Chapter One

Thin Line

JiYong sat staring miserably at the computer screen.

Delete. Delete. Delete.

Three down, 597 more to go.

Half of the emails were fanmail, the other was some american crap, either way, if he didn't know the sender, he didn't bother reading it.

An hour passed.

He only had about 200 more to delete when he seen a familiar adress.

[email protected]

He clicked on it and a small letter popped up.

Dearest JiYong,

   My parents are going to Canada for vacation and I don't wanna go cause I don't like mooses.

                                                                                        Love Jin :3

He stared at the screen in disbelief.

Jin was his best childhood friend, but they hadn't talked much since fame took over JiYong's life.

JiYong replied to the email,

"Yo, Jin, where are you gonna go? I know your parents don't let you stay home alone since that forest fire incident."

He pressed send. 

He went back to his inbox and deleted more emials. When they were all deleted he reloaded his inbox and seen a new message.

"Let's not talk about that. Poor trees. PLUS I PROBABLY KILLED LIKE, 45893745 ANIMALS TOO.

Anyway, I was wondering if I could come with you to Japan for your Electic Love tour. We need some quality time and I'm fine with being on a bus.


JiYong Thought about it for a minute, hands frozen on the keyboard. 

After a minute, he wrote,

Sure. Come to lunch with the rest of the group tomorrow at Cafe Stellar at 11:30 so we can discuss the matter at hand.


He blinked and his eyes burned, time for bed. 

He needed his sleep.

Introducing Jin to the rest of the guys would be hard,

making them like him would be harder,

keeping Jin off of them will be nearly impossible.

He was gay afterall.



AN: This chapter was really short.

I don't like that. . . . . . . .

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Iheartlife #2
interesting... :D
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Oh, sorry, am I disgracing this lovely peice of art with Justing Biebers failness?<br />
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For, that, I am sorry. I will apoligize on his behalf for his gayness.<br />
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Anywho, back to less gay... er, well, more like openly gay matters.<br />
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Jin sounds pretty cool. Well, he is cool, seeing as I know what happens in the next two chapters... heehee.<br />
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Oh yeah, go read that fic I told you about... :P<br />
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(3rd chapter... all . O_______o)