Y.O.U Part One

Does That Answer Your Question Part One


A/N: You may be confused as to what I am doing, but I just want to say that I had my oneshot reviewed by an excellent reviewer ‘Devilaugh’ and everything she said about my oneshot, that is really not a oneshot, was true!
I have a lot of loop holes in my story and many people would probably appreciate it if I fill them in. So, I have decided to do just that. I am filling in all the time gaps, all the unwritten moments that you may have wanted to see, and etc.
I will tell the story through a series of oneshots (because I usually write chaptered fics not oneshots, and ‘Does That Answer Your Question’ was my very first try at a oneshot EVER, so I need more practice in this area) that will elaborate on details that I excluded from the original. And I will clear up some ‘AHA!’ moments that were just weird.
Please ENJOY!
Here is part one…(Sorry for the rambling I just did)
Now on to part one…


Does That Answer Your Question? (Y.O.U) Part 1
Your relationship with Lay started out in a very average way. He was the new transferee from China.
He had no friends the first month of school and it didn’t look like he was going to make any new ones any time soon.
He just walked around campus with his long hair sheltering one side of his face. No expression dressed his face, except one of absolute boredom. He walked lifelessly from one side of the campus to the other with his messenger bag barely hanging on his shoulders.
You watched him take the same route every day for a month, not bothering to speak a word to anybody.
“Who is that new kid?” I had to ask. I had been watching him for the past month just wandering from here to there.
“That is the new transferee, I heard he is from China,” my friend answered me before walking to her next class.
I just stood there and watched him pass me up before following after him to my next class; he had managed to bump into a girl while he was walking in the hallway.
The way the girl turned around to look at him made me stop to see what would happen. He immediately started bowing and spitting out mispronounced English words.
I could see a glimmer building in her eyes as she began to look around at her friends and they started to laugh at him.
“Chinaman, I don’t understand you, try saying that one more time,” the girl taunted. 
I am not sure if he couldn’t recognize that they were teasing him or if he just didn’t care, but he immediately started to try and, I am guessing, apologize to her again.
This just made the girls laugh harder as they turned and walked away, leaving him mumbling to himself.
I think he may be slightly crazy…
Walking pass him on my way to class, I caught the downcast look he had adorning his face, causing me to feel slightly remorseful for not helping him.
It didn’t take me too long to figure out, that I should assist him.
After all, I do speak fluent Chinese, and he has been here for roughly a month wandering alone. 
So why not help him? I know I have patience the size of a little seed, so tutoring is not my thing, but I should use my Chinese skills for more than just ordering in a Chinese restaurant right?
I went outside on campus to wait under the tree for him to pass as he usually did. I’d say I waited ten minutes before his figure came trudging across the grass.
‘It’s now or never NaNa!’ I cheered myself on silently.
Getting to my feet, I walked up beside him and simply asked him how he was doing in Chinese.
I got an instant reaction.
He lazy steps stopped.
That messenger bag that looks like it is always barely hanging on his shoulders fell off.
The hair that covered one side of his face did nothing to hide the enlargement of his eyes as he stared shockingly at me, diminishing that bored expression he usually wore.
I know I am not native Chinese so I probably gave him a scare, but I am pretty sure he understood what I said.
“My name is NaNa, what is yours?” I asked him in Chinese, since my first question went unanswered.
He blinked at me once, twice, and a third time before stuttering out YiXing, Zhang YiXing.
His voice was incredibly soft, but even through his nervousness; I caught a tone of playfulness.
“YiXing, I decided that maybe you need my help, I know this is a little forward, but here, you need to know English to survive, I was wondering if you would like me to tutor you?”
“In Engrish?” he asked.
“Yes in English,” I corrected him.
It turned out he was nearly impossible to teach!
Always asking a question and then answering it himself, stuttering over his sentences, staring out into space for major periods of time while I was trying to teach him the English alphabet.
“YiXing! Can you focus, just today, can you please focus?” I practically begged him.
He looked at me with nearly blank eyes before blinking and focusing them on me.
“I am sorry, I can’t seem to concentrate right now.”
“When can you ever seem to concentrate?”
Ok maybe that was harsh, but seriously, this was only the first week of my tutoring him, and he is nearly impossible!
“Ouch,” he mumbled out.
I looked up at him, feeling slightly bad that I may have hurt his feelings, only to catch him smiling to himself.
“What are you smiling about?” He looked at me and smiled brighter, showing his straight white teeth.
“I said ‘Ouch’, when do I ever get to use that word, huh?” he laughed out.
I am telling you this kid is weird…
“Why are you asking me how many times you get to use that word? Do you never get hurt?” I watched as his eyes widen vaguely before he let out a nervous chuckle.
“Of course, I get hurt…” he left it at that.
I just shook my head at him, wondering where this conversation was going.
“You know what, let’s go out, I feel like we are not getting anywhere with this tutoring thing. Let’s go, relieve some stress? Ok?”
He shook his head and gathered his things to put in his messenger bag, “Let’s go,” he stated, walking with me from the library.
“So you dance and sing?” I asked him as we sat at Café Du Monde, a nice outside café that served fried doughnuts.
“Yes, I play guitar as well,” I watched him say this with flattering confidence.
“Oh really, maybe you should show me sometime?”
There goes that confidence…right out the window it flew as he stuttered over his excuses for why he can’t show me his guitar skills.
“Well, you know, I…have that thing…so I, can’t really,” he stuttered on.
“It’s ok, YiXing, whenever you are ready, I can wait,” I smiled at his cuteness…cuteness?
“Why are you in medicine?” he asked me, changing the subject.
“Why not? I like helping people, and I am at least guaranteed a job in that department,” I explained.
“Do you like healing people?”
“Yes, I do, it is quite agonizing to watch people in pain, but it is a part of everyday life.”
“On this planet, everyone suffers simultaneously?” 
“YiXing, are you from another planet? Of course everyone suffers, you should know that,” I laughed at him.
I listened to another nervous chuckle of his as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I know that.”
“What are the first 15 alphabets in English?” I asked him the next week of tutoring.
“A, B, C, D, E, F, J, H, E…wait I said ‘E’ already,” he mumbled to himself.
I let out an exasperated sigh. What is this? Week two, and he still can’t get pass ‘F’ without messing up!
“YiXing,” I started calmly, “Do you enjoy not being able to speak to anyone on this campus, but me?”
“I can spell cat,” he said out of the blue. 
It’s like he can sense I am getting irritated with him. Every time I ask this question, he always diverts it by saying he can spell an English word.
I have to admit, it is quite cute, well he is quite cute, but annoying!
“Oh really, why don’t you give it a try,” I entertained him.
He smiled before pouting his lips, a habit he had when he was trying to say anything in English, “C…A…um…C, A…”
“It’s ‘T’, the other letter is ‘T’. How can you try to spell a word with a letter in it that we haven’t even gotten to yet?”
“But I was watching ‘Dora the Explorer’ and she spelled ‘cat’ so I thought, I would remember since,”
“Why were you watching ‘Dora the Explorer’? That is for kids who want to learn a little Spanish, not English!” 
My goodness, this guy, he is so forgetful!
“Sorry, NaNa, why are you so impatient?” he muttered out, before looking at the clock and saying he had to go.
“Our lesson isn’t finished yet, where are you going?” I ignored what he said.
“I have to go to the hospital,” he said not bothering to look at me.
“For?” did he really have to be so vague?
“I, uh, have treatments, and uh, well, I have to get them,” he explained.
I gave him a once over, but decided not to ask about it further, he did have a private life that was none of my business.
“Ok, well then make sure you study the first fifteen letters please, when you get home,” I told him.
He gave me a small smile before gathering his things and leaving.
“How about we become friends?” he asked me the next week.
I had been hanging out with him more than I ought to have, but he was kind of addicting and funny.
“Why would you want to be my friend?”
“Because you are patient with me…to a point,” he smiled out.
“You have a very deep dimple,” where did that come from? Hanging around him so much is making me become random.
“Do you think it is cute?” he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
“Any guy with dimples is cute,” I played it off. He scoffed at me before mumbling his was better.
“You know what, I will be your friend if you recite all letters, spell your whole name in English, count the numbers up to twenty, and write it all out,” I challenged him.
“I can do that!”
“Then do it, and you will be able to call me your very best friend!”
Little did I know, but he could actually do it. He paid attention through tutoring and listened to everything I told him.
As a matter of fact, the more he paid attention, the harder it was for me to tutor him…I kept noticing his habits while in concentration. 
Those same habits that proved to be my downfall…


A/N: Well guys that was the first boring installment of ‘Does That Answer Your Question?’ it is kind of ironic that the story is entitled this, because if any of you had questions that you may have wanted answered, it is being answered now.
Which leads me to ask: If you read anything in the original oneshot that you wanted elaborated, feel free to PM me or write on my wall any request that you might want to see in the following parts of this story.
Of course you can always COMMENT and ask your question, but many people are in the habit of not commenting…not that I am complaining…but I am complaining…
Look forward to part two of ‘Does That Answer Your Question’!!!


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Part Two has been posted!!!


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LemyNalla_ #1
Ooooooohh congrats
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 1: hahaha Lay is adorable
--oreos #5
omg i love lay!
Chapter 1: I love the fact that she doesn't really have much patience jet she's helping him improve his Engrish lol
Chapter 1: ooooooooooooooh me gusta me gusta me gustaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
Chapter 2: Still love it!

I have to go read the other parts. :D
This fic omfg *makes whale sounds*
I love this it's so cute and URGH LAYYYYYYYYYY YOU BEAUTIFUL BBY ;A;
Off to read part two :) (it's great so far, btw! ^^)