
Cooking? Cooking!

Kim Jonghyun smirked as he checked out his reflection in the door of his father's restaurant. Being the only son of one of the richest men in Seoul had its advantages. Not only did he have an unlimited credit limit on his credit card, a directorship as soon as he left university, and an army of pretty girls vying for his attention, he also got to eat for free at any of his father's restaurants, which, if he was being honest, was probably the best part. He pushed open the door to the restaurant, wondering if any of the chefs were actually around.

"Mr Kim!"

Jonghyun looked up as a member of the waiting staff (the skinny one, Lee Taemin, Jonghyun reminded himself) scurried towards him. "Waiting staff member Lee, my usual table please." Jonghyun watched as the younger male shuffled a little, eyes downcast.

"I'm sorry sir, but Head Chef Song is not yet here. The kitchen is shut."

"Who are you to tell me if the kitchen is open or closed?" Jonghyun demanded, raising his voice to the timid waiter, who stepped backwards in surprise, almost falling over his own feet. "My father owns this restaurant and I will have you fired if I do not have a meal produced for me as soon as possible."

"Please follow me, sir." Taemin bowed his head, leading Jonghyun towards his favourite table in the centre of the restaurant.


Key smiled as he finished wiping down his workstation. He had finished his practice early today and had time to eat the soufflé that he had prepared.


Key glanced towards the kitchen doors as he heard the voice. "Taemin?"

"Hyung, you have to help me." Taemin said frantically. "I need you to cook for me."

Key stared at the younger male, "service hasn't started yet."

"I know, hyung, but he's here early! If he doesn't get food he'll fire me." Taemin whimpered at the thought. "The last person he fired ended up working at a McDonald's in Daegu. Hyung, please?"

"Who's here?" Key asked slowly, not wanting to upset Taemin anymore than he already was.

"Kim Jonghyun, the owner's son." Taemin groaned. "I better start my application's already."

"No one is going to Daegu." Key said firmly, pushing his (now cold) soufflé to one side. "I need to you help me in the kitchen, grab a hat and apron from the stores and get chopping vegetables."

Key moved around the kitchen with ease, grabbing ingredients and passing those that needed preparing to Taemin, hoping that the younger could at least work a knife with some sort of precision. He immediately got to work on his three best dishes: the eel salad that he had originally prepared for Head Chef Song, having practiced the dish for a month until it was perfect, and then started to play with the ingredients to add extra spark; a main of seafood pasta in a creamy sauce that perfectly coated the strands of spaghetti, mussels and shrimp; and a cheese soufflé for dessert, the dish that he had been practicing for two solid weeks.

Key worked pouring his love into his dishes, preparing them as though he was preparing them for a lover, not a customer. He paid attention to the smallest of details, ensuring that the garnish was not too big or too small, that the plates were presented cleanly and that each dish was the perfect temperature before being taken to Kim Jonghyun.


Jonghyun looked up in surprise as the first dish was presented to him. There was a chef present after all, there was no way that Chef Song Seunghyun could have gotten to the restaurant and prepared the food in such a little amount of time. "Thank you." He said, indicating for Taemin to leave, watching as he scurried back to the kitchen.

Eel salad. Not a dish Jonghyun would have chosen for himself (especially so after he was served the dish at one of his father's other restaurants, where the gall bladder had been nicked whilst preparing). Tentatively he took a bite from the dish, smiling in content as the flavours danced over his tongue, the dressing on the salad just the right sweetness to counteract the ginger marinade on the eel.

The next dish, to Jonghyun's delight, was seafood pasta. Juicy shrimp and mussels with spaghetti in a creamy sauce. The simple but flavoursome dish was one of Jonghyun's favourites, and he eagerly tucked into the meal, not caring how messily he was eating. The sauce was thick and slightly cheesy, perfectly seasoned, and the seafood perfectly cooked, and Jonghyun could have happily ordered another bowl of the pasta, willing to give up dessert.

However, Jonghyun was glad he didn't give up his dessert, as a soufflé was placed in front of him, the savoury smell of cheese wafting to his nose and causing his mouth to water in anticipation. His fork cut through the soufflé like a hot knife sliding through butter. Jonghyun almost moaned as he placed a forkful in his mouth, the fluffy texture melting against his tongue. He quickly ate the remainder of the soufflé, indicating to the waiter that he had finished. "Who is the Chef who prepared this?" Jonghyun asked as Taemin moved to collect the empty dish.

"Junior Sous Chef Kim." Taemin answered, suddenly worried about Key's future in the restaurant, his eyes downcast once again.

Jonghyun was about to speak when a loud slam echoed through the restaurant, drawing his attention to the front door.

"Mr Kim, you're early." Chef Song said as he hurried to Jonghyun's table, looking flustered. "Why didn't you call me?" He hissed to Taemin, poorly concealed by his hand.

"It was a test, to see if your staff would run to you, or if they would rise to the challenge. Luckily your staff passed, thanks to Junior Sous Chef Kim. Promote Junior Sous Chef Kim to Sous Chef." Jonghyun said, standing. "My compliments to the chef." He said as his final comments before stepping out of the restaurant, leaving the Head Chef with his mouth gaping open.


"Junior Sous Chef Kim!"

Key groaned as he heard Head Chef Song call his name. He quickly ran from the kitchen to the front of house, greeting the older man with a deep bow. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't want anyone to lose their job."

"Why are you here early?" Chef Song demanded.

"Mr Kim said in my interview that I would be able to use the kitchens to practice for my qualification, as long as I used my own ingredients and it was outside of opening hours." Key said honestly, head still bowed in apology.

Chef Song ran a hand through his hair, wanting nothing more than to strangle the boy in front of him. If it was up to him, the boy wouldn't have been hired in the first place, but he was absent from the interview following a particularly bad stomach upset, and the restaurant's owner seemed to take a shine to him. "It's lucky that you have improved enough to serve a decent meal to the owner's son. Get ready for service."

Key bowed again, retreating to the kitchen, to where Taemin was waiting for him.

"Hyung, he sent his compliments, he liked your food." Taemin grinned, "usually he eats and leaves, not commenting."

"Taemin, he was probably just being nice, knowing that as a Junior I wouldn't have been employed here for very long."

Taemin shook his head, "he's never once complimented Chef Song or Chef Jung." Taemin added, "you must be special. And, he wants you promoting!" Taemin said excitedly, bouncing with enthusiasm.

Key scoffed, "like that would happen."

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Cooking? Cooking!: Sorry guys, taking a hiatus until September... Work is too much at the moment


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cherry7278 #1
Chapter 5: please continue this story.. i really like it.. im still waiting for this to update..
shhrimp #2
Chapter 5: I really don't like cooking but seeing it like this makes it way more appealing. Delicious story indeed. :) Next plate! xD
JongKey!! omygosh!!! >///<
Kyaaa~ they met~ they met~ THEY MET!!! <3
I want them to meet soon.. but in a different way~ thanks for updating ^_^
princehyeon #6
I really really love this story so far!
The setting is something so new and unusual, but very well written with a lot of attention to detail, making it all authentic. can't wait for the two to meet, though ;D
JoukaaSaikuron #7
I really like this~ I hope Kibum and Jonghyun meet soon, though~
I'm hungry!!! kekeke :3
2Min as a side dish while having JongKey as the main dish..
I wonder when Jjong meet Key and the vice versa ^_^
DarkMangaIza #9
Boeuf en croute? I prefer Paté en croute, there ain't no mushrooms, even though there's not that much bread =P
Raveness #10
It sounds so good! I want some of the pasta! The thing about McDonald's was funny. I hope that Head Chef Song will cut Key some slack in the future...