to a stop besides his family while Hyukjae is still busy telling his appa all the new and strange things he saw while shopping with his umma. Baby Donghae was temporarily neglected and the little fella is not happy. Turning around to face his umma, he scrunched his face preparing to cry.

Kyuhyun reached for him immediately, cuddling him to his chest. The baby frown turned into a happy giggle as Kyuhyun rubs his nose gently against his son’s teeny nose tip.

“You must be tired.” Siwon looked up at Kyuhyun saying. Four months pregnant and shopping for clothes for a child with an attention span of less than 15 minutes can be trying.

“A little.” Kyuhyun admits, perching Baby Donghae on his hip to lessen the strain on his arms.

“Alright then! Let’s have dinner then we have to go home so umma and your baby sister can take a nap!”

“I want fried chicken!” Hyukjae cheers loudly.

“Fried chicken it is!” Siwon cheers too then both father and son broke into fits of laughter. Kyuhyun smiled gently as usual while Baby Donghae stared disapprovingly at his appa and hyung.

“Appa! Appa! Up!” Hyukjae insists, squeezing his lips into a pout till his father relent and bend down to carry him, swinging him back so he could perch on his broad shoulders.

“Ready, troops! Forward march!” Siwon sang and Hyukjae joins him at the top of his lungs.

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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Cute... Cute... Cute...
chocokta #2
Chapter 1: this one is soooooo sweettt!!! I want a family like theirs <33
Pikachau #3
Chapter 1: This was so friggin cute! awwww!
This is so adorable!! How come I only came across this now.. I love child fics, and this has to be a new favorite^^ And wow another child XD You sure have some spare time on your hands XDD
Thank you so much for making this!! I loved it <3
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD ADORABLE!!!!!
Chapter 1: How did i only came across this now O_o
What a piece of fluff.... <3<3<3
Choi family...and babygirl on the way ^.^ gosh siwon u busy much... Hehehe
Chapter 1: this story is so cute.. a picture of a happy family. :)
Chapter 1: A very happy family..
Ladyghai #9
Chapter 1: This story is cute! :)
Hana_Amuri #10
Kyahhh~ I'm totally in love with Daddy Siwon and Baby Hae!!
They are so cute and Siwon is a perfect dad.