Chapter 11

My Messed Up Life


Chapter 11:


Yejin’s POV

It’s already been a week since I started my training in SM. Training is seriously not a walk in the park and neither is keeping up. I was still in the dance room practicing when suddenly I heard the music I was dancing to suddenly stop. I whirled around ready to yell at the person but stopped myself when I saw who it was.

“Hi.” He said leaning on the wall near the iPod Xiumin had given me. I just stood there staring at him not responding. He sighed and rolled his eyes walking towards me. “Okay don’t say ‘hi’ back.” He sat down on the floor and patted the space next to him. I did as he gestured and sat down. We stayed in silence for a while until he spoke again. “Yejin, I’m sorry.” I looked down and started fiddling with my fingers a sad smirk on my face. I heard him give out a frustrated sigh, “Yejin, talk to me. Please.” He pleaded. I looked up and looked at him through the mirror in front of us.

“What do you want me to say Minho? That I forgive you? That it’s okay that you and dad left me by myself?” He didn’t say anything and instead looked down making me continue, “You know how hard I had to hide and run? Trying not to get caught by those stupid loan sharks and any authorities?! How hard I had to work at such a young age and practically quitting school because I needed to live?!” By this time my voice had risen and I had switched to Mandarin. “I had to live a life I barely survived and you… You have this,” I gestured to his clothing, “A life of pleasures. You trained, debuted and now you’re famous!” He flinched and I felt a bit sorry for yelling at him. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to calm my temper.

“But you’re here now, right?” He muttered and I gave out a sound of frustration.

“That’s not the point Kang Minhyun!” I exclaimed. I saw him tense up as I said his old name.

“Don’t call me that!!” He yelled back finally looking up. I didn’t say anything as I looked at him with cold eyes, “Don’t… call me that.” He said again in a calmer tone.

“He gave you the money to change your name didn’t he?” I asked him calmly. He didn’t answer to which I took as a yes. We stared at each other in the mirror until someone opened the door and popped their head inside.

“Minho hyung, we need to go now.” Taemin said happily, “Annyeong Yejin noona!” He greeted when he saw me. Minho nodded towards him and waited until Taemin left before standing up. He was about to open the door when he called something out over his shoulder.

“I’m really sorry Yejin. I really am.” I sighed.

“Yeah, I am too.” I mumbled. He stood there for a second longer before walking out and silently shutting the door. I sat there for a few more minutes before standing up and starting practice again.


It was past eleven that I had finished practicing and had decided it was time to go back to the dorm. I thought the boys had gone home already so I thought it would be good to walk by myself. I told the guard at the front of the building a good night before walking away to the opposite direction. It had only been ten minutes since I left that I spotted three other men walking towards me. I turned frigid at the sight of them but didn’t show any hint of fright. I stopped walking when they blocked my path and the man in the middle look at me.

“Hey girl,” He said lazily. I didn’t say anything and kept my straight face. He gave me a lopsided smirk then draped an arm across my shoulders. I clenched my fists, suppressing the urge to start a fight, and tried to shrug of his arm off but it only made him grip tighter.

“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be walking alone at this time.” He drawled. His friends snickered making his smirk grow. “What do you say? How bout I take you to my place and maybe we could—“I cut him off by pushing him away. He stumbled back making his friends steady him. He straightened up right away and his face turned into a menacing one. I gritted my teeth and got myself ready for a fight.

“You bit—“Before he could finish his statement I landed a straight punch to his jaw. He stumbled back having a bewildered look on his face. Okay, so I know that wasn’t really necessary but he was already asking for it so might as well start it right?

I waited for his attack to come but instead of him punching me back one of his buddies grabbed my hair and the other one held my arms behind me. I grunted in surprise from their sudden speed. The guy whom I punched stood in front of me smirking with a slightly cut lip. He my cheek with one finger and I flinched back but it was impossible for me to do anything else.

“What a waste… You shouldn’t have done that you little .” He snarled then punched me square in the jaw. I felt pain shoot up my entire face and the pull from my hair gave me a huge headache. Before I could react he punched me again but this time right in the stomach. I doubled over in pain making the two other guys let go of me. I fell on my knees and started to cough out a little blood. I tried pushing myself up but he just punched me again. These bastards were people I never even encountered in China and I couldn’t even fight back.

He kicked me on the side, shooting pain throughout my whole body. By breathing hitched when one of them pulled me up using my hair. I stood up and felt my legs turn like jelly. I could barely stand up and I barely did anything. The guy raised his fist and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for another hit but when nothing came, I opened my eyes to find that someone had punched the man and he was now on the floor. When the guy turned around, my eyes almost popped out of my sockets when I saw the familiar blonde haired boy.

His face was even scarier looking than when I first met him. His eyes were menacing and his sneer wasn’t helping. The two men were still behind me gripping my hair and my arms. I felt their fright from the way they were fidgeting and pulling my hair even harder. Kris walked up to me but his gaze was set with the two people behind me. He gave them a scowl before speaking in a deep and threatening tone.

“Let go of her before you end up like your friend.” I felt my hands and hair being released and I heard them stumbling away into the distance. Kris gave out a sigh before looking down at me with a softer look than before. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he bent down with his back facing me.

“Get on.” He said. I took a step back from his sudden suggestion.

“Uhh… It’s okay… I-I can walk,” He looked at me over his shoulder but when I tried to take a step forward I felt my knees buckle and my legs give away. I was about to fall to the ground but Kris steadied me before I could. He gave me look to which I just rolled my eyes to. “Fine…” I gave in. He bent down again and I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned on his back. He grabbed hold of my legs, holding me up before straighten up.

I gripped on tighter when he started walking. To be honest, this felt really weird. I have never been piggybacked, ever. Not even from my dad or brother. I shifted a little trying to help him out but I guess that made it worse since he lightly jumped up, pushing me up higher on his back. We stayed quiet for a while as he strolled through the night.

“You didn’t have to do that.” I mumbled quietly. I felt his shoulders move as he chuckled lightly.

“If I didn’t step in you would’ve been near dead by now.” I frowned and looked at his side profile. He really is quite handsome and I understood why they have so many fans.

“I was handling it though.” With a smile, he shook his head. He looked at me sideways and grinned.

“And look where that got you.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Whatever. Just keep your eyes on the road.”He gave out a deep laugh but kept walking anyways.

“Sure, princess.” I scowled at the nickname before lapsing into a nostalgic silence.


We got home a little bit past twelve thirty only because Kris thought it would be a good idea to take the long way home. I refused to it but he insisted and being the man who was carrying me I had no other choice but to oblige. I waited for him to let me go in the front of the dorm but he kept me on his back until we reached the couch in the kitchen. He let me go and I sat down on the sofa. I flinched a little since my body was still in pain.

“Wait here. I’ll go get the first aid kit.” I nodded and he left.

He came back with a red little box and opened it. He took out some things and told me to stay still since it was going to sting. I winced as the medicine touched my wounds but tried my hardest not to move any more. He bandaged the cuts on my legs and arms and when he was done he sat up and looked at me. I watched him as he examined my face for any deep cuts.

“This is gonna hurt a little okay?” I slightly nodded and he leaned closer, raising a hand to the cut on my lip. I quickly in air as the medicine made contact with my skin. He stopped and looked at me worriedly. I nodded for him to continue and so he did. When he was done he leaned back and took out a wet towel. He made a move to clean my face but I stopped his hand.

“It’s okay. I can do it.” I said but he pushed down my hand and lightly gripped my face wiping away any dirt or blood that was on it. I felt warmth spread throughout me and I couldn’t help but be touched by him. I studied his features as he lightly wiped my face.

We caught each other’s eyes but neither one of us made a move to look away. He had stopped wiping but his hand still lingered on my face cupping it lightly. I hadn’t realized I was holding in my breath when I finally blinked and broke eye contact with him. I felt the warmth of his hand leave my face and heard him stand up. He started packing up the first aid kit and before he could walk away I called out.

“Thanks Kris.” He gave me a small smile and nod before going back upstairs.

I stood up finally being able to carry my own weight and limped to the garden outside. The cool night air greeted me and the lights on the side of the walkway were . I walked deeper into the garden and went to the secret spot Chanyeol had showed me. I haven’t been here since the time he told me about it. I walked to the little gazebo which had tiny lights that lead to it and around it. It was truly beautiful at night.

I went inside and sat down on the little bench that was inside it and leaned over the side to look down at the water below. Tiny little fireflies and dragonflies were flying right above the water giving such limited light. A smile crept its way to my face and it was the most sincere smile I’ve ever had in years but it was gone just as quick as it came and was now replaced with a sad one.

“Umma…” I whispered then closed my eyes as a single tear escaped me.

“Help me…” 

Hey everyone!

I finally updated! ALSKDJFKDJ!! 

School... I swear... Anyways...

I have started a new fic with my co-author korean_fan101

Ice Cold Lovers

If you want you can go check it out! 


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Sorry I haven't been updating you guys!! I will update sometime this week maybe today even!


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bloom12 #1
Chapter 11: Please continue since I star using this site all the story I tried to read they were not finish please finish it please
bloom12 #2
Chapter 10: Nonononono ship her with kris please I lie them better Luhansk better as a friend or bother not a boyfriend please ship her with kris please
aigooo, my eyes keep popping out everytime you update a chapter!! )): i ship her with kris, 'cause luhan's the mysterious guardian always helping her, you know?!
haha double comment...
I ship her with Lulu! Buuuttt. If I had to pick someone else then it would be...yeah idk. I want her to be with Luhan! ^^
Lol ur story is doing great! U don't need my opinion...but I love it! Haha I'm looking forward and u better update! Lol ;)
Emm, i'm wondering who could it be.
Ouhh author-nim, wae did yu do this to us.
Now, i'm dting from curiosity :/
Update soon.
Ouhh, btw, new reader here :D
gonqzhu #7
update soooon pleaseee :D
i guess its minho.. XD
Oh! oh! is it Minho? but I also think that it's also one of the members of SHINee... BUT! BUT! Yejin only becomes cold when Minho is around right? o.o OR MAYBE IT'S HER FATHER? lol, that's impossible. XD but I'm really curious at to who it is! >.<

Please update soon!

I still got the feeling it's Minho...

if not then someone in SHINee? XD

or maybe.. URGH a chidhood friend? OR! a person from her school or something when she was still younger OR AND ENEMY?!! I DAAANNNNAAAA~~~
jongfin #10
it's hard to imagine a man popping his gum like a diva...unless it's key xD but there's seriously no one i know that both Yenji and Luhan know so far =A= besides minho... O_O