Tutoring Session

Distracting Him

Chanyeol jumped in shock as he heard someone was calling him. Deep, and husky. Typical of someone calling the other when that someone was trying to seduce the other.

And now he must be really sure that there were only two persons in this house. Himself, and Baekhyun. But, he knew better. Baekhyun was never included in any of that type. He was an organized person, tidy, and definitely cool. He talked rarely, and smart. Typical of someone who would go all popular once they stepped their feet into a place.

Sometimes Chanyeol heard from his friends that Baekhyun was lucky because so many girls in his campus were easily attracted to him. He had the charms that he unconciously spread, and it made girls swoon on their own heels.

Baekhyun fake-coughed, or more likely cleared his throat, as he leaned one side of his body at the frame of the door. One of his foot was moved in a crossing angle, and he really tried to make every movements, words, and everything of himself sounded and looked like the most gentle thing ever.

Chanyeol quickly turned his body around from the table, still sitting on the chair, and looked at Baekhyun rather surprisingly. He raised his eyebrows weirdly once his eyes came with the contact of his house mate leaning on the frame of the door, and with his looks all different from the usual.

“Hey,” Baekhyun greeted grinningly.

Chanyeol didn’t fail to notice that Baekhyun was holding a books in his right hand. Baekhyun was going to teach him? Since when? He always happened to ignore Chanyeol, or ditch him cruelly, everytime Chanyeol was asking him a help to finish his homeworks.

“H-hey,” Chanyeol greeted back strangely.

Baekhyun tilted his head lightly to the side as his lips lightly formed a smirk, kinds of reminding Chanyeol of Park San Woo, his most, favourite actor in this year.

“I bet you were doing a homeworks right now.” Baekhyun moved his body slightly to the side as he looked at Chanyeol charmingly, type of cassanova gaze.

Chanyeol unconciously cringed at himself as he continued to look at his friend doing all the weird things in front of him.

This is so not Baekhyun, Chanyeol shook his head. Baekhyun was happened to be a really cold person, with a really rude attitudes-well, it mostly towards Chanyeol- which made Chanyeol almost go crying everytime he had his wishes being abandoned like that.

“W-well yes,” Chanyeol glanced nervously towards the opened text book on the table. “It’s mathematics.”

“Oh perfect,” Baekhyun brought up the books in his hand higher. “I was really in the mood to teach you right now.” He smiled as he got up from the door frame and started to walk towards where Chanyeol was sitting right now, stiffly.

Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed another thing again. The way Baekhyun walked, it was really, really similar and almost the same with –cough- again –cough- his favourite actor, –cough- Park San Woo.

“So,” Baekhyun started once he had arrived in front of stunning Chanyeol. “Which part?”

Chanyeol widened his eyes lightly as he immediately noticed another thing again. The smell, this smell which lingering around Baekhyun, is really like the smell of the perfume which Park San Woo ever starring on it’s advertisement. It was also happened to be one of his favourite smell after the smell of soap and peach fruit, and teddy bear.

“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun called in an unusual deep tone. “Are you listening to me?”

Chanyeol gasped lightly as he quickly lifted his head. “Y-yes?”

Baekhyun tilted his head again lightly to the side as he looked down at Chanyeol with the most gentle and understanding look ever. He repeated, “Which part?”

Chanyeol’s face turned into a deep frown as he looked up at Baekhyun unblinkingly. Usually Baekhyun would get irritated and angry everytime he had to repeat what he was said to Chanyeol but right now, it seems like Baekhyun never done any of that.

“Dongsaeng, don’t space too much. You have a school tomorrow, you’ll get sick if you sleep late.” Baekhyun spoke worriedly as he brushed off some of the bangs on Chanyeol’s forehead. Chanyeol jumped lightly in horror.

There must be something wrong going in Baekhyun’s mind and brain right now.

Chanyeol quickly turned his body towards the desk as he was facing his textbook again right now, hardly searching for the questions which he could be labeled as the difficult ones. Actually, he had all of the questions already solved when he and Sehun decided to do it together in the class right after everybody went home.

“This one.” Chanyeol pointed quickly at one of the number, looking up at Baekhyun. Baekhyun hummed lightly in response as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“That’s an easy one I think,” he smiled ‘that’ smile towards Chanyeol. “I’ll explain that one to you, listen to me carefully.”

Chanyeol nodded his head obediently as he watched Baekhyun moved towards his side, sitting down on the empty chair beside him which actually, it was for Sehun if he came to his house.

Baekhyun pulled himself and the chair closer to Chanyeol as he put down the books which he brought on the desk. He took the younger’s textbook in his hand and looked at him straightly, before started to explain the pointed question at him.

Most of the time during the explanation, Baekhyun would go all this weird by looking at Chanyeol a little bit too much out of necessary, like with a deeper stare, or serious stare. Of course it was necessary for someone to be a little bit more serious when they were explaining something but still, it wasn’t like you have your meals in front of you, or your prey hanging deliciously in front of you.

Chanyeol got somehow scared because of this.

He finally opted to just grip tightly on both sides of his mug filled with a hot chocolate milk while sometimes slurped it, and ears kept listening at Baekhyun’s explanation not-so-carefully.

Chanyeol brought up the mug in his hands towards his mouth as he carefully drank on the sweet liquid again, feeling all warm all of the sudden. He smiled lightly in relief.

But as he was about to put down the mug back on the desk, he felt a hand gently grabbed his wrist. And since he didn’t feel himself was grabbing his own wrist, he must be sure that it was definitely Baekhyun. Baekhyun stopped his own explanation abruptly as he looked deeply at Chanyeol, somehow scaring Chanyeol inside.

Baekhyun, with his hand still wrapped gently around Chanyeol’s wrist, slowly guiding it down as it ended up landed on Chanyeol’s lap. Chanyeol looked up at the older boy frowningly.

Baekhyun’s eyes reflected a dark, sharp gleam, as he continued to look deeply at Chanyeol, and as long as Chanyeol really wanted so badly to ask him such a question ‘why did you stop explaining?’, he couldn’t let it out. It was like his throat is nothing but suddenly dry, even though for the fact that he had just drink a sweet tasty liquid a minutes ago.

Baekhyun didn’t say something, and didn’t even continue his explanation, he just continue to stare at Chanyeol, and somehow Chanyeol knew that that stare got deeper, and deeper by the time.

Of course it freaked him out so badly.

Chanyeol widened his eyes lightly as he noticed a small movements come from his friend, and it wouldn’t be a really too big problem if it wasn’t for his face and head that are moving right now towards Chanyeol. Chanyeol backed lightly in response.

Baekhyun still didn’t say something. Instead, he moved up his hand slowly towards Chanyeol’s face, and Chanyeol really widened his eyes fully this time. Baekhyun, is trying to reach him right now, and it probably wouldn’t be a really good thing. Baekhyun always does a less-gentle actions, and tends to seldomly change it into a gentle or soft ones, that’s which Chanyeol could remembered well.

So what the hell was actually going on his mind right now?

Baekhyun’s hand was touching the other’s face right now, slowly tracing up and down and to the side against Chanyeol’s soft, smooth, milky skin of face. Chanyeol drawed out a sharp breath.

This is so not Baekhyun. So not Baekhyun.

Baekhyun’s hand kept tracing down against the smooth skin of his, as it getting nearer and nearer towards his lips. Chanyeol’s body tensed up immediately. He didn’t like where this weird thing would going, or ended up. He just-

“May I ..” Baekhyun lowly trailed off, head slightly tilting to the side. “there’s a remain here.” He wiped out gently; really, really gently; the remain of chocolate milk on Chanyeol’s lips, and also around there, by his thumb. Chanyeol watched the thumb moving with wide-eye.

Chanyeol could feel-clearly-, the way his own parted lips froze under that light various pressures of the other’s thumb, it was really warm, yet tingling at the same time, especially at one part of his body, stomach.

Butterflies dancing, and tickling him. He must be giggling right now.

Baekhyun pulled back his hand from Chanyeol's face as he moved it slowly towards his own face, directly moving towards his own lips. He inserted his thumb slightly towards his mouth as he the remain of Chanyeol’s remain milk on his thumb, and he glanced casually at Chanyeol after he finished that.

“You have a chocolate milk’s remain there, you know.” Baekhyun pointed smilingly at Chanyeol’s lips using his chin.

Chanyeol blushed lightly as he looked down towards his lap, his white pearly teeth biting his bottom lip.

“And it still tasted sweet,” Baekhyun added grinningly as he rested his back fully on the chair, eyes roaming around Chanyeol’s face in the most charming way.


Chanyeol jumped lightly in horror as he widened his eyes. What. the. hell. Baekhyun. was. calling. him just now?

Chanyeol’s head snapped up immediately towards the owner of the sound-who used to use it to call him with such a names-, as he looked at him in disbelief.

Don’t blame his ears, his eyes, or his brain, because whatever which Chanyeol heard just now, he himself sure that it was real.

And it practically did.

Chanyeol quickly stood up from his seat, despite the clumsy movements and the dark blush which covered his cheeks; Baekhyun would say it really adorable –cough-; and grabbed his books.

“I-I think .. I’m starting to feel sleepy right now.” Chanyeol awkwardly said, arms clutching onto the books which pressed tightly against his chest.

“Oh,” Baekhyun snapped up all casually towards Chanyeol. “Okay then.”

“Y-yeah ..” Chanyeol, still awkwardly, nodded as he half-whispered answering the other’s response. Baekhyun stood up from his seat as well as he brushed off some of the dusts-which Chanyeol really sure there weren’t even slightest there-, and walked towards the door. This is Chanyeol’s room however.

“T-thanks for t-the explanations Baekhyun-hyung, i-it really helped me so much, s-seriously.” Chanyeol forced an awkward smile as he bowed, in awkwardly pace –again. Maybe he had to slap himself several times later, so that he could act all casually and confident again around Baekhyun.

Yeah, he would do it.

Baekhyun only smiled back at Chanyeol as a response, like he was understanding something about Chanyeol right now.

“You’re welcome. Don’t bother to come and ask me if you have any other difficulties at answering math.” Baekhyun stepped away slowly and stopped, “I’ll be really granted to help.”

Chanyeol smiled back hesitantly as he nodded, “Of course.”

If only Baekhyun said this since a long time ago, where he had practically a bunch of math’s homeworks haunting him everynight. But now, –yeah, let’s just say rudely that thing which Baekhyun offered just now is useless. Chanyeol had already Sehun, the leader of math’s extraculiculer in his school.

“Good.” Baekhyun replied as he smiled again towards Chanyeol, and this time, Chanyeol didn’t fail to notice it as handsome. Baekhyun has a handsome smile, definitely, and now he knows that that’s why probably all of the girls in his campus or another places are competing like there’s no tomorrow over him. His smile is radiating a charms, wether it’s consciously, or not consciously.

“Have a good sleep then, and nice dream.” Baekhyun said once again as he slipped both of his hands into his pockets and slowly took a few steps away, body still completely facing Chanyeol.

Chanyeol nodded lightly in response but didn’t look at the other’s eyes. “Y-yeah, you too.”

Baekhyun walked towards his own room with his back still facing anything and the front of his body still facing Chanyeol, throwing a gentle smile towards the younger until he unfortunately reached his room. He stumbled a bit, and raised his hand to wave it at Chanyeol, who was none other than looking at him weirdly.

Baekhyun never, ever in his life, felt reluctantly to wave a goodbye thingy at someone. At least Chanyeol never experienced in accepting it until now.

Chanyeol replied the other by raising his right hand as well, and waving back at him.

Baekhyun waved his hand for the last time before another hand of his reached out the doorknob, mentioning the other indirectly that in a few seconds, he was about to close it.

And Baekhyun closed his own door room.

Chanyeol let out the heaviest, most tired breath ever as he quickly reached for the doorknob and closed his own door room as well. A little bit too harsh he noted, and he could also hear the slight of ‘slam’ sound which followed it after.


Chanyeol slumped down his body on the floor immediately as he felt his back harshly collided with a wooden door of his room right behind him, the books in his arms falling helplessly towards the spot next to him. He heaved out a big, deep, nervous sigh.

Chanyeol's trembled hand made it's way towards his chest as he clutched the fabric of his sweater tightly, feeling the beats of his heart didn't go into an usual normal pace.

What's wrong with me?

Chanyeol's eyes trailed down from the wall in front of him towards the floor, suddenly finding it more interesting to be looked at than the other things which existed in the room. His mouth opened; even though not too widely; and also his jaw as well. Whatever it is, or whatsoever happened back in time, he couldn't believe it, nor he didn't want to believe it.

What's wrong with him either? Did someone put something on his food or his drink so he got his brain a little bit 'ruined'? Or maybe a ert ghost posessed into his body?

Chanyeol got up from the floor as he immediately made his way towards the bed, plopping himself harshly against the soft, tender surface. He grabbed the pillow from the side of his head, before sinking his face towards it. His mind was screaming, panicking, shouting, and denying that instead of liking it, he had to hate it, he had to disgusted with it.

But, why the bloody hell his heart won't complaining?

'Great, now I'm feeling like a high school girl crushing over his 'oppa' right after that 'oppa' had did something special to me.'

Chanyeol groaned in annoyance as he sank his face deeper towards the pillow, slightly hitting the surface of the bed beside his head. Slowly but sure, the pace of his hands hitting the bed got softer and softer, and soon, it was stopped. His eyelids started to feel heavy, and his body slowly went into it's relax feelings, sinking and pressing against the surface of the bed more.

Maybe right now wasn't the right time to think about it. He needed to sleep so he could wake up earlier tomorrow and maybe from that, he could somehow forget the things which Baekhyun did to him for a while.

Chanyeol moved his body into another position as he grabbed the bolster beside him and hugged it, lips unconciously forming a smile. He didn't realize it though. He just somehow, feel a little bit weird, but giddy at the same time. He didn't know, he just want to sleep right now.


Baekhyun smiled; more likely to be smirking; in satisfy as his mind recalled the moments and the scenes which happened between him and Chanyeol earlier in Chanyeol's room. He leaned his body against the door as he slipped both of his hands towards his pocket, remembering the various reactions which Chanyeol had when Baekhyun did those gentle and kind actions towards him. He couldn't help but laugh a little.

That was kind of amusing.

Chanyeol must be felt really, really weird and confused at the sudden change of his behavior. Baekhyun always used to act rude or cold towards him, but just now? He acted like he never did any of that towards Chanyeol. Moreover, Baekhyun did it too far. Chanyeol must be thinking that Baekhyun was actually having some kind of hots towards him right now.

Baekhyun chukcled to himself a little, before bringing up his hand towards his hair, slightly ruffling it. He couldn't lie though, even though sometimes Chanyeol was always tended to do something which makes him irked or felt irritated; like falling asleep on the couch with the television still , fanboying over several actors, or falling down from something clumsily; the other little part of him saying and whispering to him that he was actually liked it, beside the fact that he also hated it.

Chanyeol is really tall, but his face; now Baekhyun wouldn't lie; is really pretty indeed. When the first time he met Chanyeol, he thought that he was a girl. And it really freaked him out as he assumed that he would live in the same rooftop with a girl. He was so beautiful, cute, and sweet at that time. Not to mention, really innocent and adorable. Baekhyun would be really, really having a hard time to hold himself back to not touch her, or hold her, or doing something further towards her.

But then, all of his worries were crumpled down in a split seconds, and he felt disappointed a little bit.

Chanyeol was indeed a boy, actually. Because girl impossibly had that kind of deep voice and if Baekhyun might be honest, he also took a peek at Chanyeol's chest, and it's flat. Baekhyun felt a little bit disappointed because well yeah, who in this world wouldn't want to live with a such beautiful stranger? Every normal man must be wanted that, and so did he.

Baekhyun brought up his right hand towards his lips as he slightly stucked out his tounge, lightly his thumb which he used to wipe out the remain of chocolate milk on Chanyeol's lips earlier. It still tasted sweet though, even until now.

But actually, on top of all of that, there's the most important thing which Baekhyun really wanted to get. And who would know that he was actually succeeded?

Baekhyun finally could make Park Chanyeol got distracted; even though it might be just temporary; and it means no more screams of joy and hysteric at night, no more disgusting romantic and sad dramas at night; which Chanyeol often wacthed and Baekhyun found them really nasty; no more 'Park San Woo' and other actors names flew out from Chanyeol's mouth, no more clapping and jumping Chanyeol everytime he saw those actors plopped on the screen, no more fanboying Chanyeol from now on.

A peaceful, calm conditions everynight. Just as the same and exact as Baekhyun always wanted and wished.

Baekhyun laughed in an evil manner as he made his way towards the bed, plopping himself against it in a relief manner. He looked up towards the ceiling as he folded his arms behind his head, resting his head on it. He heaved up a big sigh and the smile never faded from his face.

One of the biggest goal Byun Baekhyun had in this month; Making Park Chanyeol stopped fanboying and creating such a nuisance in the night; completed.

A/N: Idk, I even didn't know from where I got the inspiration to write this but, honestly, I'm feeling a little bit uncomfortably with this. I felt like I'm too young to write a fic with a such theme like this, HAHA. I think the theme is a little bit mature though, 'someone tried to seduce someone'.

The ending is weird. I know. I know. *hide somewhere*

And I'm really, really sorry for my broken and bad english. English was actually not my first languange, and it wasn't my second languange either, so yeah, hehe. Forgive me for the bunch of terrible bad grammars up there! ^^

Btw, hope you could enjoy reading this, and big thanks for you all for reading this! :D

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Chapter 1: Chanyeol is really innocent and adorable... :-P
byunbebek #2
Chapter 1: i really like it....
Good job on making Chanyeollie shut up, Bacon!^^
mrposer #4
OTTOKE!!!! Baekhyun play with Chanyeol heart just to make him 'shut up' during night??? Aiiiggooo...that's too mean Baekhyun!
But cute though...hope u can continue this...hahahahha
oh my gad!! that was the reason behind that cheesy attitude??
MYY!!! i cant even imagine that!!

authorniiimm... sequeeell~
ooooooooo!!!!! Daebak author-nim :D and now Yeol is fanboying Byun BaekHyun hahaahahahahahaha
Write a sequel!! It was so cute and Chanyeol could be a flat girl who is freakishly tall and has such a low voice. But I am a girl and I can imitate bang yongguk and himchan's voice. So I guess if I tried harder, I would reach Chanyeol's y deep voice. HEH!! anyways, you write really well!! Continue writing Exo FICS!! :D
oh my... this sounds y and interesting :3