Till Another fated day arrived

I am an angel yet a demon


“Mom, that evil girl hit me” a little boy was crying, as he hugged her mother as if he need a protection from something evil.

 A middle age woman was looking to a cute little girl, who tied her hair in a ponytail, wearing a white dress and white flats. She looked at the little girl, and suddenly the little girl smiled “Hey, hey I didn’t do anything right! Probably you just bumped into something, so your arm hurt” she said with a sweet smile glued on her face. His mother was mesmerized when she looked at the little girl’s smile, then said “Yes…,yes yes, probably my son bumped to something. There is no way you would hit my son right, Jieun-ah.”.

Then the mother scolded her child for accusing someone for what she has not done. And as they go away , the little girl smirked.

“Tsk tsk tsk,Grownups, easily to be fooled!”

Just with a little touch of sweet smile, and they all deceived! Ha!

Nobody's POV

“Hey Jieun, Jieun-ah! Hello, down to earth girl!”

“Oh, sorry Mr Manager, what was it?” Jieun was snapped out from her daydreaming.

“You will have an interview on 10 pm, then …………………….”

Jieun wasn’t listening to his manager anymore. She just need a break, that’s all! After all, despite her success idol career, she is a teenager, who also need some leisure time or moment where she is having fun with her friends. Yes, her friends. Unfortunately, Jieun doesn’t have one, because she thought all of them are fake, except someone, who she just met 3 months ago.

*Beep* *Beep*. Jieun’s phone was vibrating, and she immediately checked who was texted her. And a big smile appeared on her face, not a fake smile, but a real one.

From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Yah! Another bad day, I guess? Need to have some fun with your one and only handsome friend? :D

She chuckled and replied it immediately

To: Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

What the hell? Handsome? You called that face of yours handsome? Give me a break! Even mirror could not withstand that ugly face of yours! LOL

From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Oh please, admit it won’t be so hard missie. It’s so cute to see you keep denying the fact that you are one of my admirer!

She blushed for a while, and suddenly her manager interrupted her chatting time with her friend.

“I suggest you stop texting with that odd friend of yours, or else your job will be disrupted. I need you to focus on your career, because if you lose your focus even for a while, many rookie artists will outshine you.”

Jieun was nodding although inside, she wanted to complain about her tight schedule. She even didn’t have time to spend with her family because she must practiced and composed songs for her upcoming comeback. So she decided to give a short message to her dearest friend

To : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Yah Wooyoung! I need 2 go now! My boss is very angry coz I keep using my phone on the working time. G2g k bye!

Then she turned off and looked on the car’s window blankly.

Jieun never tell Wooyoung about her career. She assume Wooyoung just pretend to know nothing about her job, and besides, whenever she is with Wooyoung, she doesn’t feel like IU anymore. IU, a singer who should act cute and do some aegyo towards everybody. She feels she is Jieun whenever she come in contact with Wooyoung. Yes, Wooyoung is a guy who notice ugly personality behind Jieun’s fake smiles, and notice a demon wearing an angel mask. He is precious to her, and she’s very happy whenever he is around.

After her schedule from that day, Jieun checked her phone, hoping there’s a text message from him. And luckily, there is one.

From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Hey Jieun-ah, why don’t we have a sip of coffee tomorrow Morning, before you work? It’ll be my treat! Kind enough?

“Thank Godness I don’t have any schedule for tomorrow till 4 pm!” She thought

To : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Cool, How about in the Star Café next to my house?

From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Sure. 10 am okay!See you tomorrow!

PS: If you are late, you are the one who for pay the food :P

Jieun was happy as ever. She hasn’t done something like this before. Go to a café , with a friend, talking about many things,  etc. But wait. This time her friend is a guy, and……………. THAT COULD ALSO MEAN A DATE! Well, Jieun couldn’t help but blushed, imagined Wooyoung and her holding hands and do some stuff which couple would usually do. But again, She immediately erase that thought from her mind. She just see Wooyoung as a friend, and she bet Wooyoung also see her as a friend, or more like…. Sister?

She decided to have a bath directly and have a nice sleep, so tomorrow she could wake up early

Wooyoung's POV

I look at my watch and it is already 10.30 am. I wonder why she’s late? I really need to tell her something now, or else………..


I was surprised because there’s someone who pushed me from behind, and when I look back I see her.

Lee Jieun.

Jieun's POV

I wonder why he’s staring at my face like that?

“Hey bastard, stop looking at me like that, it’s make me uneasy you know?”

“No, I just wondering why you wear that scarf to cover your mouth and sunglasses which very likely to catch any attention.” He said, while trying to hold on not to burst in laughter.

“That’s because I don’t want people to notice me!” I blushed a little.


“Well, because I am famous, and attractive, and cute, and pretty, and sweet, and adorable! Guess how many people adore me because of my looks and talent!”

“Yea right missie, keep dreaming and eventually you will hurt if you dream too high”

“Whatever. Unlike you, who have no talent, couldn’t stand any chance to outshine me!”

Nobody's POV

Both of them burst in laughter, then they are talking about many things. Time flies so fast, and it’s already time when Jieun supposed to go back to her dorm, waiting his manager to pick up her.

“Hey Bastard, I must go now, boss’s calling.”

“Huh, why you need to work on weekend?”

“well, you see… there’s an important .. um.. project going on, and I need to handle it right away!”

“What project? Aren’t you still below 20?” He asked curiously.

“Do you work in the office? I thought you have a part time job on a family restaurant or something….” He asked again and raised one of his eyebrow.

“. I’m not good at lying. And besides, I am really sure he could see through my lies. Well, I’m going to give it a shot one more time!” Jieun’s thought.

“Yes! Yes! I work in the family restaurant! Actually, every workers in the restaurant including waiters must attend meeting every Saturday! The boss expect us to give the opinion about the improvement of the restaurant!” She lied.

“Well, but….”

“Sorry Wooyoung!” She cut his sentence. “Gotta go now. Bye!”

Jieun quickly grabbed her bag and run away from him. She didn’t know why but feel bad towards him. She lied to her only friend. And thinking how bad she is, she began to shed tears. “What a terrible person I am” She said, whispering to herself.

Wooyoung called Jieun’s name several times, but she ignored him and ran away from him as fast as she could. For the first time in her life, she regretted why she chose to follow her mother’s path in the entertainment industry.

While on the other side, Wooyoung stared helplessly to Jieun who acting strange toward him just now. And when he started to stand up from his seat in the café , a box wrapped in the cute wrapping paper, with a small ribbon on top of it, fell from Wooyoung’s pocket. And there’s a piece of paper stick to it, and it was written “To Lee Jieun”.

Jieun didn’t know why but she felt not to talk to Wooyoung in this past few days after their meeting few days ago. She ignored calls and texts from him, and until one day, someone knocked her dorm’s door and leave a box in front of her dorm. The box was more like a present, because it is wrapped in a wrapping paper and has a little ribbon on top of it. She was curious who was the sender, and then suddenly she received a new text message. She didn’t realize it is from Wooyoung, because the number was not in her contact number.

From: Unknown Number

It’s Wooyoung. I’m leaving Korea now. Thanks for everything.

She was surprised and shocked from the message she got from Wooyoung. She could not breath for a few second because she did not know what to do, and she was very sad to lose her only friend. Yes, her one and only friend. Suddenly, while she was still shocked by the news, her phone vibrated again.

From: Unknown Number

Sorry for the trouble in this past few months. Sorry for disturbing you all this time. But I only want you to know one thing : I Love You.

She could not help but cry, then she immediately check texts from him she ignored from this past few days.

From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Umm, what was that just now? Why are you running away from me like that?


From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Hey, it’s been a while not talking to you. It’s weird you know, for not talking to you all day long.


From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Are you mad at me? Why you were not responding to any of my texts and calls? Please call me as soon as you get this message.


From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

I hate to admit it but I miss you missie.


From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

Missing you :(

Jieun was crying so hard as she read the message one by one, and she realized all this time she also in love with him all this time. She kept denying the fact she fall in love with him, and she always think that he is her precious friend. Unfortunately, Wooyoung is the one who stole her heart, who fill special place in her heart, and the only person Jieun show her weak side.

And when she saw the last text message from Wooyoung, she looked at her watch, and she didn’t think twice to take her wallet, wear a slipper, then looking for a taxi. She didn’t put anything to disguise herself. But at the time when she open her dorm’s door, her manager was waiting for her outside.

“Jieun-ah, it’s time for the next schedule.”

“Mr manager, please, just this time, I need to go somewhere to meet someone special for me. Please, let me go!”

“Jieun-ah, be professional! We must go to the broadcast place, because you have a very important interview in there!”

“Tell them I won’t come today! Just make it tomorrow!”

“What? I could not do that! To add up, tomorrow we have a tight schedule, so moving your interview time is not as easy moving pig’s to somewhere else!” The manager said impatiently, and Jieun could see an upset face in his manager.

Jieun could not take any longer. She really need to give her manager a lesson. A last lesson from her.

“You know what? I don’t give a single ing damn to your interview or whatever. Do you ever listen to me once in a while? Do you even fulfilled your promise of giving me a day off on Sunday? No.”

Her manager was quite shocked because of Jieun’s sudden changing in attitude, and Jieun was looked kinda… furious. Her angelic look replace with his demon face, and she could not hold back any longer.

“Why you don’t want to move the schedule, huh? Does it kills you? NO! Is it killing the broadcasting team if I don’t attend their interview? NO!”

“ I’m doing this for your own good! And don’t give that kind of attitude who work hard to you, arranging your schedule, and drive you everywhere!”

“I know what I want and what I need, I’m not a little girl who need to be told what to do, where I’m going, and when should I wake up! And what I need is a day off,  time to spend with my friends, and a new manager!”

“What do you mean?” Her manager was quite nervous, he doesn’t want to be fired.

“Wow, you are dumber that you actually looked huh? That means YOU.ARE.FIRED. Gosh, I finally said that” She said with a winning smile on her face.

“Tell everyone my real attitude, cause you know, I don’t give a . So bye loser, adios!”

Jieun finally said everything she wanted to say to her manager. Actually, behind her back, her Manager took some of her salary, without her notice it. But Jieun is a smart girl, so she can’t be fooled easily. After she hopped on the taxi’s seat, she saw her watch and it’s already 3.40 pm.

“Shoot! I’m not gonna make it! Please Mr Driver, make it fast”

“Aye lass, I’m going to do it for my lovely idol, IU” He smiled.

Jieun smiled,to him. Not a fake smile, but a thankful smile. Then suddenly she remembered about Wooyoung’s last text.


From : Ugly Disgusting Impolite tard

I’m going to return to America on next Wednesday, 5 pm. Sorry for not telling you all this time but actually, I study abroad, in America. At the first day we met, I actually just arrived in here, and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Suddenly, I saw you. I didn’t know you were a singer, and I just knew it when we hang out on that day in café. Goodluck on your career, and don’t forget to smile for your fans, not with your fake smile, but your real smile.

Wooyoung’s POV

I looked on the window in the airport, and all I remembered is her face. I don’t know why but I kept thinking of that girl. Lee Jieun.

“Wooyoung, ready to leave?” My mom asked me.

“Yes mom”

And when I was ready to enter the immigration center, I heard her voice. A familiar sweet voice, which melts my heart, and brightened up my mood. Lee Jieun’s voice.


I see her from a far away, and she was chased by several securities. I could not help but laugh because of her silly action, and then I excused myself to my mother and dragged her outside airport.

Nobody's POV

After Jieun and Wooyoung apologized to the securities, they finally have a chance to talk. They were not talking to each other , and all could be heard was the crowd talking and some of the announcements about the last call of passengers who have not yet go inside the plane, including Wooyoung.The atmosphere between then was awkward, and  Jieun was looking down, nervous, and her heart pounding so fast. While Wooyoung, looking blankly at the tree nearby them, and Jieun was curious what he was thinking right now. Suddenly Jieun broke the silence and say something.

“Umm, thanks. For the present.” She said, blushing.

“Welcome. Have you opened it?” He replied, while scratching his head.

“Not yet. But, thanks anyway.”

“Open it now. I want to see you wear it.”

Jieun was wondering what was inside the box. Is it ring? Too cliché. Earrings? She doubt it. When she unwrapped the package and open the box, she saw a halo hairpin, with a devil wings beside it. She was confused and Wooyoung could tell she would demand an explanation from him, then he explained everything to her.

“When I see that hairpin, I remembered you. You are like, have an imaginary halo, but at the same time, you have a pair of demon wings in your back. You are an angel, yet a demon. When you smile, you look like an angel, and when you are angry, even demon would be scared.” He laughed.

Jieun pouted and she said “So, is it a compliment or an insult?”

“Take that as a compliment” He smirked.

Jieun sighed, although he said it was a compliment, she take that as an insult. But deep within her heart, she exactly agreed to what he said. Then suddenly his text about “I love you” popped out from her mind. She blushed, then decided wanted to ask that, but that would be so awkward to ask. So she decided to stay quiet, although she is dying to know about it. She wondered, is it just a joke or….

“And I bet you wanted to ask about that text isn’t it? then this will explain it all”

Wooyoung pressed his lips against hers, and it was Jieun’s first kiss. She was shocked and at the same time felt happy. It’s like, a butterfly was coming out from her stomach, and the feeling of extreme excitement and happiness flowing within her body. After few seconds kissing, Wooyoung removed his lips from hers. Jieun’s face became as red as apple, and she’s not the only one who was like this. Wooyoung’s face also became red. Jieun could not help but laugh, because this is the first time she saw Wooyoung’s face become red.

“Umm, Jieun-ah.”


“Do you want, you know, we umm.. you know, like…”

“Go out together?” She said, hoping he would say “yes”.


BAM! She was shocked and felt stupid and humiliated.

“I mean, No, I would not disagree with that” He said, smirking.

“WTF? How could you tease me at time like this? Ahh, seriously?” She said, blushing.

“But I need to return to America for a couple of years. Would you wait until then?” He said, hoping she would say yes.

“Well, I don’t.” She said with a straight face. Of course, Wooyoung’s face as pale as ever, rejected by a girl who he love.

“Okay then, so I should go now…”

“Wait!” Jieun stopped him

Wooyoung turned around, and Jieun smiled.

“I mean, I don’t care how long I should wait, as long I am stay beside you” She said, while smiling and at the same time trying so hard to not laugh.

“Ahhhh, you got me.” Wooyoung said while scratching his head.

Then both of them laughed, then made a pinky promise that and until another fated day arrived, they will always support and love each other.



A/N : Hello! thankyou for supporting my story till the end, although it's only short story lol. I hope you could enjoy my story, although it's a little bit lame so yeah, just enjoy! :D
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Asiangirl4eva #1
Chapter 2: Wishing for a sequel.. Best short story everrr!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #2
I love IU's y side! Its so cute>.<!
WooUShippers #3
This went better than expected .. XD
Blehhhbambix #4
Update soon
wow hella interesting story><
i love it when jieun started to become all y...funny xD
tymycr2512 #6