I'll be your Shining Knight

I'll be your Shining Knight


You cringed everytime a slanderous word hit you. You were walking out of your classroom and you couldn’t help but hear all the mean comments about you from the group of popular girls. They were ulzzang’s from the internet, they were daddys little girl, they were mean girls, and they picked on you unmercifully. Your family wasn’t like theirs. You weren’t poor, but you didn’t have a big house or fancy clothes like they did. You had to work in order to put yourself through college you didn’t get a free ride. 

“I bet she gets her clothes from good will.” one of them snickered. It was true, you basically wore jeans and a tee shirt to class, there were no expensive brands, not frilly dresses, nothing that made you stand out. Mostly because once you left class you were running to your job to catch any extra shifts you could for extra money. Non of these girls would know hard work if it bit them in the face. 

Your one saving grace was Hangeng. He was a foreigner to this country, just like you were. Your parents immigrated to south korea when you were almost out of high school. The cultural change was a shock. You knew how to speak korean, but you always felt like an outsider. Something you and Hangeng had in common. He missed his homeland of China and would spend hours telling you about where he grew up, what it was like in the opera school, and display his dancing ability for you when you begged him to. You liked his traditional dances more than some of the dances he did with Super Junior. 

“Ahn young _______-ah.” the voice snapped you out of your day dream. It was Hangeng. He just appeared out of no where.

“Oppa what are you doing here?? You can’t just walk around the streets by yourself.” you reprimanded. 

“Well, I wasn’t going to, I was going to walk with you if you’d let me.” he said gently. “I haven’t seen you for two days. I sort of missed you.” he said bashfully. HanGeng wasn’t as forward about his feeling as perhaps some of the other members of Super Junior. He always tested the waters for a good bit before he decided if he liked someone or not. You just happened to stick around long enough for him to figure out he liked you. He liked you a lot. On your first date he sang to you in mandarin. It was beautiful. His voice was very low, very hushed, but it was strong. You loved it. 

“I’m sorry Oppa, I didn’t mean to sound like I was angry. I just didn’t want you to get mobbed or anything. Or get in trouble with your manager hyung for being here.” 

“He knows I’m here. He’s the one who dropped me off. I appreciate you being so worried about me though. Makes me feel special.” he blushed. You smiled.

“You are special Oppa. To me.” he laughed a little embarrassed and looked away from you so you couldn’t see how much he was blushing.

“Can I.. hold your hand?” he asked boyishly. You smiled and nodded to him, holding your hand out. He took it in his and you were amazed at how his hand felt. It wasn’t completely soft, like he’d never done a hard days work in his life, but it wasn’t completely rough either, like he had no upbringing. It was somewhere in the middle. He worked really hard, but also tried hard to take care of himself, appearance wise for his career. 

“Thank you for walking to work with me Oppa.” you said after a few minutes silence. He smiled at you.

“You have really soft hands for somebody who has your job. I would think they would be rough from all the water you work with every day. You smiled ruefully, if he only knew how much lotion you put on your hands so that they wouldn’t feel like leather, or wrinkled and pruney. 

“I try.” you said shortly. He looked at you.

“Hey c’mon. Don’t be ashamed of your job. You are a true woman compared to the kids you go to class with. They wouldn’t know the meaning of money if something Kami forbid happened to their parents right now. They’d probably have a trust fund take care of them the rest of their life. They can’t appreciate things like you can. You’re one of a kind in your class _______-ah.” You tried to smile. “C’mooon you look so much better when you smile. Your pretty already, be gorgeous and smile for me.” he urged. Your cracked a grin and finally smiled to his unique laugh. 

“Oh well isn’t this cute.” you saw people step out of the shadows of a dark alley. The sun had already gone down and usually, you were at work already. You tried to be there by night fall to make the evening crowd even though your shift didn’t start that early. 

You both stopped and waited. You recognized two of the girls from your History and Lit classes at college. The huge guy they were with you didn’t know, and didn’t think he’d got to school ever in his life from the looks of him. HanGeng held onto your hand tighter and assured you it would be okay. 

“Please let us by.” you said firmly. 

“Oh isn’t that adorable, she said please. And what if we say no.” she said teasing you.

“Then we’ll cross the street and go around. Either way I have to get to work.” you answered.

“She’s got some fire in her. And who’s your little boy toy that he keeps his mout shut so obediently. You look real fine. Why are you with this nobody like her.” the other girl asked. 

“I don’t owe you an explanation for anything, now are you going to move like the young lady asked nicely or do we have to go around?” you looked out of the corner of your eye at Hangeng. He’d never spoken in that tone around you before and it was very manly. You smiled at him. 

“And why should we?” the first girl shot back.

“Because you don’t own the side walk, and you certainly don’t own my time. And it’s being wasted by talking to you.” you started to go around them and Hangeng came with you. One of the girls grabbed onto Hangengs other arm and tried to pull him out of your grip.

“Come on pretty boy. Come with me and my friend and I will show you what a real woman acts like.” You were outraged and quite unlike you, you pushed her off of his arm to where she almost fell onto the side walk.

“Don’t you ever dare touch my boyfriend again do you understand me? You may strut around school like hot , but you don’t know anything and I feel bad for you when you’re left to make your own decisions. I’m not afraid of you. We’re outside school, whatever happens to you out here happens to you. It’s all in self defense. Now are you gonna keep this up or are you gonna go pick on someone else.” you looked and felt fierce. You’d never been so bold before. But when Hangeng was threatened to be taken away from you, your inner beast came out and showed it’s fangs.

“Let’s go and leave these losers to each other.” the other girl said helping the first girl up. The big guy humphed at Hangeng and followed them back down the alley. 

When they were gone you collapsed into a heap barely breathing. Hangeng picked you up around the waist and laughing his special laugh spun you around.

”_______-ah that was amazing! I didn’t know you were such a fierce combatant. Hopefully I never make you that mad.” he joked taking your hand again and walking with you.

“I was afraid. The whole time I was shaking in my shoes but you were in trouble, sorta, and I wasn’t going to let her push me around anymore. Hopefully now she’ll leave me alone. Now I need you to do something for me.” 

“Anything.” he smiled.

“Help me explain to my boss why I’m late.” you smiled half heartedly.

“Deal.” he smirked and squeezing your hand, walked on.

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