Slowly Falling...

Dear Journal,

Yesterday was my last time recording a We Got Married episode with Yonghwa ssi.  I had a great time and actually learned a lot during our time together.  I even took the time to write a list just to prove it to you:

  1. I learned how to play the guitar
  2. don't put in too much salt when making kimchi...it doesn't taste so good
  3. snowboarding hurts your and thighs...A LOT
  4. It feels good to see someone appreciate a gift that you've worked so hard on just for them
  5. men can knit too
  6. Yonghwa ssi looks good in a tuxedo

Seohyun quickly scribbled out the number 6 on her list entirely and slammed her journal shut.

What's wrong with me?

Seohyun was sitting on her bed in the middle of the night with only a desk lamp over heard so she could see what she was writing.  All of her unnies were already in a deep sleep, but Seohyun just couldn't bring herself to close her eyes.

"Ya, Seohyun ah," Hyoyeon grogged half-asleep.  "Can you please turn off the light?  We have a busy day tomorrow and I'm trying to sleep."

"Oh!" the responsible maknae quickly pushed the off switch on the lamp.  "Sorry unnie," she apologized, but Hyoyeon was already fast asleep.

Seohyun put her journal on the small desk next to her bed and and lie her head back down on her pillow.  She tried closing her eyes, but every time she did, all she could think about was him.  She sat back up and let out a frustrated sigh. 

This can't be happening...I can't have feelings for him. 

He told me not to.

(Before the recording of their second episode)

Don't be so awkward!  Make more eye contact!  Loosen up a bit!

All of the adivce her unnie's threw at her the other day were swimming around Seohyun's head as she waited for her "husband" to arrive so they could start recording for their second episode.  All of the members totally went crazy when they heard how awkward and shy Seohyun had acted during their first meeting.  Seohyun lightly slapped her head with her hand before shrugging her shoulders and whirled around just in time to see Yonghwa casually walking toward her.

"Hey," he said as he dug his hands deep into the pockets of his faded jeans.

"Oh, hello!" Seohyun friendly greeted.  She could tell something was bothering Yonghwa by the way he rocked back and forth a little on his heels.

"Um...I need to talk to you about something before we spend any more time together as a 'couple'."

"Oh....um okay."

"Okay um...well...uh," Yonghwa took a deep breath and straigtened his back so that he was standing a little taller. "Don't develop any feelings for me okay? Or fall in love with me."

Seohyun couldn't help herself.  She let out a little snort/chuckle before looking at Yonghwa's face and realizing that he was actually being serious.

"Sorry, excuse my rudeness.  I thought you were kidding."

Yonghwa could feel his cheeks burn up a little.  "I mean..not that I'm assuming you will fall in love with me or anything.  Y'know, just think of it like a warning aha..ha.."   He turned around and started to mentally slap himself.

He felt a light tap on his shoulder and slowly turned around with a cool expression on his face.

Seohyun cleared .  "I understand Yonghwa ssi.  It wasn't your choice to do this in the first place right?  This is just a variety show after all.  And don't worry, the last time I had feelings for a guy was back in the first grade...and that was only because he shared his crayons with me when I forgot mine."

Yonghwa laughed but then quickly went back to making a serious expression.  "Uh...that's not exactly the reason why."

He looked around to make sure that no one else was listening to their conversation.

"I know we basically just met, but if I tell you something private, you promise not to tell anyone?"

Seohyun was confused but nodded her head assuringly anyway.

"Okay...the real reason why I'm telling you not to have any feelings for me is because...I already have a girlfriend."

Seohyun had to admit, his comment caught her slightly off guard, but she quickly put an understanding smile on her face so that he wouldn't notice.

"Oh that's great!  I mean, us being idols and all, it's hard for us to date and everything.  Your secret is safe with me.  I hope our time as a couple on this show won't affect your relationship in any way...I wish the best for you both."

Yonghwa really smiled this time. "Thanks for understanding."

The two just stood there staring at each other for awhile until one of the working staff members called them over since it was almost time to start recording.

"C'mon, let's just enjoy our time together for right now and just try to have fun.  I hope we can become closer friends in the future," Yonghwa said as he grabbed Seohyun's hand and ran with her in the direction of where the camera crew was setting up.

Yeah, Seohyun thought.  I hope so too. 

 He just wants to be close friends, that's all.  Just friends...

"Seohyun wake up!" Tiffany shouted as she violently rocked Seohyun back and forth.

"Uggghhhhh..." Seohyun opened one eye and looked at the clock on her desk: it was 6:13 am.  Some time during all of her thinking and frustration, Seohyun had actually fallen asleep for just a little while earlier that same morning. 

"Hurry up and get ready!  We have to get to a radio broadcast and we're leaving in 20 minutes."  Tiffany paused.  "Weird, usually you're the one who gets up early and wakes the rest of us up.  Couldn't sleep last night?"

Seohyun groaned as if to answer Tiffany's question and quickly got of bed to get ready for the beginning of what was going to be a really long day.





A/N: Whew!  End of second chapter!  Thank you to all my commenters (you guys are really encouraging) and subscribers and even silent readers!  I really appreciate you guys! <3 And sorry if the Hara and Yonghwa pairing seems awkward :P haha


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i'm so sorry i haven't update in so long! T.T i admit i have been lazy haha new chapter coming soon!


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Pinkponk #1
Chapter 3: Updatee pleaseeee
ah~~~ the yoo~ng here is totally annoying! hehe i mean in a cute way! tell her not to fall in love with but obviously jealous to her fanboy! tsk tsk tsk! choding!
btw, im new reader here, for yongseo fiction. and please dont be irritated with my username. let put it as a past.
Hmm... I smell jealousy in the air Yonghwa-shi.. kekeke~
This story getting more interesting.. I wonder what will happen next to our Yongseo and although Yong has a feeling for Hyun, I bet Hara won't let go him easily.. looking forward for the next update. thanks author-nim ^^
Minhyuk has the hots for Seobaby, Yong Seobang gets jealous, and our beloved couple made a promise not to fall in love with each other (especially since Yonghwa has Goo Hara)? :o I must subscribe! Haha <3
Why did it have to be so short? I super love this story..and yeay! Minyuk-seohyun..! My other fav pairing..author, please update soon..this story is good.. :-)
woah I think I never read a story like this before. Sounds interesting! Will look forward for the next chapter.. please update soon ^^
subscribed! the idea of yonghwa made a promise with seo to not fall in love with each other (which later on they broke) is amazing! i wouldn't think of it if i were you O.O oh gee reading these yongseo fics made my heart ache, i miss the goguma couple a lot D:
hee~seohyun is having a crush on yonghwa..i wonder what yonghwa feels..it must be heartbreaking when yonghwa doesnt feel anything after all they went through together..u just make me want to rewatch yongseo episodes in wgm again.update soon :)
cnsdGirl #9
It's mean that in this story Yonghwa and Seohyun already finish with WGM? Hmmm, I wonder what will happen next..
Update Soon
meimie14 #10
Teehee.. I am so looking forward to this story.. I hope Yong and Hyun will have a happy ending.. update soon xD