What's Your Name?

Life as Wu Yifan's "Slave"

  The first thing that Kris had noticed when he arrived at the noisy club, was that there was a different person on stage. It was awfully weird to him, because he was definitely sure that today was his turn on stage as the club's entertainment. The person was currently rapping, spluttering and making strange electro-esque noises into his mic - which was only mere inches away from his lips. Kris was about to head around the bar, where the admin office was, and have a little "chat" with the club owner on why his schedule was swapped when he heard someone call out.

  "Ayo Kris!" A deep voice snapped Kris from his thoughts. Kris looked up to see a fellow rapper or entertainer, Chanyeol, walking up to him with a bottle of whisky in his left hand. Kris raised his eyebrow and gestured to the boy on stage, he was a man of few words.

  “Oh Tao? He’s the boss’s new boytoy. Boss told me to come here even though my shift’s tomorrow, I think he wants us to do some rap battle or collab tonight.”Chanyeol explained with a small nod for self confirmation. That crazy kid.

  Kris felt his lips curl into a smirk as he watched the boy ,Tao, he was called, rap. They way his neatly styled bangs fell over his eyes and how his voice was hardy at one point , but wispy at the next as he drawled his lines. He also observed how tall and well built Tao was, seeing that he looked out of place on that small stage with his tall frame, it didnt help either that Tao wore a sleeveless collared shirt thatshowed his defined biceps.

  Oh if only he could run his fingers down them.

  Wait. kris paused, blinking furiously. Why on earth was he thinking of touching Tao's arms all of a sudden? He was just a stranger, someone he should not have special feelings for. Anyway, kris was certain that he was straight. Straight as the straightest ruler on earth.

  "You want something to drink, man? Baekhyun and Xiumin are bartending today!" Chanyeol hollared at Kris even though they were just standing next to each other. The music had gotten louder, apparently Tao was on his way to his next rap.

  "Sure!" Kris yelled back and followed Chanyeol, brushing past excited clubbers grinding their bodies against each other,

  The bar was completely packeed, with girls decked out in their best club wear, all desperate to catch the bartenders' attention - not for the booze, definitely.

  Kris could hear Chanyeol snort under his breath as they pushed past those giggling girls, their attention shifting over to them. Chanyeol managed to find an empty stool near Baekhyun and Xiumin and pulled it out. he nudged Kris and offered him to sit. the latter shrugged, pushing Chanyeol on it instead.

  "Bacon!" Chaneol called the rather short bartender over. Baekhyun's face lit up when he saw the two of them, and instantly was positioned right in front of them.

  "Hey Chanyeol, Kris!" Baekhyn greeted with his bright-as-the-sun's smile. Chanyeol winked back at him, causing Kris to roll his eyes in mock disgust.

  "When you two lovebirds are done flirting, Baekhyun can get my order done." He joked, causing the other two love birds to laugh nervously. Guess Kris found their intention.

  "Sorry Kris. But you know how Chanyeol is so irresistable." Baekhyun purred smirking at Chanyeol who shot a flirtatious wink back.

  "Oh my god." Kris groaned. "You guys can go screw yourselves senseless later, Bacon, I want a Bloody Mary. Chanyeol, stop giving Bacon those looks we have a rap battle coming up."

  Chanyeol rolled his eyes but silently agreed, though he was a little miffed that he couldn't spend some quality time with his boyfriend. If you caught his drift. Barkhyun laughed again, sautering away from the two rappers, only to have Xiumin darting back with a glass in his hand.

  "Hey Kris! Chanyeol!" Xiumin greeted warmly, his cheeks were tinged slightly red under the lights, probably because he had been running from one corner to the other delivering drinks. Chanyeol tipped his bottle in reply and Kris gave a brief nod of acknowledgement. 

  "Oh my god" Xiumin stated, his eyes getting wide." You guys will not believe whay Chen said to me when I opened the bar!" He half squealed, half whispered to them. Kris shot the light technician a look, but the guy didnt seem to have noticed. he was busy fiddling with the neon lights and all, that genius.

  "Lemme guess, he asked you out?" Chanyeol muttered, as if he already knew the answer. Xiumin's eyes widdened again and nodded vigorously. kris thought he looked like those bobbing dolls, their heads continuously bobbing when hit.

  "How did you-"" The bartender started, only to be hushed by Kris, "Kinda obvious Baozi. You two have been giving each other those eyes ever since Chen got the job. Sooner or later, he'd ask you out." Kris explained

  "Yeah and its gross as hell" Chanyeol whined, puffing a lone strand of hair that found its way into his eye.

  "At least now you know what it feels like." Kris coughed, earning a glare from Chanyeol.

  The deep-voiced rapper was about to fire back when a booming voice interrupted them.

  "Now club Exotic has a special present for all you guys, First present is this fine young man rapping for us! What do you think of him ladies?" The deejay queried - in response, the whole club erupted into girly cheers and some manly shouts. Kris wanted to laugh at their reactions.

  "The second pressie, well you know Kris and Chanyeol? I won't say more so I present to you, EXOTICS's first three-way battle."

  Kris winced slightly when the spotlight shone on him, Chanyeol wasn't surprised at all, downing his famous eerie smile, he bounced up stage. kris huffed, hating the fact that everyone was staring at him.

  He slowly made his way up to the stage, after bading Baekhyun and Xiumin goodbye, his eyes slitting as he looked at Tao, the latter not noticing Kris's glare as he quickly wiped the sweat forming on his neck.

  "Alright rules are simple! the fastest or powerful rapper wins the battle, prize, your choice. You three can attack each other, either together or singly."

  Chanyeol cracked his knuckles and head, tossing Kris a mic before stationing himself near the edge of the stage. Kris noticed that Tao shot him a look of ... determination?

  "I hear you're a great rapper here." Tao whispered across. Kris could only blink, what was this boy implying?

  "Whatever, I'm gonna beat you" He continued, not waiting for Kris' reply.

  Oh no, he did not just challenge him. kris 'tched' quietly but his lips curled slyly. He watched as Tao got his mic ready - ready to start.

  Not if Kris could beat him to it.

  "You just another dead bug on my windshield."

  Kris couldn''t wait as the words just spilled out of him. He smirked at Tao's shocked expression and shot him a taunting glare.

  He wasn't EXOTIC's dragon for nothing.

(Sorry for any typo errors! typed this out super fast! Having tests now! Will most likely update on Friday/ Saturday!)


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hyooohoon #2
you really need to continue this story :3
im craving for more ahh >.<