You're it


Fluffy Jongkey drabble



Jonghyun was late. He was so late.

He knew how impatient Kibum was. He knew it well.

Last time Jonghyun was late by just ten minutes, Kibum didn’t even greet him. He just walked right into their café leaving Jonghyun to follow silently.

Today, right now right here; was going to be a repeat of that particular time before. Jonghyun was indeed, a doomed man.

As the he got closer to the boy standing in front of the café entrance, he saw the look.

The look.

Just four steps away, the older stopped. He looked the blonde in the eyes and gave a cheeky grin, trying to pull off his ‘cute’ look.

He hesitated for a second contemplating the idea he had in mind. As terrifying and risky the idea was, he ran straight towards the clearly unamused boy, tapped him on the shoulder, then bolted for the opposite direction.

“You’re it!”

He wouldn’t dare turn around and see the look he knew all too well would be on the youngers face. He could only imagine the posture; Hand placed oh-so diva-like on his popped out hip. Attitude squeezing from those pores.
-No. He wouldn’t dare turn around.


Okay, he had to turn around. No matter what tone, that voice was way too y to resist.

Just as he predicted, the hand was in position and the hip was out.

“Kim Jonghyun, you better get your immature, tail-wagging puppy over here right now”

Jonghyun knew Kibum wasn’t really that annoyed. He knew he had room for mucking around a little.

“Make me” He teased.

That was it. A pearly white smile cracked through the features of the diva. Within seconds he was chasing after the so-called puppy.

Jonghyun sprinted off into the distance, purposefully getting way ahead into the distance and out of Kibum’s sight.

He took a left at the first intersection he saw. Before he took off again, he made to look behind him- checking to see where Kibum was. Any minute now and Kibum would get sick of running and start to walk on his chase.

Before Kibum had enough time to get annoyed, Jonghyun took the left he’d planned, and ran as fast as he could in a circle around the blocks, making sure the street he came out of would be behind the slow-growing agitated boy.

He made the few necessary turns and spotted the boy’s brightly dyed hair in the distance.

He quickly caught up to him, and watched him plonk down on the chairs with a huff. Clearly annoyed and showing a look of tiredness and defeat.

Of course, Jonghyun continued his plan and walked into the grocery store a few meters away from Kibum.

He went straight to the confectionary aisle and looked through the different brands of chocolate.

Choosing the most expensive pack of various chocolate sweets, Jonghyun made his way to the cashier and paid the total.

He made sure Kibum didn’t see him, and quickly ninja-crawled over to the tiny little bushes planted by the sidewalk of the storefront outside.

As tacky as the idea was- he picked off whatever little cheap-looking flowers he could find and designed a finger sized bouquet with his left hand.

As silent as he could possibly be with this amount of excitement, he stalked over to his boyfriend and kneeled in front of him, the hardly excusable flowers and sweets on presentation for the blonde.

 “For you, my Yeobo” Jonghyun gave him his sweetest smile.

Kibum’s eyes still weren’t amused. Though they softened noticeably when that pout outlined Jonghyun’s expression.

 “Jjong you’re on the flo-”

“Sorry for being late Bummie” He interrupted while lifting his arms closer to the lucky boy who was clearly honoured.

“Jjongie…You shouldn’t have…” The surprised blonde argued.

“Yes I should, I was late for our date”

“No, I mean the chocolates are high in calories.”

“Yeah, so why do you think I made you run after me before?”


“Just kidding Yeobo. Seriously. You know you’re always going to be perfect to me” Kibum’s scoff was cut short when Jonghyun leaned in and pressed their lips together in a soft, passionate mingle.

Trying his best to ignore the people staring at their public display of affection, Kibum pulled away and grabbed Jonghyun by the hand to get him to stand.

“Common Pups, get off the floor”


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I. LOVE. THIS. <3 <3 <3 <3 here we go...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!XD