Chapter 1

Loving A Biitch: The Derp Way

Middle schooler Chanyeol was looking for a vacant seat on the very crowded canteen of their school when he finally found one. Feeling relieved, he swiftly rushed towards the guy who seemed too oblivious of his surroundings. When already in front of the blonde-haired guy, he prepared a friendly smile, a kind of smile that his friends noted as a "contagious" one. But the guy seemed not affected by it and just continued eating his food.

Chanyeol slightly pouted, not expecting that kind of reaction from the schoolmate. 
"Hello! There are no available seats here aside from the one in front of you," Chanyeol stated. The guy uninterestedly gulped his drink and boredly looked at him as if he was somewhat wasting his time. "Uhmm... Can I sit here?"
"Why do you need to ask? It's not as if I own that anyway." The guy snobbishly said, then he lifted a book from his bag and started reading while eating, totally ignoring him.
Cool, Chanyeol thought. Instead of getting offended, he hyperly arranged his foods (2 sandwiches, an apple, and milk) on the table and happily sat down. 
"Hey! Take this," Chanyeol said as he offered one of his sandwiches. The guy raised his brow, probably thinking he was some crazy guy who lacks attention. But he wouldn't care whatever he was thinking as he knew himself he was just being friendly. "I'm Chanyeol. What's your name?" Then he grabbed his hand and put the sandwich on it.
"Kris. And what's this for? I'm already done eating mine." He answered in a cold tone.
"Oh, Kris! That's my token of appreciation for letting me sit here. I'll be sad if you won't eat that!" he hyperly said, beaming as he showed off his almost perfect set of pearly whites. From the corner of his sharp eyes, he saw some people looking at him as if he was someone who came from outer space. He seemed to know what they were thinking: why the hell would he talk to a guy who looked so nerdy with his gigantic glasses and braces? But physical appearance wasn't an issue for him, anyway!
Kris's face softened and gone was the murderous aura from him. He took a deep breath and adjusted his glasses before he took the sandwich from him and had a bite. "Why are you talking to me? I'm just some nerd whom everyone doesn't like to even look at," he asked. "Look, even when there's a vacant seat in front of me, they just chose to stand up eating rather than to sit with me. I think you're out of your mind from doing so."
Chanyeol's brow raised a bit. "What are you talking about? Those people are idiots, you know! Maybe you're a nerd, but that's not enough reason for me to avoid you or what. You're just a normal student like me." Chanyeol answered, kind of pitying the guy he just met.
Seriously, what's wrong with being a nerd? It's not as if they'd kill people just by reading tons of books, right? They're just normal people, well, kind of not normal but in a GOOD way. 
Kris slightly smiled upon hearing his answer, then he continued reading his book. Meanwhile, Chanyeol resumed chewing his food and had the chance to study Kris's face.
Well, come to think of it, his facial features were perfect: from his prominent jaw line, red lips, pointed nose, up to his piercing eyes... He could see behind those gigantic spectacles that they were beautiful and intimidating. 
He just needed to remove those glasses and have some haircut, he mentally noted to himself.
"Why are you staring at me? Getting scared now?" Kris sarcastically asked. "You're not different from them. Even back in Canada, people easily judge other people through looks. If they find you ugly, you're disgusting. If they find you pleasing enough to the eyes, well, lucky you..." he added, more likely talking to himself. He could feel hatred towards his voice. What could be the possible reason for that? Was he judged too much that he was even carrying a grudge for judgemental people?
Chanyeol shook his head before he put his sandwich down and held Kris's hand. Kris was surprised by his sudden act and didn't manage to pull off. 
"Look, not all people are judgemental. I am not judging you. I was just wondering... why do you have to wear large specs? Looking at your things, I know you're rich. Why didn't you wear fashionable glasses, or contacts, perhaps? Are you, somehow, intentionally wearing those to prove something?" he intellectually asked, sharp senses suddenly flamed up. He has a talent on reading people's acts, and he was very much thankful for that. Ninety-eight percent of his guesses were always right, and the remaining two percent had gone wrong because he was out of his mind while doing so. He grinned.
Kris slowly pulled his hand off, a slight smirk was visible in his eyes. Then his eyes landed directly to his. He suddenly felt nervous, his heart was continuously making a leap. What the hell was wrong with him? Kris's eyes, for him, were making him uncomfortable.
"What made you say that? I'm impressed, I must say." Kris finally said after a period of silence.
"I have a gift on reading people, you know." he proudly said. "Am I right with what I said?"
"So what if you are?"
"Then let's be friends!" he immediately responded.
"Then we're friends now." Kris said as he offered his hand for a handshake. Chanyeol happily accepted it and shook their hands hyperly.
"Aww, aww... My arms will rip off!" Kris complained, slightly cringing from the pain from Chanyeol's hyper act. Now he was starting to doubt if he made the right decision befriending that guy.
Chanyeol sheepishly smiled before he let go of his hand.
"Sorry! I was just too happy," he apologized.
"Yeah, it was pretty obvious." Kris responded, hiding his hand under the table to prevent it from further "damage". 
"What class are you in?" Chanyeol curiously asked.
"Class 1-A." Kris simply answered.
"Huh? I'm on the same class. Why haven't I seen you inside the room?"
"I was there, at the back. And I already saw you earlier. You're at the front and is the class' President. You were too noisy I couldn't concentrate on my book." 
Chanyeol's forehead wrinkled. Sure, he didn't mind looking at his classmates' faces, but hearing the name "Kris" when the teacher was checking their attendance...
"What's your real name?" he asked.
Kris grinned. "Wu Yifan."
There. He stood up from his seat and grabbed the book in front. And to Kris's utmost surprise, he thwacked the book on his head!
"YOU! Then what's that Kris you were talking about when your real name is Yifan!? Yahhhhh...!!!!!!!"
Seeing Kris struggling to get his way out of him, he started smiling by himself. Ah, he never expected a school day like this. He always see school days as boring even though he always rank on the top. With a new friend around, he was sure everyday would be enjoyable.
First day of middle school sure is fun!


NOTE: Kris purposedly dressed up as a(n exaggerated) nerd to know who'll make friends with him despite of his appearance.
I didn't include that in this chap coz I was lacking of ideas on how to put it in XD
It's not that important anyway, as Chanyeol already said that he was just doing that on purpose.
I hope Chapter 1 is fine :)
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Exol14851883 #1
Chapter 1: Pls continue
Chapter 1: Please please update soon author nim
Chapter 1: hiiii are u still gonna continue this fic T________T i really hope u do it sounds really adorable
samsung43 #4
Dear author please update this story soon :)
Chapter 1: Ohoh. This is good. Hm. How come hes a biitch here. Lol. Hes toooooo "nice" Hahaahaagaga. Anyway update soon. Fighting!
Chapter 1: kdfak;dj

this idea - I like it very much (and written something like this before but I still want to read more!)
it's cute
chanyeol's ability to people-read
Chapter 1: It was cute so far,...update soon!>.<
Please update soon!
omg the 1st chapter is so adorable<3
THIS STORY IS FREAKIN FANTASTIC!!!!! and its only the 1st chapter