Chapter 1

A Killer Love (Baekhyun story)


"You have to find this girl and kill her 
you got that?!" Suho yelled.
"I understand." Baekhyun replied as he stared at the picture of his target. Long brown hair with streaks of blonde hair. She also had a nice petite body which gave her a cute chic look. Baekhyun walked off with the picture in his hands. He quickly grabbed some guns, knives and explosives for his mission.
It was dark in the hall of the assasin's dorm, shrouding what dark secrets it held. From
The outside it looked like a nice innocent convenience store, but behind those secret doors held an assassin base. Baekhyun slowly walked towards his black sports car which glistened in the sunlight. It was too bright for his liking anyway. He thought of a perfect plan, one that could easily snatch his prey. Apparently this girl was in highschool and being 17 made him the perfect candidate for camouflage. After attending her highschool he would become her best friend and trick her into falling for him. Then he would finally have her wrapped around his fingers. He chuckled at his smart thinking and drove off. 
"School is so damn boring..." Chaekyung  complained. It was the middle of the day and she had just finished taking a big test. "Oh c'mon lighten up! " her friend Shin-wa responded. "It's Friday, so after school let's hang out!" 
"Alright." Chaekyung groaned. She was super annoyed and pissed. Why? Well first of all the hard test and the boiling hot-as-sin weather. She looked at the window and saw her reflection through the glass. Weird brown blonde hair and short figure.  Well aren't I just gorgeous she sighed to herself. She had been single all her life even during her freshman year. Sure she ha plenty of friends but she wanted someone to lean on, someone to love, someone who cared. Being lost in her thoughts she didn't realize class had started. "Park Chaekyung!" the teacher shrieked.  "S-Sorry!" She stumbled, warning a couple smirks and laughs. "Pay attention!!" The teacher yelled again. Chaekyung turned rolling her eyes in annoyance.
 ~After School~
"TO THE STREETS!!" Shin-wa yelled. Chaekyung laughed at her humorous friend. They ran off to the shops and fast food sellers on the streets of Seoul. Smells and the sound of desperate vendors traveled everywhere. Meanwhile, Baekhyun was stopping by for a quick snack. "One deokbukki please." he ordered. As he sat in the tent he noticed something. That girl... Looks like the one in my picture. He narrowed his eyes just to be sure and his guess was right. Forgetting about his food he dropped the money and quickly ran after her. She was laughing along with someone who seemed like her friend.   "Um Chaekyung I think that guy is following us.." her friend eyed baekhyun suspiciously. "Mwo? She turned in my direction and a weird expression covered her face. "Can I help you.?" Chaekyung asked. Baekhyun though fast.. "Um yeah do you guys attend EXO highschool? " seemed like a decent question to ask. 
"Yes we do!" Chaekyung nodded. "Well I'm new and was wondering if you guys could show me around." baekhyun asked flashing a smile.  
"Sure.." Chaekyung replied with a unsure tone.  This guy is pretty handsome and looks sweet,  but something about him is unsettling..  she thought. She looked over at Shin-wa who looked please that such a good looking guy was tagging along.  Looking over her shoulder she realized they didn't even know his name.
  "Hey i never got your name!" She smiled. 
"It's Baekhyun." He replied slowly.    "That's a cute name. Keke." Chaekyung complimented. Even though he was a stranger she would love to make a new friend. "And I'm Shin-wa" Her friend beamed. "Nice to meet you Shin-wa." Baekhyun smiled, making her blush. She was such a er for good-looking guys. "Now that we know each other a bit better, let's tour around shall we?" Chaekyung asked. "Let's go!" Shin-wa and Baekhyun replied with ethusiasim.  They toured shops, ate snacks, and sang karaoake together. "WOW Baekhyun you have an amazing voice! You sing amazingly!" Chaekyung gasped. Baekhyun smiled sheepishly and said "kumawo Chaekyung." Chaekyung giggled in delight. Shin-wa left early so it was just the two of them.  "Well it's getting late... So i should go.. Annyeong Baekhyun!" Chaekyung waved goodbye. "Wait," Baekhyun started, "Since it's dark I'll walk you home. No buts!" 
"Whatever you say! Thank you." Chaekyung laughed. Maybe I'm wrong about him.. He's so kind, and I like that! I hope we can become closer... Chaekyung thought.     
"Let's go." Baekhyun spoke with urgency in his voice. So far so good he thought My mission will be over before i know it... Too bad I won't be seeing her smile... It makes me warm inside...   Baekhyun shook his head. What was he thinking?! 


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