Sooyoung's Task


*Sooyoung's Apartment*

[Sooyoung's POV]

'Oh ,,!' I thought. I dialed my mom's number. *beep,boop,beep,beep,boop...* "Moooooooommmmm!" I said. "What?" She replied "Why?" I asked. "Just because." She replied. " I hate chuuuuu~" I said. "Daughter it's a task and you might not know how it will help you." She said. She hanged up. Ughhhhhhh. Why me? Dammit. Aish anyway I gotta proceed, it is buisness after all.




    Name: Hwang Miyoung

    Age: 23

    Job: Designer

   [OBJECTIVE]: Sucessfully prepare an apartment with a housecleaner, food and a BMW 

   car for her before Tuesday.    


Choi Sooyoung An amount of 200,000,000 won (approximately: $175,000)  has been transferred to your money account. Use the money to buy her needs. She will be coming to Korea at Tuesday 7:30 A.M. Sharp. Pick her up at International Korean Airport . Also, you might wanna clear out some personal problems.

Your generous mom,



[Still Sooyoung POV]

Aish....that's why she gave me almost a month off. Tiffany looks prettier now....Aish! What am I thinking, I saw her kiss a guy. Ouch....thinking of it actually hurts.


[Author's POV]

Tiffany was slightly drunk. Her friends kept teasing her that she couldn't even kiss a guy. So she did. Well she didn't know why, it was for her reputation. And they were still kissing at the moment. In Sooyoung's apartment. She didn't know how she and her friends ended up there. The door opened Tiffany didn't notice. Sooyoung saw it.

[Sooyoung's POV]

I turned the door knob, didnt know why it was unlocked. Then I opened. The thing I was least expecting to see is what I saw. My girlfriend is kissing another guy. I was speechless. But behind my calm eyes it was rage. Rage. So ran outside...felt like Tiffany didn't even bother to chase me. Her and her reputation. I understand her selfishness but I never knew she would push it this far. I got to Yuri's house and she comforted me. My bestfriend. She's the only thing I need right now.


[Sooyoung's POV]

She didn't even bother to explain. Anyways gotta get to work. I search for a nearby apartment in the internet. I do remeber that theres a nearby apartment near the cafe I went earlier this morning, and it's a short drive to the company. So I was going there.

[Jessica's POV]

Damn. I need a job. So I looked at 'HER' buisness card. Apparently her name's Choi Sooyoung. Hmm..nice name I thought. So i dialed *beep, boop, beep, boop......*


J= Jessica  S= Sooyoung

S: "Hello?"

J: " Hello this is Jessica, the girl you bumped into earlier."

S: "Uhuh, so whats the favor?"

J: "Well I was just wondering if you need a housecleaner......." Damn was I embarassed asking that.

S: "Wow...what a coincidence I do actually need one" I heard a giggle.

J: "Really? Well-" I was cut off by Sooyoung

S: "So you want the job?"

J: "Yes..if you don't mind."

S: "What's your adress?"

J: "Why do you ask?"

S: "I'll pick you up at 2:00 P.M and talk about your job at the cafe."

J: "Oh,thank you very much."

S: "No problem, you even made my job easier I should thank you."

J: "Oh well, Sorry for the bothering, I'll hang up now."

S: "Bye"


Kyaaaa~ *3* What's is my heart feeling. Stupid crush. Aish I'm gonna talk to her :D. Face to face. In a cafe. DAmn i miss hanging out with friends.

[Sooyoung's POV]

I was looking at my "need list". I know it's childish but it actually helps me a lot. kekekekek~


Need List




Optional [Clear Break Up]


[Still Sooyoung's POV] 

Did i really just wrote that? Aish...maybe I do want a "Clear Break Up" but I'm not sure if we'll be good friends. Better pick up Jessica. I looked at the clock {1:45 P.M.}

[Jessica's POV]

I was getting ready. Panicking on what to wear. Then I mentally slapped myself. 'Dammit Jessica~ Pull yourself together! It's not a date. It's a serious meeting.' So I just wore simple clothing. a t-shirt, skinny jeans and a pair of red Vans shoes. Waiting is nerve cracking. It's like she's getting closer and clo- Dammit Jessica! Me and my erted mind. I hear a knock on the door. Here she is. We were having a conversation while walking to her car.

"Hello" I said.

"Hi, Let's go." She said with a smile. Kya~ *3*

"So how are you?" She asked.

"I'm in a very good mood today." Because of you *3*

"I'm in a good mood too, Thanks to you." Did she just say that?! ~blushing overload~

"Well you know because you made my job easier....." Aww dammit I thought because of ME and not my job. Aish...why am I so dissapointed about that? -_-

[Sooyoung's POV]

Keke~ She's cute. When I said "Thanks to you" she was blushing madly. If I didn't say "because you made my job easier" the mood would be akward-er than this akwardness surrounding us. So i just start a personal chit-chat.

"Are you single?" Dammit my desperation for a conversation started with a very weird question. Great. I'm so stupid sometimes.

"Yes." She sounded kind of sad.

"Well cheer up, you don't have a boyfriend to worry about" I tried to make a joke.

"Actually I don't have a GIRLFRIEND to worry about." i'm pretty sure she emphasized the word "girlfriend" so she's into girl's to?

"So you a-" I was cut off

"Lesbian." Wow she sounded pretty confident about it.

"Me too." I wanted to sound confident to you know.

We arrived aat the Cafe.

I ordered two americanos one ham sandwich and a donut.

"Thank You for the donut." She said.

"No worries I owe you, remeber?" I replied

"So about my job?" She asked.

"What payment would you want? Choose. You'll go live in my apartment with food and utilities given and 230,000 won ($2oo bucks) a day OR you would rather get paid 2,300,000 won ($2000) a week. " Part of me wanted her to pick the first choice. Damn, do I really have a crush on her?

[Jessica's POV]

Damn this is hard as hell. I hope she doesn't mind me staying at her place.....~blush~ *3*.

"I will choose the first choice if you don't mind know...." I said shyly.

"I gave you an option, you chose, ofcourse I won't mind." She said. YES! Living with her would be heaven...Aish! What am I thinking.

"So let's go check the apartment you are gonna work on at Monday." She said. She really is a straight out  hard worker.


Hello awesome readers :3 Next chapter something will happen so keep reading! kekekeke~

Thank you for those who subscribe even though I

And I'm also getting used to Asianfanfics :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Saranghae~ <3

(sorry for spelling mistakes :D)














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Chapter 12: it is a nice chapter
please update
Me. want. Soofany! when will you gonna update this author?._.
SooFany please. :> HAHAHA
aigoo for real, SooSica~
and there's supposed YulTi. If you really don't want Tiff unni to be a single. keke.
loveann24 #5
Soosica please...
Soofany or Soosica i'm ok with it. Its up to you author just as long as you would make this fic awesome :D
soofood #7
It will be soosica...maybe (?) lowl~ I notice there are a lot of silent readers kekekek~ But I'm glad people are reading it <3
aigoo...I still pick SooSica....
I'm sure Fany unni will find some one else for her heart. <3
SooSica happy ending ^^
so Soo unni could make Sica unni lively and happy again.

update soon~ <333333
chocobar21 #10
Soofany pleaseee kekekeke