The Boy that Cried Wolf

The Boy That Cried Wolf

Even though the sun wasn't up yet, Jong up awoke from his sleep and packed his belongings in a big bag. He had already told his little brother, Zelo, that he was leaving on this journey to learn about the world. When Jong Up was ready, he wen up to Zelo's room and quietly slipped in. He slowly shook Zelo to awaken him from his slumber.

"Who is this?" mumbled Zelo. He wiped his eyes and yawned. "Oh it's just you hyung."

Jong Up smiled and rubbed Zelo's bed head.

"Hyung make sure to come back ok." said Zelo quietly.

"I will. I promise I'll come bak in a year ok." whispered Jong Up. He quickly patted Zelo and left his room.

Jong Up cooked up a small breakfast and covered it for Zelo. He then wrote a small note and left it on their small kitchen table. Jong Up smiled and looked at the little cottae one more time. He gave a deep sigh and left the house. While walking away, he waved goodbye at the house.


When the sun rose over the horizon, Zelo awoke to a quiet morning. It was usually loud when Jong Up was around. Zelo changed into his clothes and walked downstairs into the kitchen. He looked at the breakfast and note Jong Up left for him and gave a long sigh.

Zelo picked up the note and read the short note. "Hey Zelo, make sure to take care of all the animals while I'm gone. Letely I've heard about a wolf roaming the area so take good care of the sheep when their grazing. Also, don't burn down the house while I'm gone. I know how much of a bad cook you are so I left my cookbook home for you to look at. Hope you like the breakfast. Don't miss me too much and take care of yourself. -Jong Up."

Zelo pouted. "I know that already idiot." he said. He then got his hat and walked outside the house to tend to the sheep.

He let them out into the pasture and watched them as they grazed and ran through the soft grass. Zelo sat in the fence whistling to himself. Usually Jong Up would sneak up behind Zelo and joke around with Zelo but now it as silent. Zelo was all alone with his sheep.

"Well looks like the sheep are fine." Zelo jumped off the fence and whistled for his dog Fetch to come watch the sheep. The dog ran cheerfully towards Zelo and stood gaurd while watching the sheep.

"Usually hyung would help me do this job but it looks it just you and me Fetch." sighed Zelo.

Fetch ran up to Zelo and jumped on him. It knocked him down and Fetch his face. Zelo giggled and pet Fetch.

"I guess you can see that I'm all alone now. But don't worry, I still have you." he said.

Fetch barked in happiness and ran to watch the sheep.

Zelo smiled and walked into the house for breakfast. It was his favorite breakfast that Jong Up only did for special occasions. He ate quitly on the little kitchen table. Usually Jong Up would for not finishing his breakfast but Zelo ate all of it. A tear went down his face.

"I'm such an idiot." he said to himself.

He then washed up and tended to the other animals.


While Zelo was in his gardeb picking cherry tomatoes, he remembered what his friend Young Jae said to him, "When you're alone, joke around. Have some fun."

Zelo smiled. "That might be a good idea." He then raced into his house and washed his cherry tomatoes.

He looked at the note that Jong Up had left for him and read it again.

"A wolf? This could be a good way to prank the village poeple." smirked Zelo to himself. "Alright! Even if Hyung isn't here, I can still have fun!"


Soon the clock 6 at night...

Zelo ran through the town square and yelled, "There's a wolf stealing my sheep! Please help me anyone!" He had a big grinn on his face. Soon, many people were following him to his small farm in the outskirts of town.

Everyone looked all over the pasture for the wolf when all of the sudden Zelo started laughing. "You people are all fools!" he yelled.

Everyone looked up at the boy and knew what had happened. They had been been tricked. They stepped out of the feild and chased Zelo throughout his little farm.

Zelo was still young so he was swift when it came to running. He ran around his little cottage until soon everyone left. Zelo watched them leave and snickered loudly.

"I should do this again." he said to himself. He then went to bed in his old little cottage.

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