I'm Attracted To Him


You never really cared what anyone thought of you. 

You never really cared about love anymore (and didn't plan to ethier) or all those other things.

All you cared about was pleasing your parents that were dead.



Until you met him. 



Shin Jaekyung (You) -

-sorry, I just like putting an actual name instead of leaving a blank like __ (not that I have a problem with that). But if your bothered, just take out Jaekhyung's name and fill in yours--

Not much of a talker. Instead of pleasing other's first, you always need to please yourself.

You know your cold-hearted and always blame other's but you don't mind.

But when it comes to someone you love, you turn into someone new.

You love video games, and study well. 

Age: 18 



Complete Jerk.

He thinks his looks can be the answer to everything.

He loves the most random things.

He's horrible in school but his personality is just worse. 

Age: 19

Rest Of EXO-

Nice guys who always stay by your side when your hurt, or down.

Without them, you wouldn't have the kind heart of yours be shown.





A/N: Hi Guys~! I just started my first story.. FYI I have no idea where this is going but I need to improve my writing. Caution - There May Be Some Foul Language.

Sorry for any gramatical errors and etc. I at writing hehe ^_^

Anyways, I hope you enjoy my story! I'll update asap! Enjoy~!


© Copyright - Story By lubiks_cube
You may not copy the story in anyway unless I give you permission.

I do not own EXO, or Luhan, or any other characters. (Although in my world, I own luhan and exo. Too bad that isn't the real world. le sighh). 


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nobodiesbae #1
Please Continue Writing!(: Fighting!
kyungsquishysoo #2
Hmmm maybe one of the infinite boys? 3: as for girls im not really into girl groups but maybe somebody from f(x)? XD
SadisticSinner #3
Hey!~ If you'll ever need a poster/CC/CP/background feel free to come and request from ☆Dark Imagination☆ Graphic Request Shop~
Request from me or the other staff ^-^ Thank you.
toshpham #4
i'll miss this story if its gonneee :(
NO NO!! You should continue it, author-nim ><
I know you can :) please dont leave this ><
I know how hard those school things are. Dont take lotta stress for this story ;)
kyungsquishysoo #6
I want you to continue!!! DD: but if it's too much stress then don't force yourself.
ohsehtan #7
I want you to continue, but if you can't it's okay.
The story is really great though!
...I think you should continue.
But it's okay if you can't. I know it's hard to write more when you don't know what's going to happen next yourself.
Whatever your decision is, I'll be okay with it ^^
kyungsquishysoo #9
:O what's so special about it lol