With a *thump*

Where am i?

AHHHHHH! Today is the day. My first day of university. Most people move around the country to go to university, I decided to move countries. So here I am, in Seoul ready to start my new life. Ok one last glance in the mirror as I grabbed my books and headed out the door.



The sun feels so nice, song lyrics float through my mind as I set off. The more I walked the more crowded the streets became. It’s fairly difficult to dodge suits while your eyes are glued to a map.

I’d been wondering for about 20 minutes when I was pretty sure I was lost. When I first visited it was only a 10 minute walk to campus. Although back then I had my best friend, April. She was as useless as me when it came to maps, but getting lost wasn’t nearly as scary with your best friend by your side.

I took a seat on a bench at the edge of the park. I sat there staring at the map praying for the directions to magically appear.


My phone let out a scream of CN Blue into the air. Desperately searching my pockets for the phone the map flies off the bench.

Immediately I turned and feel over a guy crouched on the floor and ht the ground with a *thump*. He looked at me as we were both slumped on the floor. He looked so handsome with hair strewn across his face. At that moment we both burst out laughing. He struggled to his feet, clutching my map in his hand as he bent down to help me.

“Hi, I’m Henry.”

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