By The Way~

[ONE SHOT] By The Way~

                Nikki yawned, flung her arms to her sides, and noticed there was a distinct lack of body next her. She sat up and sighed. He’d left again without saying good bye.

                “Well might as well get up and do something.” Nikki thought as she got up. She straightened the covers, fluffed the pillows, and got dressed. She casually picked up the clothes that had been strewn across the room and put them in their respective places.

                Walking into the kitchen, she saw a pleather of things that needed done. The rooms needed cleaned, dishes needed done, laundry needed done. She sighed again, wishing they had money for a maid, and got to work. She gathered all the laundry and started a load. Popped on some MBLAQ from her computer and washed some dishes. Humming along with ‘Run’, she set to dusting some of the surfaces around the apartment. Why? Because she was that bored. Reaching a table with pictures on it, she sighed yet again, and picked one up. It was a picture of her and her boyfriend, Lee Joon. They had been roommates for years before they had started dating. After living in the MBLAQ dorm, Joon had decided that he wanted to live with a friend than with the crazy members. Being his best friend of many years, Nikki had volunteered. But after so many months, she realized that she had fallen for him. So you can only imagine her joy when Joon had asked her to date him. But they had been together for a while now, and he hasn’t said I Love You, and that made Nikki worry. Was she really the only one that had those feelings?

                She dusted the picture and set it down next to the others. There were ones of her and Joon, Joon and MBLAQ, Thunder and his girlfriend, who was , Niiki Sadie and their friend Justin, Justin and Mir, who are very cloe. also Nikki’s friend Sadie, Joon and his family, Joon and the kids, Leo, Lauren, and Da young, Nikki and Sadie. Nikki smiled and went to her computer. She clicked on ‘Butterfly’ by Super Junior, which she had been addicted to lately. Singing along, she set to finishing her work.

                The day passed by slowly with no word from or sight of Joon. Nikki began preparing dinner, knowing he would want something when he got home from his schedules.

                As she set the final dish on the table, she heard the door open and snap shut. Nikki looked up to see Joon walk in the door. Seeing the food, he quickly headed over and sat down.

                “Welcome home, Joonie.” Nikki said as she bent down to kiss his cheek. Joon waved his hand in hello and set to eating. They ate without a word. When he was finished, Joon stood up, mumbled a thank you and went to living room to watch the latest episode of ‘invincible Youth2’. Nikki looked sadly at him, wishing he had more to say to her.

                Feeling the anger of being neglected building up in her, she snapped. She slammed her hand down on the table, got up and turned the tv off, much to Joon’s protest.

                “Hey what the heck!” He yelled, standing up.

                “That’s it! I’ve had enough!”

                “Enough what?!”

                “Enough of being neglected! Joon, I’m tired of waking up alone, being ignored, having to entertain myself! I have needs too, you know!”

                Joon ran his hands through his hair. “Well what do you wanna do?”  He sighed exasperatedly.

                “I don’t know! I just…” She trailed off. What did she want? For him to yell that he loves her and take her right then and there. But she couldn’t say that. She just shook her head. Joon walked over hand hugged her.

                “Please don’t leave yet. At least sleep on it.” He said with a hint of sadness in his voice, that Nikki caught.

                “Okay.” He smiled and they went to bed.

                While lying in bed, Joon made sure that he held her hands. He was going to make sure she never felt neglected again. He turned over and put his arms around her, much to her surprise. He put his lips close to her ear and whispered.

                “By the way, I love you.” He kissed her cheek and went to sleep. Nikki’s heart soared.


This is for my umma! I have been meaning to write it forever but i figured today was as good as any. There is room for if you wanna add it in, but you know me. I cant do it.


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I'm just gonna keep visiting this story for the cute picture on the front

I love you :). I.. I may just need to add .. tehehe. But just saying, my heart, it exploded. No matter how down I am, that would indeed bring me out of it.