You're My Eternity

You're My Eternity

Final Chapter/Chapter 1: You're My Eternity


Baekhyun's P.O.V

Its feels good to be back in Seoul. But, I miss her even more, Kim Illa. She's my girlfriend, its sad that we only got to spend 12 hours 6 minutes and 2 seconds together right after we are together. I've only got to see her through Skype, which is rare since I'd studies and she had to manage a shop and 11 crazy friends. 

Chanyeol was going to fetch me at the airport. He was supposed to be here 2 hours ago. What's taking him so long, did he asked Kris to accompany him? I hope not. Kris takes hours to just choose a complete attire, like seriously. No Tao please, he would be forcing all of us to buy him a Gucci bag.


I went to the Mc Donald to eat something, I'm hungry. I didn't eat my dinner as I was asleep when they where selling foods. As I walked into McD I saw them, I mean like seriously it was them. Oh god, I was waiting for hours and they were here eating, with glory.


"Park Chanyeol!" I growled, stomping my feet on the way to their table, pulling along my luggage with me.

"Ba..bae..baek-hyun," Chanyeol stuttered, scared. Yeah, you should be scared Park Chanyeol.

"I've been waiting 2 hours for you to pick me up! Do you know how long I had to stand there like a lost child?!" I practically strangled him, not to death, he's still my friend.

"I'm so sorry, since everyone was busy and the only people who were not are Kris and Tao. As everyone knew, Kris takes hours to choose his shirts, and we had arrived Tao was dragging us to the Gucci store. I'm really sorry, I was about to pick you up but this 2 wanted to eat first," He explained, why the hell are they the only one not busy? Like I thought, TaoRis and their antics.


Kris and Tao were bowing their head a little, apologizing. I nodded and simply went to buy my own Double Mc Chicken, my favorite. I just knew that they have Double Mc Chicken when I was at Australia. I thanked the worker before going to the table that Kris, Chanyeol and Tao seated.


Kris and Tao were saying what I miss when I was gone, Sehun and Luhan had graduated and the threw a party at the garden. No beverages as Illa didn't want to treat drunken people with huge hangovers the next day. But there was one where Chanyeol gone crazy when Kris gave him mints. I laughed my heads off -well not literally but hey it makes sense okay, so as I was saying I laughed my heads off when they said that Chanyeol wore diapers. I mean like seriously -oh my god just oh my god.


"Guys, you can shut up now," Chanyeol muttered, embarrassed. While me, Kris and Tao were laughing so hard.

"It's okay, Yeollie. Any ways lets go home, it's getting late," I patted his back as I stop laughing.

"Correction, it's already late," Kris said, pointing to his wristwatch.

"In that case, we need to go home now. Ppali!" I said, already getting up. Kris, Tao and Chanyeol followed suit.


Wait for me Illa, I'll be next to you tomorrow I thought as I was drifting of to dreamland.


Narrator's P.O.V


The sun shone brightly, the birds were chirping happily. The boy that was lying on the bed groaned a little before opening his eyes a little. A hand over his eyes, he get up and went to the bathroom grabbing a towel on the way. A few minutes after that, he had finished washing. Walked out with towel wrapped around his waist, his upper body being revealed.


He wore a black shirt imprinted 'I'm hot and I ain't gonna deny it'. Yeah, he is hot, and nobody is denying it. He smiled when he saw the picture of him and his girlfriend. He misses her like crazy, and was dying to see her. He quicken his pace to the kitchen, he open the refrigerator and take out cereal and milk. He put the cereals on a bowl and pour the milk onto it.


"Good morning Byun Baekhyun," He said to himself before eating his breakfast. He washes the bowl after finishes eating, like D.O he doesn't like messy things.


I lost my mind, nareul cheomannaseulttae, nol hannapege bogondoso get in slow motion~


Baekhyun hurriedly went to his phone that was charging in the living room.


"Babyyy~" Baekhyun cooed.

"Baekiee~" The voice on the other side replied, earning a chuckle from Baekhyun.

"I miss you sooooo much," Baekhyun pouted.

"I miss you too, the others missed you too,"

"I know I know, I'm hot like that," Baekhyun joked.

"Haha, not funny Baekiee, not funny," She sarcastically pointed out, making Baekhyun pouted.

"Awwww...anyway I'm coming over to the shop today," He said, fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Arrasso, see you later. Love you Baekiee," 

"Love you too,"


Baekhyun put down the phone and went to his room, changing into something more delicate. He sent Chanyeol with the text 'Bring the boys out, meet me at the cafe near Illa's shop in 5 minutes'. With that he went out, locked the doors and walked off.


When he arrives at the cafe, almost all the girls were checking him out. Not that he mind, he already had that certain someone in his heart. Since this was the 2nd time he went here, the foods and drinks that they sell were still strangers to him.


"May I have a slice of the cake of the day and one chocolate flushie," Baekhyun peered over the menu.

"Su..sure," The girl stuttered. After a few minutes she put a chocolate flushie and a slice of a red velvet cake.

"Tha..that would -" Before the girl had even finished saying the price, Baekhyun had already handed her the money. She blushed when their fingers touched, Baekhyun just shook his head in dismay.

"Hope you enjoy your meal!" The girl said, smiling over too cheerily.

"I already had a girlfriend, stop flirting with me," Baekhyun said coldly, walking away.


He sat down on one of the big table as he know, 12 people wouldn't fit around a small table. But it was a wrong choice as girls were surrounding him, flirting with him. Practically throwing themselves to him, but he just glared at them. The bell rings, 11 boys walked in. All the girls from his table quickly went to the 11 boys. Baekhyun looked at them amused, he smirked at his friends that were struggling to get away.


Minutes past and his friends were still standing there with the girls around them. He was getting impatient as he has to plan everything now. Baekhyun was about to shout at them but Kris had already slam his fist on a empty table nearby. Everyone stop what they were doing and looked at him, Kris cleared his throat and walked towards Baekhyun followed by the others.


"Finally, I thought I'll need to wait till next year," Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Damn girls this days, don't they know we hotties already had girlfriends?" Lay sighed.

"Dude, since when did you had a girlfriend? I thought Kris, Kai, Sehun, Luhan and Baekhyun only?" Tao asked.

"Hey, Suho also had one," Baekhyun quickly add, everyone glanced at the milky skin leader.

"She had remember, so that counts," Suho chuckled. His friends congrats him, and some hugged him.


Since they didn't want to go to the cashier cause they were too many girls, they called a waiter. Luckily there was a waiter that time.


"May I take your order?" The waiter smiled.

"3 bubble teas, 3 orange juices, 1 chocolate flushie, 2 iced lemon tea and 2 vanilla latte," Suho and Kris ordered for them.

"Okay, your orders would arrive in around 8 minutes," The waiter said and left.


After the waiter left, EXO chatted about how Illa was doing and all. And Suho's girlfriend, Seulki had also regained her memories. Well not actually memories as she was actually acting, and also Sehun got his girl back after leaving with his parents for awhile. Luhan and Kris were dating the famous Kow siblings, and Kai was in a relationship with his neighbor. Their orders arrived shortly after that.


"So, what did you want to talk about?" Luhan nudged Baekhyun.



At Illa's flower shop.


"Where's that Bacon?" Illa said as she searched the garden.

"Bacon, Bacon where are you?" Illa cooed.


Illa finally gave up after a few minutes, Bacon had lost again. The last time, Bacon went to Baekhyun's house. She need to get ready since Baekhyun would be coming over that afternoon. She sighed before went to her room to get ready. She chooses a purple sundress and wears a light make up. She checks herself in the mirror before she went to the garden again.


"Come out Bacon, come out come out where ever you are~" 


Bacon really did came out this time, Illa laughed at Bacon. There was a ribbon attached to its tail, Bacon went to Illa and meow-ed at her. Illa kneel down and released the ribbon, it had something written on it.


No matter how hard my life is, whenever I think of your face all my problems seems to go away


Illa was touched with the ribbon, at the other side of the ribbon it states Matoki Cafe. The cafe near her shop, she locked the shop before walks towards the cafe. On her way there, she met with Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, and Jongup. They were 4 of the 6 sons of the Matoki Cafe owner, 2 of them are Daehyun and Zelo. When she arrives at the cafe, it was dark there was no customer. She turned to leave but someone pulls her inside. The person turned her around and all the lights , there stood Luhan and Sehun.


Illa gasped cause they were so many gifts around them, the same person pushed her towards Luhan and Sehun. It was Zelo and Daehyun, the one that pushes her around. When she reached Luhan and Sehun she asked them what was happening but they were just smiling and giggling innocently. Luhan and Sehun thanked the blondies who were whistling and waving.


Luhan and Sehun brought Illa to the nearest pet store, Infinity Love. When she went in she saw the 7 lively boys of Infinite Love, they own the shop together. Myungsoo and Sungyeol went up to them and give them Monggu, it had a bow attached to its neck. Illa released the ribbon again, before reading the message.


Your smile can light up my whole world, I'm lucky to have you


Illa glares at Luhan and Sehun who were making kissy faces at her, 4 hands reached out to whacked the HunHan heads, Lay, Kai, Suho and D.O. Illa thanked the Infinite brothers before went out with Monggu. Monggu suddenly ran inside a colorful shop, Hello Venus Cake House. She remembers Yooyoung and Lime as they would always went to her shop to pick up some flowers to decorate their shop. Alice then went up to them and brought them towards a big cake where pictures of Baekhyun and Illa was imprinted on it. 


I just want to hold you in my arms, to kiss you under the sky full of stars


The sentences was on big letters in the middle of the big cake. Being they drama king Kai and Lay were, they fake tears and hugged each other. Xiumin and Chen suddenly pops out from the cake with Jonggu in their arms. Illa scream in horror when they popped out, Suho and D.O soothed her back. Luhan and Suho glared at Xiumin and Chen that was apologizing at Illa. She forgave them but scolded them for almost giving her a heart attack, again they apologized.


All of them guided Illa to the nearest restaurant, surprisingly it was Illa favorite restaurant. It is called Exotics Heaven. Tao and Kris were standing outside standing like bodyguards with their tux, all of them wore tux tonight. Surprisingly, Kai also wore the jacket, he would usually only wears the shirt. Tao and Kris greeted them and open both of the doors for Illa. EXO didn't follow her, they stayed outside wishing her good luck. Illa looked at them weirdly as she didn't know what she need luck in.


She continues on walking, every table she pass had words on them. She reached a table that had a letter on it, she curiously open it.


Look up, if I'm to hot for you, you may kiss me now


She chuckles at the letter before looking up. Baekhyun was in front of her, his face was just inches from getting their lips touches. Illa opens to say something but nothing came out, Baekhyun pinched her cheeks before backing up. Baekhyun lead her to the rooftop, there was a mat in the middle of the rooftop. A basket was placed near it. They sat there, Baekhyun went to the basket and takes out the things from inside the basket one by one.  First a muffin, Will. Second a cupcake, You. Third a cake, Marry. Then Baekhyun sit down beside the cake with a card written Me on it and signaled Illa to read it. 


Will You Marry Me?


Illa teared up before nodding her head, Baekhyun did a mini cheer before lifted her up and kissed her under the sky full of stars. EXO suddenly barged into the rooftop and hugged Illa and Baekhyun. Kai was playing with his dogs along with Lay. Baekhyun pulled Illa to sit in between his legs, and rested his head on her shoulder. Illa chuckled before pecks him making everyone that witness the scene gagged. Baekhyun gave Illa another card, it says,


You're My Eternity







The end.....




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Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Sooo sweet
so sweet......XD
Cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /squeal/ >///< I need to sleep. hehe. Fasting month! :D
:3 that was cute
OMG.. I THOUGHT U'D FINISHED ALREADY WITH THIS ONESHOT. hehehe. sorry but i was so into this ff. i'll be waiting! :)