Don't Go

Goodbye For Now But, Not Forever


So, I'm new here on AFF and this is my first fanfic ever! o_o 

It's not the best ever and I did this at 4:25 am cause i couldn't sleep >.<. 

I hope this fanfic is  to your liking, please comment bellow and tell me whether you like it or not.

Constructive critizen is encourged!! :D


Also, I would personality read this listening to Narasha's Im in Love, I'll Put the link below.

P.S I went back and changed the story alittle.





Standing in the airport, Chanyeol felt a lump in his throat. He knew he had to stay strong for Baekhyun. He shouldn’t look pathetic and create a scene in the airport. This farewell shouldn’t end with a sad ended. It should end with “this is just the beginning”. However, Chanyeol couldn’t do it. It wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t bring himself to let go, to say “goodbye”.  He didn’t trust himself. It was too soon; it felt like their first date was just yesterday.




“Chanyeol, Baekhyun’s here”. Running down the stairs, Chanyeol greeted him.


“Baekhyun, glad you can make it” he yelled excitedly. After two weeks of declaring their relationship this was their first date, believe or not.


“Ok, boys I’ll be leaving now. Chanyeol, there’s money on the table to order out and don’t forget to lock the door after me”, rolling his eyes, Chanyeol kissed her goodbye and locked the door.


After his mom left the atmosphere became awkward. Breaking the silence Chanyeol spoke, “So…you want to go grocery shopping”.


“Grocery shopping, I though we were ordering out” Baekhyun replied in confusion.


“Psh. I said that so she could leave food behind. You really thing I’d order take out on our first date?” Chanyeol pouted.


“You’re right, how could the EXTREMLY clumsy Chanyeol ever do that” laughed Baekhyun.


“That’s harsh babe, I think I deserve more appreciation you know”, Chanyeol replied.


Grabbing Chanyeol’s hands and wrapping it around his waist, Baekhyun chuckled at the taller latter. Giving him a quick peck on the lips Baekhyun replied, “Of course I appreciate my wonderful, amazing, handsome, boyfriend”.


“That’s more like it. And I promise you’ll have fun today”, Chanyeol smiled.




Pushing the cart, Chanyeol looked at the recipe list. He planned to surprise Baekhyun, making his favorite food.


“Let me see…”, Baekhyun whined trying to figure out what Baekhyun was planning.


“No, means no. Now where do we find onions…” he said looking around the supermarket.


Spotting the bacon, Chanyeol threw it in the cart. “Bacon, looked we found your brother, haha” Chanyeol said laughing at his joke.


“Lame”, Baekhyun said but couldn’t resist as he sow Chanyeol laughing.


“Sigh, what an I going to do with this giant cornball” he said shaking his head.


“Tsk. You love me”.


“Yeah, yeah”.




Finally arriving back to Chanyeol’s house, Chanyeol and Baekhyun put the groceries in the kitchen. 


"Now, my love I'm going to get to work" Chanyeol said as he started to take out the pan form the cabinet. 


He did everything the recipe said to do. Steamed the rice, prepared the pan, cut the vegetables, drained the kimichi, and than stir-fried everything together. 


"I can't believe that you actually know what your doing" Baekhyun gasped at the sight in front of him. His boyfriend was cooking with such ease and confidence that it shocked him. Honestly, he thought the boy would’ve been a clumsy mess. Cutting himself with the knife, spilling things on the floor. And as much as he loved that side of Chanyeol, he also accepted this one. It was the more romantic side of Chanyeol. 


"Surprised? I worked hard. Look at the cuts I have on my finger from practicing yesterday" Chanyeol said as he held up his fingers, showing how they were bandaged. 


Laughing, Baekhyun walked to Chanyeol, and took his hands kissing each one. "Does it feel better now?”


"Much better", he said blushing. 


"Anyways, the food is done", Chanyeol, said as he got up and grabbed the blindfold putting it around of Baekhyun. 


"Oh, come on"

"Wait here”, grabbing the food, Chanyeol went to set up the table, diming the lights and setting the candles on the table. Rushing back to the kitchen, he went to go get Baekhyun and drag him to the dinning room. 


"Okay, you ready?".


"Been ready, now can you take the blind fold off already", Baekhyun whined.


"Your so impatient", Chanyeol said taking the blind fold off. 


Baekhyun gasped, he couldn't believe his eyes. This was probably the most romantic thing anyone's ever done for him and it shocked him. There was the dining table set up with his favorite food, a small vase with roses in them, and candles. He could feel how much effort Chanyeol put into this date. 


" wonderful. Thank you so much for doing this for me Yeolie", Baekhyun said tearing up. 


Chanyeol was happy, happier than he had ever been. This was the exact reaction he wanted from Baekhyun. Taking Baekhyun in his arms, Chanyeol kissed him slowly and lovely, pulling back just as slow. It wasn't a kiss filled with lust or passion. But, the small kiss that was planted was filled with pure love and happiness. He loved Baekhyun that much.  


Baekhyun smiled up at Chanyeol. His stomach was full of butterfly’s as Chanyeol went back to kiss his forehead and said, "Lets eat before the food gets cold".





Baekhyun gripped his suitcase as hard as he could. He didn’t want to leave. But, he had to. He was so sure of his decision at first, but as he stole a look at Chanyeol, he wanted to leave everything behind and stay with his first love.


The flight to Japan will be arriving in five minutes.


They stood there looking at each other, none of them willing to move just yet. Finally, Baekhyun made the first move.

Grabbing Chanyeol’s hand, he whispered, “This…isn’t…forever, this…this is temporary Chanyeol. Every break I’ll get, every second of it, I’ll call you, text you, I won’t lose touch, ever, college is just temporary”.

Chanyeol felt it. What he was trying to stop finally leaked out. Each salty teardrop fell on his face, blurring his vision.  His heart rate quickened and his mouth went dry. This was too much, for him, he couldn’t take it. It was too heart breaking.


“Chanyeol please, please don’t cry….I can’t…I hate seeing you cry” he soothed, taking the taller man in his arms, trying to comfort him.


Finally, he taller man replied saying, “You…can’t…forget me Bacon…you just can’t”.


“I will never leave you…ever”


“I love you, Baekhyun”.


“I love you too, Chanyeol”.


Watching as a teardrop from Baekhyun fell down his face, Chanyeol stood there, helpless, watching, as Baekhyun left, on is way to Exo University. 



It was corny, I know. 

But, I can't help myself. 

Credits to my best friend for having a boyfriend who's going to college far far away. 

                                                                                                      This is insipred by her. <3 I hope the best for them.







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awww ~~ ;( this is so sweet *_*!!
awww...baekhyunnie~ you should never forget about chanyeol arraseo?
taemspenus #3
Awh ;~;
It was reeally beautiful
and i liked it