Poster Pick Up: Sisselseohyunbias - Love Vs War

{CLOSED} TheInsomniacEmpress • ◡ • ♥ || Poster, Trailer & Graphics Request Shop ♥

Annyeong Again~! its been a while.. and I was originally supposed to post this once AFF got its together.. but that seems to be taking forever.. and you better believe im annoyed.. LOL but on a good note, here your request and I hope you like it. Im not sure if this is what you wanted.. but this is how i pictured it based on your descriptions. Im also sorry for not adding the support characters, because of the business in the background the additional people wouldve made everything look sloppy. Please enjoy and good luck with your story, request again soon~! -sweetpotatoo

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uploaded trailer examples~!


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shychen #1
Wow.. its so perfect~ ^O^
un-writ-ten #2
Aww really? :C
shychen #3
Sorry to be annoying... But.. Have you done the chapter poster?~
shychen #4
Hm.. it's like a chapter poster that kind~
shychen #5
Um... I can't request cause when I click the graphic request, it just comes out this page and not the form.. T^T
LeeSooSup #6
I want to request a Poster for the main image and a background picture for the story :DD
I love it, THANKS!
Owah~ Thank you so much for making the poster~ Its perfect! ^o^
45? the trailer notice? LOL
Chapter 45 is like.. beautiful. *_____* LOL What software do you edit your posters on ?