can you change?

changed your ways?


the first time we met, it was in high school, you were my first and last love, you made me feel like anything was possible, the way you kissed me made me feel like the whole world had disappeared, i like me and you were the only two people on the planet.
I still remember the day you confessed to me 'I'm in love with you, from the first time i saw you, your like a diamond to me, you make me feel so rich, everyone can admire you but only I can touch you, I love you' these words you once said so sweetly into my ear, the shivers still get them, you made me feel like i actually mattered to you.
'I love you too, your mine' was my only reply, you smiled and kissed me deeply, what happened to you? why have your demons taken over your body? why do you let them boss you around like you have no choice, why? am i not enough for you anymore?
After 6 years being together i would have thought you could talk to me, at least think about me everyday like i think about you, your everything to me, do you even care if i died right here right now?
She was brought out of her thoughts as a hand wrapped their fingers firmly around her wrist, making her heart beat faster than it should, she had fear spread across her face, she smiled thinking it would calm him down, it only made him more angry to see her smiling when he was trying to press fear onto her heart.
Everyday this would happen to her, he'd stand over her, not giving any remorse to her cries, he was too drunk to even notice, he loved her, he wanted her to love him, she did, but still he'd cover her body with bruises watching her skin turn purple and blue.
He'd do the same thing after he'd think she'd has enough, he'd fall to his knees in front of her and cry -beg- for her forgiveness, of course she'd give to him, she was in love with him after all.
He looked down and saw her looking up at him 'what's wrong?' he asked not knowing the reply 'you love me right?' she asked tears in her eyes, he looked confused 'of course i do why?' tears started to escape her eyes 'then why do you hurt me? why do you hit me? hitting me means that you don't love me, that you hate me' he held her closer to him as if she was something so precious she may break.
'I don't mean to hurt you, i get angry, its no excuse..' he too had tears in his eyes, she cupped his face with her hands 'please stop, i want to love you, but your demons are too strong, you have no idea how much i want to be able to say your mine, but your not are you?' she asked tears streaming down her face as she looked at the man she'd loved for her whole life.
'Zico..' she whimpered into his chest as she clung onto the front of his shirt, his shirt covered with wet patches from where her tears had fallen 'I'm in love with you' he finally replied, giving her shivers, it sounded just like the first time he had ever said it, full of emotion, full of care and love,he pushed her away to look her in the face.
Tears still flowing down his cheeks, he wiped away hers and kissed her deeply, earning dominance of , the back of her head, he sighed into the kiss 'I'm so sorry, i swear, i-i love you..' was the only thing he said before he pushed her only the hard cold floor, kissing her deeply.
'Zico, do you really mean it?..' she whispered into his ear as he hugged her on the floor, he raised himself off the floor using his hands, hovering over her body 'I've never ment anything more..' he replied 'but your sober, you'll only forget when your drunk' she cried, moving on of his hands to try and get away, he only moved it to caress her cheek 'this time i mean it, I'll scream from the rooftop that i love you, that i have a problem just please, my love, don't leave..' he cried his tears falling onto her face making her raise her hand to wipe away the tears fallen from his eyes 'i actually believe you for once..' she replied turning her head to the side.
Zico kissed her cheek and moved down to her neck 'I've missed you Zico..' she said as she arched her back as he placed sweet butterfly kissed onto her now bare chest, kissing the old and new bruises he had left over her body 'I'm so sorry' he cried onto her body.
Zico knew he had a problem, he wanted to fix it, just for the woman lying beneath him, he'd fallen in love with her for a long time now, he felt like she was his and she'd never leave but he knew that wasn't true, he knew if he carried on like this she'd leave him.
Zico pulled away from his love and looked down at her 'I'm so in love with you' he smiled kissing away any of her tears, she felt her heart beat like it was the first time he confessed to her, she raised herself to meet his lips and kissed him deeply 'i love you' she whispered in between kisses, he felt himself smile at her words.
He carefully picked her up not breaking their lips away, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to their bedroom and lay her on their bed and smiled at the flustered girl that was now laying on the bed, he had lust in his eyes, it had been months since the last time he had touched her and meant it. 
He leaned down and kissed her forehead before kissing down her neck before pulling her close to him wrapping his arms around her as if she was something he needed to protect 'I promise you, I'm in love with you, you are my everything, you always have been and always will be, your my love' Zico said as he pulled her closer as if he couldn't get her close enough to him, she smiled at his words and kissed his jaw line before burring her head in his chest and giving him sweet butterfly kisses as she nuzzled him.
They both soon drifted off to sleep 'has he really changed?' she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep in his arms.
when she woke up in the morning she was met by the same loneliness and emptiness as she did every morning 'so he hasn't changed' she thought as she spread her arms on her now empty bed 'everything he said last night was a lie' she thought as tears started to form in her eyes from thinking she'd get another beating later on in the day. To her disbelief he entered their bedroom with a tray filled with food and drinks 'I know this doesn't start to cover it,but I really am trying' Zico said looking down to the floor, she jumped from the bed and set the tray down on a table near the door before holding both Zico's hand and leading him to the bed.
'Lay with me for a while.. p-please' she asked sheepishly, he held her tighter on the bed as she rested her head in the crook of his neck, he brushed his hand down her arm and raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her hand 'I love you.. more than.. bee's love honey, i swear i can change, people always change for the one's they love and i love you..' he whispered into his ear as she felt him relax and his breathing change, he'd fallen asleep
'I love you' she whispered into his neck before falling asleep with the one she loved..
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