Shiny New Toy


Hello~ I don't really know what to put in these. But I hope you enjoy the story. I will probably update quickly for a while, but school starts again soon and I have two other stories xD hehe anyways:) I hope you all enjoy.


"Do you think anybody here actually wants you? Do you think anybody here actually cares for you? NO! You are here to make us happy. You are here to do what we want. You are our shiny new toy that everybody wants to play with. Understand?" Taeyang yells. As if to signal that the conversation is over, he slams an old locker with his hand and turns to leave my 'room'.

They all say I should be grateful. That they saved my life. But I don't want to be alive if I have to live this way.


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xox_shomigomie_xox #1
Very details I see ;D
This is good, I like :D