finding bliss in a smile


"Order for Table Three."

The smell of coffee dances in the air, the sound of the chimes when the door opens rings throughout the room, the taste of that strawberry shortcake in a customer's mouth and the awestruck looks on customers' faces when they see the beautiful figures that are serving them, wouldn't you stay for awhile and learn the story about the cafe's owner?

A story including an owner losing hope, her family who trying to help, and a man who certainly helps her with just one little thing, his smile. And how one little smile can change someone's life. Yes, one little smile can change someone's life. 

Because sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in the heart.

"May I help you, Dork?"

And that's what matters the most. 



So. Before I start my foreword I would like to say that the story will not be like a narrator telling it all. So please don't think that Miyoung will be narrating the whole story it's just for the description. AND MOVING ON. 

A simple little oneshot for a writing contest. It's based on pretty simple things that someone in my life did for me. I don't think they'll ever know how thankful I am for them doing that little thing as we passed each other in the halls. Or when we saw each other in the lunch room. It's crazy how one simple thing can lead to another. That's my little note before I actually get going on this. :)

I'm using prompt number five for the 13elieve in L♥ve Writing Contest, "Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in the heart." 

So enjoy the little one shot!


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AyraLovesKibum #1
Hello! I'm just dropping by to say that your story is really awesome! I like - no - I love it so much! :) Looking forward to your stories :)
AyraLovesKibum #2
please do update :D
devilyoong #3
why does it say 'completed!' when the actual one-shot isn't out yet?
anyway, looking forward to this. YoonBum ♥