The Plane Ride


Narrator P.O.V

You fell asleep soon as you took your seat. You were so exhausted from what happened. Before you went to sleep you thought about your parents and Ailee. This is for the best. When you woke up, you noticed that you were leaning on something, no on a someone, and that someone's head was on yours. You carefully took head away from his shoulder so he wouldn't wake up. Phew good thing he didn't wake up.

You saw that this guy had black hair, slightly pointed nose, and pink lips.


"Why?" This guy said softly in his sleep. It reminded you of Ailee on the roof. Her voice repeated in your head."I'm finished. Why? How come?" It echoed in your head, then suddenly the guy wakes up.

"What time is it?" the guy asks while yawning.

You checked your phone, "Its almost 7 in the morning in America, but I don't know about Korea's time."

"Oh, okay," he started stretching his arms, while doing so he almost hit you in the head.

"Hey! Watched it!" You ducked from his arms.

He said sorry carelessly, as if he didn't really mean it. You looked at his face then towards his eyes. You looked away before he noticed. Wow, his eyes are really pretty. Wait, what am I thinking? This guy is a total stranger. Then he glanced at you for a few seconds. "So this is the person that fell on my shoulder," he said. You turned your face towards him, but turned it away when you saw he wasn't looking at you.

"Uhh, yeah. I guess," You wondered how you did that. I was sure that there wasn't anyone sitting next to me. 

"Well, don't do that again. I hate when people touch me. Especially by strangers." he said coldly.

"It's not like I did it on purpose!" You said almost at a yelling tone, you remembered that there are other passengers on board. "Plus I didn't even know that I had someone sitting next to me."

"Okay, just don't do that EVER again," he said putting emphasis on the word ever.

"It's not like we're going to meet each other again," you said in a whisper voice, but he could still hear what you said.

"Yeah, your right about something," he said. You glanced at him with an are-you-serious look, then scoffed crossing your arms. Arrogant much? (Aron's thoughts are blue) Ugghh! Who does she think she is? Just fall on my shoulder without me knowing who you are? He looked at you carefully, he looked in your eyes. You knew that he was staring at you so you looked at him back. But say, she's pretty cute though.

"Who are you anyway?" You asked him." And why are you looking at my that way?" You looked at his eyes. They are really pretty. ________ get back to Earth!

"I'm-" he started to say.

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I'm thinking that you guys are probably wondering where is Jonghyun....


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Chapter 14: update pleeaseee~ can't waiiiitt ^^
Jenni1206 #2
Chapter 14: Please update soon!!!!
Love4ever #3
I LOVE this story <3 I hope she ends up with Aron or Minhyun (Aron cuz he's my bias and Minhyun cuz he's so cute in this story ^^)
Chapter 14: i hope she ends up with Minhyun or JR or Baekho!~
LOL. In your chapter 8 I read Hey wassup loser the same time Minhyun said it in the music. xD
DLite4Life #6
i love it. :)
pretty nice story...
pretty nice story...
Hope ___ will end up with JR or REN^^Haha , by the way do update soon!:D