The addiction of having you beside me.

Painting Your World.

C H A P T E R  T W O

T h e  a d d i c t i o n  o f  h a v i n g  y o u  b e s i d e  m e .





"So," Donghae began; setting his mug of warm vanilla milk down onto the polished table. "Are you willing to put a large amount of work in this?" He asked softly, his eyes smiling as he gazed at Kyuhyun. The trip to the cafe had been a fun one; consisting of the two conversing about random things of their life, sharing and speaking about topics.

"Hm, I know I'm a free person, I can work with you everyday after school. Does that sound like I'm willing to put a large amount of work into it? " The latter spoke. He wasn't lying; being a naturally born smartist helped a lot. Not only did he already know about next month's lesson plan, but he does his homework in class and sleeps, the proffessor actually lets him!

"Neh, that sounds actually way more than I had actually expected; Kyuhyun-ssi. " His honey voice melted Kyuhyun's body. Kyuhyun just wanted to slip away in his vocal chords, cherishing the sounds that emmitted from them. Was he a singer also?

Meanwhile in Donghae's mind, he was inspecting the colors and features of Kyuhyun. Is his hair a sunset brown; or is it a earth brown? Was his skin a pale peach, or a tan ivory? He shook his head as his thoughts had almost consumed him; he smiled sweetly at the older and ruffled his silky strawberry blonde locks shyly. He finished his milk and looked at the mocha frappe Kyuhyun had consumed; the tint of color had memorized him. Should he use that color in another painting?

"Um, Donghae? Donghae, are you there? " The taller waved his hand gently across the dazed eyes that were staring intently on his drink. Had he wanted some? The younger hadn't even spoken and just lifted his chin a bit, his eyes practically boaring into his.

"Donghae, would you like a sip?" Donghae heard, he nodded slightly and Kyuhyun slid the caffeine drink towards Donghae's direction. He wrapped his thin lips around the top of the straw and lightly, smiling at the smooth and bittersweet taste. He handed the frappe back to Kyuhyun and smiled softly.

"It tastes very nice. " The younger spoke, lacing his thin fingers together and putting his hands in his lap. Kyuhyun's brown doe eyes crinkled into a half-moon shape, making Donghae squeal mentally at the action.

"You're very cute, did you know that? " A velvet voice spoke, and Donghae immediately blushed and turned to Kyuhyun's direction again. His lips turned into a small curve.

"Why yes, yes I did know that. "


Kyuhyun smiled at the memory that played in his mind, he turned his head to the angel beside him who was flicking his wrist in such an elegant fashion, his heart nearly skipping a beat. He looked over to his side of the wall that was recovered with a pure white, and set down the large paint brush on the table and the white bucket of paint. He turned his head to the short blonde and poked his cheek, smiling widely.

"Donghae? " Donghae's head snapped up to the voice's owner and smiled sweetly, standing up. He stared at the opposite part of the wall and smiled when it was completely covered in white; smoothly with a clean polished and was nearly dry as his was. The beautiful lad had already begun with the design again; even if it was only five or six inches.

He stood up from his knees and poked Kyuhyun's cheek back and looked at the clock.

7PM? Wow.

5 hours had flown out the window when he was with Kyuhyun. He blushed at the thought and smiled softly as he began to clean up his belongings. Meanwhile Kyuhyun was looking at Donghae's features once again as he helped also, and they made the area spotless before getting their book bags and walking out of the exit, hand in hand as they conversed happily while walking towards their destinations.

"I don't want to leave you.. " Donghae spoke with a pout. The day had been so fun; he didn't want it to end. Ever.

"Well, maybe I won't leave you then. " Kyuhyun smiled as he led Donghae into his dorm, instead of the latter's.

end of chapter two.


Sorry for such a short update after not updating for such a long while..

I'll promise I'll do better okay? Thank you for your support.. ^^

I'm not feeling well~

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Hehehe.. I don't think I have ever told you this but when you comment, it's like a reminder for updating my stories. xD So try to comment and ill update soon?


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Chapter 4: ... Well. As long as you have another account :)
aww so sweet as sugar and candy <3 kyuhae <3.
This is so sweet!!! <3
I love this!
Update soon!
eastcandle90 #4
CUTE n SWEET!!!!!!!!!!
please update soon...
are they had start dating????
this is really cute..*love*
so cute but too short :( keke dont worry, please update soon
Isn't this getting better and better (yes it is) ?
aaaaaaaaa its too short i want moreeeeeeeeeee.......
hae such whining boy kkk......
thank kyuuuuuu for the update...
hopefully u will get some inspiration to write eh..
update soon ^^
bunch of sweetness~~ ><
ah my friend should know about this!! she's a the big fan of kyuhae~ awwwww ^^
thank you for the update {}
kyuhae is so sweet together~ omonaaa I want more pleaseeeeeeeeeeee ><
kyuhae together is the sweetest thing happened kkk
they really cute together kkk
aaawwww kyu stop staring at hae kkk
thank kyuuuuuu for the update neeeee...update soon ^^