Trouble in Paradise, Woohyun?

Dungeons and Dragons-Rawr!


Woohyun drops by the expansive garden behind his summer villa where he and his family are staying for a vacation. He wasn't at all surprised to see his little son Myungsoo playing with their villa caretaker's son Sungyeol. They had become quite close during the time they stayed here. And right now Woohyun was perplexed at what they could be playing with Sungyeol sitting up on a tree branch and Myungsoo trying to murder the tree trunk.

"Myungsoo, what are you doing to that tree?"
"It's not a tree, dad! It's a fire-breathing dragon that wants to eat Yeollie!" Myungsoo replies eagerly.
"Ah I see I see and does Sungyeol want you to rescue him?"
"Of course!" Sungyeol replies just as enthusiastic as Myungsoo.
"What a dangerous situation this is. My son, what do you wish to do with Sungyeol then after you have rescued him?"
"Make him my queen!" Myungsoo beams at his father.
"...your queen?" Woohyun was wondering if his hearing was failing him now.
"Yes father! My queen!"
"And why would you make him your queen?"
"Because I am king!"
"...I see" I'll let Sunggyu handle this instead of me...

He stands up and leaves the children to play with many revelations to ponder over.

Sunggyu and Dongwoo was in the garden watching their children play. Myungsoo and Sungyeol had just finished playing hide-and-seek with Myungsoo winning and Sungyeol was now giving Myungsoo his reward-5 kisses on each cheek. Sunggyu kept watching them until the Woohyun joined her at her side.

"Yes?" Sunggyu's eyes softened at the sight of her husband looking all frazzled. It was really cute.

She took his rough hand into hers and held it, massaging it softly and gently. He relaxed at the welcome touch, letting out a long sigh.

"How are the boys?"
"Playing as usual", She motioned to them. Sungyeol was looking more and more like a fairy now since Myungsoo kept putting differently colored flowers on him while letting his touches linger. Sungyeol giggled and placed the chaste kisses he promised on Myungsoo's cheeks. Woohyun almost fell over at the sight. “Myungsoo's smile is so beautiful whenever he's with Sungyeol.” Sunggyu sighed contentedly because her son was always so broody. This was a very pleasant change. 

"..are they always like that?" Woohyun frowned.
"Like what?"
"Like that? Always...kissing" He gestured to them.

Sunggyu smiled, “Yes.. Well Myungsoo was never fond of other people and when he finally found Sungyeol, he couldn't seem to let go at all.”

Woohyun was about to reply but the children interrupted it.

Excuse me Sungyeollie umma, but can Sungyeol have a sleepover with me tonight?” both boys were jumping around excitedly waiting for the answer.

How could Dongwoo possibly resist saying yes to such adorable faces? He can't, that's how. “Of course he can, sweetie.”

Thanks Sungyeollie umma!!! Actually, can Yeollie come home with me too?”

Dongwoo wanted to say yes to that too but that would be lying, “I'm sorry Myungsoo. Once summer is over, Sungyeol will have to stay here when you leave.”

The children became quiet at that sharing a look that said so many things only they could understand.


Woohyun let the matter he was about to bring up drop at the gloomy atmosphere. It could wait until later.


"Mommy said you wanted to speak with me appa?"
"Yes Myungsoo, I wish to speak with you"

Myungsoo rushes over and plops himself happily on Woohyun's knee. Up close, Woohyun could definitely see that even though Myungsoo was still so young, he would surely become a man more handsome than anyone else, 'That's my son' he thought proudly. Woohyun let out a quiet chuckle, "My, how you've grown, soon you will be a man."
"And then I will be king!"
"Yes, my son." 'More like a CEO but that's close enough'
"And Sungyeol will be queen!"
"....Myungsoo, wouldn't you rather have a woman be your queen?" Woohyun decided now was the right time to bring up what he wanted to discuss before.
"Girls have cooties! Besides, I only want Sungyeol by my side."
"But Myungsoo--"
"Sungyeol will be my queen, I promised him" Myungsoo hopped down from his father's lap.


Myungsoo looked Woohyun in the eye and it shocked Woohyun that a 7-year old boy could be this intimidating, 'Must be from Sunggyu...Her glares always scare me.'

Dad, you always tell me that you would give me anything I want, right?”

That was a certainly a change of topic and Woohyun just nodded.

Well, I want to have Sungyeol.”

Or maybe not. “Myungsoo, I know I told you that I will give you anything you want -”

U-huh and you've never failed me before, appa”

-yes...but why do you suddenly want to own Sungyeol?”

Because he's meant to be mine and I won't let anyone take him away!”

Woohyun sighed, he could not argue with Myungsoo. The boy was firm on his position when it came to Sungyeol. Not wishing to start a fight, he told Myungsoo he would see what he could do and waved his son goodnight

"What did your father want?"
"He was doubtful about you being my queen..."
" could choose Eunji instead."
"No way! Girls are gross."
"'re really okay with having a boy beside you?"
"Of course Sungyeol, I only want you.” Sungyeol got all teary eyed at that and jump-hugged Myungsoo.

You're all I want too Myung2x! I never want to be separated from you.”

Don't worry Yeollie, I'll never let you go.”

Myungsoo smiled warmly and brought him closer for a tighter hug. Sungyeol blushed happily and buried his face in Myungsoo's neck.

"I only need you Sungyeol. Only you."



Author's note:

And that was sap! Pure unadulterated sap! I was trying to give the boys an innocent feel and I'm not sure if it came out well. Anyway, I'm sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoy this! :) btw, I had no idea on which girl to use so I just chose Eunji from A-pink. Honestly, I have no idea if there are girls close to them. Suggestions are welcome because I'm not sure if this will stay as a one-shot.

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Cuteness gonna die because of the diabetic sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 1: Yay, myungyeol so adorable here!
Chapter 1: omg so cuute asdfghjkl. wait. how old were they? well whatever. they too cuute omg.
This is so adorable and cute!!! I would love more if possible!
Haha Woohyun shouldn't be making such promises to Myungsoo xD
This was super cute and adorable~ myungyeol as kids always makes me incredibly happy! ^^
this was an awesome story! :D
aih.. this is so adorable
sequel please.. *giveyou yeols puppyeyes
lol soooo woogyu is myungsoo parents >.<
cute cute cute >.<
dragonfly18 #9
Asdfghjkl this was mindblowingly cute!!!
And umma kim sunggyu... I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-SSHI ;A;