
Another One Year

It's the 1st day of September


I am soooo HUNGRY and THIRSTY!

I think I'm gonna die here...

HUWEEEE~ Somebody just please realize that I'm being locked in here!


I go to the school early today!

Wohoo~ I wonder I can meet  _____

I think yesterday she is in the teacher's office, because when I got home, her bag is still in the class

"Good morning!" I open the classdoor

Hey, ____ already arrived at school! ('cause her bag is already in the class)

But, I want to make sure.... I open her bag and.. it's yesterday lesson! she take yesterday books!

It means... she is in school from yesterday until now!

DAMN! I think it's the fangirls in action!

I called Jonghyun hyung and tell him to hurry up to school to help me find ______, of course, I told him the whole story


"Yah, Taeminnie! Let's start searching!" Jonghyun hyung pant

"Okay. Let's start searching from the 1st floor" I suggest

"No. Don't do that. it takes so much time. And before we can search all the floor, the school bell rings..." Jonghyun hyung reject

"So, where should we start?" I panic

"Don't panic. We'll think... Where do we hide someone we hate very much?" Jonghyun hyung start to think

"in the place where people can't find... dark... creepy?" I just say what do I think

"THAT'S IT! TAEMIN, YOU'RE A GENIUS!" Jonghyun hyung got an inspiration

"So, where is it?" I follow Jonghyun hyung running, I  try to keep up with him

"The 5th floor! People often goes there!" Jonghyun hyung run really fast

I'M TIRED, DEAR JONGHYUN HYUNG! But, this is for ____'s sake



Aww man... Is it morning already? or it's still dark? Damn! I don't know what time is it

hey! a light goes through the handkerchief... it's morning already

I wonder if Taemin or Jonghyun come to the school already... or Minho...

wait, why do I think about Minho? STUPID MIND! You're playing with me! aarggg

I try to struggle but in the end, I fell down. and that's hurt, because I fell on something hard, like wood material


We arrived at the 5th floor and start to search every corner

"______!!! ____!!!" I shout

"_____!!____!!" Jonghyun hyung shout too



"....eermmff!!!....eeemmff!!!" I want to shout, but my mouth is being tied with handkerchief

I try to take the wood with my tied hand and smack all the things in here. I even don't know what thing I smack, all I care is the noise so Taemin and Jonghyun will notice


"Taemin... shut up!" I shout at Taemin, ' cause I here some noise

"ah, wae?" Taemin ask

I cover his mouth with my hand and try to listen where it come from...

It's from the storage room!

I immediately run to there and... the door is locked!

"____!!! Are you in there? If you're in there, smack something!" I shout

And there's the noise again!

"I'm going to get you outta here!" I shout

"Hyung, we don't have keys. Should we kick the door? It's pretty rusty already.." Taemin suggest

"I just want to ask you the same thing" I smirk

"1, 2, 3!" me and Taemin kick the door

We did it over and over and over and at last!

"____!!!" I saw her, struggling around

"!!! emrmf!!!" she try to talk

"Calm down... we'll let you go!" Taemin untied her hands and foot

And ____ untied the handkerchief in and eyes all by herself

"Hey, thanks!" she stand up, smile to us...


I am... free!!! woohooo~

I thanks them... and.. i fell dizzy...

...  everything turns dark


"____!!!" I immediately hold her shoulder, so she won't fall

"Let's take her to the clinic!" Jonghyun hyung carry ____, I follow him


Nurse : "don't worry... she didn't eat for a day. so, she need to rest a bit and after that, please give her some food."


"She scares me!" Jonghyun hyung look relief

sorry for the long wait

but, enjoy this one, and STAY TUNEEE~ ;)

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lalalalala #1
nvm...^^<br />
hee....<br />
she finally choose someone....^^<br />
glad that tamein is not mad...<br />
n they kiiiiissss....^^<br />
thanks 4 d update
update !!!!!
@lalalalala and @sofmin : updated! thanks for keep reading this story although I rarely update :(<br />
@IRa_LurvesOnew : updated! <br />
About the "WHO", will be revealed in "DECEMBER" chapter ^^ Kekekeke~
Who is it?! Please update very soon because maybe I might be your silent reader? Hehe!
OMG !!!! who ?! who ?! WHO ???!!!!!!!! OMG i cant wait !!!!!! update !!!!
lalalalala #6
who?! waaa... Camt wait for d next update...^^
@sofmin : sorry for disappointed you :( thanks for reading ^^<br />
@Jnster : thank you~ :)
oowwwhhh.....i thought Minho will rescue her...i mean ME !!! hehe....but its ok !!!! ouh , yeah ! update , ok ! i wanna knw wht happen next !!!!
@sofmin : "she" in the story is yourself! you can pick who you want to be with^^<br />
@lalalalala : urwelcome^^ stay tune ;)<br />
@sofmin : hmmm, is it MINHO who will rescue her? kekeke~ just wait for the updates :) I'm so naughty :p