Chapter 2 ~ Got a date?

Mechanical Heart

"Lin! what's taking you so long?!! You've been there for like 15 minutes already!!"
"Okay okay I'm coming out!!" Lin opened the door and stepped out of the changing room in a wavy blue dress.
"Nice.." Jin smirked, observing her dress from top to bottom.
"I knew you'd say that," Lin winked, then dragged her friend back to the dress section.
"Yah!! What are you doing?!!"
"Your turn~" she said with a playful tone.
"Linji.. I'm not going.." Jin stopped in her tracks and turned around to face her friend, "I don't even have a date.."
"Yet." added Lin, "I'm sure someone would want to go with you.. Now hurry up and pick a dress or I'm picking one for you."
Jin glared at her, then started searching for a good dress.


"Bacon!! You going to the dance?"
"Don't know, don't have a date yet.. You?"
"I'm not if you're not.."
"Luhan, we've been over this for like the 50th time. Go get yourself a date and go to the Winter Dance!! There's gotta be someone out there who'd want to go with you."
"Yeah.. *chuckles* a bunch of girls who I don't even know.."
"Urghh.. Fine.. You know Chanyeol's sister right?"
"I guess.. I've seen her a couple of times before."
"Well I don't think she has a date yet either so how about you go with her?"
"Baekhyun.. I don't know her.."
"Relax, me and Chanyeol will be there with you. At least you'll be with someone you've actually met."
"Yeah hha, about that.. Chanyeol's sis & I haven't met.."
"Uh.. Baekhyun?"
"Yah, namja, I just facepalmed myself."
"Chillax man.."
"Okay how about I introduce you two to each other. Sound good?"
"I guess.. I got nothing else to do anyway."
"Great!! Tomorrow, mall, 6a.m. I'll see you there"
"Why so early??"


"You did what??" exclaimed Jin. Baekhyun & Lin as Chanyeol laughed in a corner.
"But I don't even know this guy!! How am I supposed to go to the dance with him when I'm not even sure I can get along with him?"
she fell on the couch. She didn't want to go to the dance, nor even get a partner in that matter.
"You'll be fine. Luhan'll probably be awkward around you as you'll be around him."
"Then how am I supposed to talk to him? I heard a lot of girls are chasing after him, why not one of his crazy fangirls??"
"He needs to go with someone that he knows or he wouldn't go to the dance."
"But I've never met him! And what's wrong with not going to the dance?" Baekhyun tilted his head and gave her a look.
"You'll be forever alone. As simple as that."
Jin gave of the 'daheck' look and Baekhyun continued,
"Look, I'm too lazy to think of anything right now.. Just show up tomorrow, kay? The both of you!.." he looked at the Park siblings with a slightly serious face.
"Fine.." Jin slouched back on the couch as they continued with whatever it was they were doing earlier.



Chapter Twooooo~

Luhan's coming out soon~ yayy~ xD *okay i'll stop fangirling like an idiot now*

My other fic Reunion's on hiatus OTL I'll probably be updating this one more so please stay tuned *lol i always say this as if it's a must but really it sorta is*

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It's the readers' comments that inspire me to write better~ 

Kamsahamnidaa *bows*

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