Loving you from afar.

Can't see me as a Lover


TOP waited for Bom to finish the song,

"Mmmm" Bom mumbled while following the tune of the song.

"Mmmm" TOP imitated her, which made GD laugh.

"Hahaha you're both so cute" GD tap his temple with a pencil.


As soon as Bom walked out from the room, TOP happily jumped from his seat to hug BOM.

"Noona you're amazing!" TOP exclaimed as he hug her.

"You're an alien go away" She just playfuly pushed him and stuck her toungue out.

"But noona you're the alien." TOP grabbed her hand.

"Yah .. I'm not an alien" She pouted she pushed TOP away..

TOP just laughed, Bom was about to leave when TOP grab her hand.

"Noona ... can we talk?" TOP asked,

Bom titls her head and nods, "Sure"


TOP leads her to a room.

"So what is it Alien TOP?" She laughed.

But TOP didn't said a thing, he's just staring at Bom.

Bom grew really confused on TOP's actions, *TOP is serious right now, i wonder what happened?* She asked herself.

"What's wrong?" She ask.

"Noona i have something to tell you... " He breathe deeply,

"What is it?"

"I love you ..." TOP confessed.

Bom didn't answered right away, she just stared at the blushing TOP in front of him.

"Well i like you too TOP, we're both aliens right?" She joked.

"That's not it noona, i really like you..." TOP grab her hand and put it on he's chest.

Bom gasped from the sudden skinship TOP made.

She tried to pull her hand from his chest, but TOP only tightened his grip.

Bom can feel TOP's heart beat raise, Every beat represents how TOP really loves Bom.

She hug TOP and said, "Thanks for loving me TOP"

TOP was suprised, he hold Bom on her shoulders and stared at her.

"But .. Sorry i can't love you the way you love me" Bom continued.

Those words broke TOP's heart, shattering it in to many small pieces,

"I'll forget everything that happened this night, so that we can still continue our relationship as friends" Bom touched TOP's cheeks.

"But .. noona ..." TOP finally muttered as he feel Bom's touch.

"I'm really sorry TOP.. let's just be friends arasso?" Bom pulled her hand,

"Why, is there something wrong with me? i promise i'll change it for you noona" TOP decided to stop her from leaving.

"Ani .. there's nothing wrong with you, You're nice and all but the problem is my heart TOP.. i don't love you.." Bom said.

"It's ok noona ... after a while, i'm sure you can love me back" TOP felt tears fall from his eyes,

"Let's stop this TOP ... sorry i'm really sorry" Bom wiped TOP's tears

Bom step by step left the room, leaving the TOP alone, hurt from Bom's rejection.


"Noona ... " TOP muttered as he sat on the cold floor of the room.

TOP covered his face, tears freely flow from his cheeks,

Minutes later after what happened, Ji yong heard someone crying from a room.

As Jiyoung entered the room, he saw a devastated TOP crying on the ground.

"Whoa ..Hyung what happened to you.." Ji yong ran towards TOP.

"I confessed to Bom noona earlier, she rejected me..." TOP forced a smile, but it didn't work.

Ji yong slowly sat on the floor with him, "Well you have to accept that" He said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know, all this past years, the first time i laid my eyes upon her i know that i love her" He sighs

"i've been keeping it as a secret to myself, but now .. i blew it ... " TOP punched the wall,

Ji yong stopped him from punching the walls again, "stop hurting yourself, let's just call this a day, let's head back to the dorm"

He helped TOP to walk since his still depressed from what happened,


After you arrived in the dorm, Taeyang, Seungri and Daesung approached you and started

Bombarding you with questions, But Ji yong just glared at them to make them hush up.

After a few minutes of just staring at the walls, TOP decided to sleep without even talking.


The next day, TOP is forcing a smile in front of Bom,

"hyung are you okay?" Daesung asked as he saw TOP,

"I'm okay .... i'm okay ..." He stood up and walked away,

Taeyang sat besides Daesung who's staring at TOP, "What happened to him?" Taeyang asked, but Daesung just shrug his shoulders while shooking his head.


Bom noticed how TOP act so, she decided to talk to him,

"Come with me for a minute" Bom said with a smile,

TOP hesistated at first if he should go or not, but Bom didn't wait for any answer as he pulled TOP out of the room and went to the rooftop.


The rooftop is so peaceful, only TOP and Bom are occupying the whole space,

The weather is nice, the sun is bright yet it is not hot, winds blow nicely, making the trees sway softly,

"I thought we've already talked about this yesterday ..." Bom broke the awkward silence,

"You know that i can't do that noona ... " TOP said with a tone of disappointment.

"But we can't work like this TOP, we need to be professional in this type of job" She tried to explain but TOP just covered his ears with his hands.

"This is the reason why Sajangnim made a rule that dating is not allowed within the company ... " She walked towards TOP.

"That's what i hate the most noona, All this years i've been keeping my feelings for you as a secret, but yesterday .. i felt really jealous whenever you are paired with other guys ... " He exclaimed to letout all his frustrations,

"All i want is you, ... i want you noona .. i need you ...  whenever you're away, my heart is turning to dust ... i love you noona, i don't know what to do anymore" For the first time, Bom saw TOP crying, this is the first time TOP cried in front of other people instead of his bandmates,

Bom slowly walked towards TOP and hugged him,

"Shh ... stop ... it hurts me to see you like this .." Bom whispered as she continue to comfort TOP.

TOP hugged Bom tightly, he didn't want to let go of Bom, he wants to stop the time from moving even if it's just for a day,

He wants Bom to stay by his side, Bom didn't know what to do after TOP hugged her, she just let TOP to hold him like that,

Wishing that he'll calm down after this.

"You know .. i really appreciate the feelings you have for me .." Bom said as TOP still hugs him.

Bom felt TOP's hug loosened, TOP stared at Bom's eyes.

"If you're asking why, well it's because it feels good whenever someone treats you like that" Bom explained as she stare at the blue sky above,

"But ... why did you said that i should stop all this .... things ... " TOP looks so defeated right now, words didn't seem to fit his image at all,

"Well because i love you as a friend, and that's all i can say to you.. " Bom looked at you with a smile on her face,

"That is the smile that always gives my heart the warmth it needs" TOP said as a smile slowly formed in his face,

"Hahaha you're quite a sweet talker eh" Bom said as he slap TOP's arm playfully

TOP smiled as he see Bom's face, "I hope you can see me as Choi Seunghyun and not TOP of Bigbang" He whispered,

"Did you say anything?" She asked.

He just shook his head and closed his eyes,

*Park Bom ... this is the reason why i fell in love with you, your smiles always gives me a boost everytime i feel so down,

I may not get your hand this day, but i'll surely in the future will ask for your heart and proudly shout at the whole world

That i'm the luckiest man that Park Bom choosed* He whispered in his head.


Days passed swiftly, TOP and Bom came back with their cute and happy smiles again,

Whenever TOP saw Bom, He always ran towards her and teases her.

Bom sometimes do it and it always make TOP laugh and sometimes blush.


TOP stares at Bom whose singing on the stage,

His eyes focused on Bom's graceful moves,

*Time doesn't matter to me anymore, as long as i can see you this close, i'm satisfied with it,

I'll wait for your answer even if it takes years, even if it means that i have to keep in loving you from afar*

TOP said to himself as he smile at Bom's performance ...




I'm quite suprised that the ending seems to be a happy-ish type.

I'm expecting this fic to be a sad one, but it turned out different .. hmmm weird..


Anyways hope you still like it :))


i personally ship this two YG talents :))


aahahaha but i would much like it if BOM is paired with me :))


i love you Park Bom ><


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haneul024 #1
Chapter 1: Love it but i wish you van make a sequel that bom finally accept top's feeling .. you i'm topbin shipper and iwant them together always hehehee
wendy15 #2
i super love it!! topbom ftw!!
Aww!!! cute... ♥
bellaxvita #4
kyaa me too,,I also love topbom pairing <3 <3
nuest4ever #5
I love Bom and Top fics
Waiting for the chapters!!! :)